Telling the truth equals damage control? are you actually trying to tell me that if somebody get something right once everything they said after that should be believed? i hope not because i would hate to think you where lacking in common sense to that degree. All i see are the facts 'anon' edge devs :xbox1 can only do 900p Forza 5:1080p 60 FPS Do you see why i have a problem with what Edge are saying now? Clearly the xb1 CAN do 1080p and with 60 FPS to boot. the problem is your logic mate: ONE game on the XB1 is not 1080p so therefore the XB1 cannot do 1080p........Â
Then forza 5 comes along and smashes straight through that logic like a cellular cased guided bomb. And i love how you try and twist the edge article into being Specifically about ryse, where did they mention ryse?oh , they didn't. Call it damage control all you like the truth is that you are one of these people who has to get the last word in even if it means twisting the facts to fit your argument. Feel free to get the last word in, i don't care:)delta3074
Come on dude you compare a no body posting on a board vs a leaker developer who want to remain anonimous and with good reasons.
Did i claim all games can't do 1080p.?
And just one game are you for real.?
Killer Instint 720p
Dead Rising 3 unconfirmed.
Titanfall unconfirmed developer stated that frames was king.
Ryse 900p.
So what basically is 1080p on xbox one.?
Forza mean sh** is a damn racing game that barely demand anything is gimped with baked effects,and enclosed stages baked car damage,is not impressive at all is a damn last gen game with better textures and 1080p.
The fact that there are first party games as low as 720p a damn fighting game prove how stupid your argument is,Forza is not a FPS is a racing game and i already proved how GPU can run those at more than double the speed they would a FPS in the same resolution because they lack a punch most of the time,the ason Drive Club runs slower is because is build like a FPS the engine demands more because effects are fully dynamic.
Once again because you miss it.
2560x1600 all of them.
Dirt ultra 4XAA 74 FPS
Crysis 25 FPS.
Metro 28 FPS
Total War 19 FPS.
Batman 45FPS
BF3 41 FPS.
As you can see Dirt 3 at the same resolution as Crysis runs 3 times faster,vs Total war almost 4 times faster.
They did not mention Ryse they mention 900p which you deny and complain about because it was a nameless developer,and just a day latter ryse is confirm to be 900p,even if the game wasn't Ryse you got to love how on the spot was Edge about 900p.
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