Super_Secret the guy who leaked all the info on ps3 slim, and had everything right has leaked info about cross game chat for psn, which may be in 3.0,information with held from vids untill later,( if anyone has noticed in every 3.0, video, the person previewing it has refused to go to the friends list at all, even though it states that it has been revamped)
heres what he says about cross game chat:
"Cross-game [voice] chat is in the works as part of Firmware 3.0. It wont be out during the summer, but assuming all goes well, it will be out well before the holidays. Current timeframe places it around September, but it's still very much a WIP(Work In Progress). If there are any major delays, that will slip and if there are very few delays at all, it might even arrive earlier, but don't bank on it as it is a lot more complicated than you might imagine. At this point, it's working quite well in the labs and supports several players at once.It's targeted to work with all past and future games that support ingame XMB, much like text chat.I'm not a betting man, but I wouldn't be surprised if the "slim" shipped with this firmware installed (that doesn't mean the slim will come first, remember)."heres what he said about ps3 slim 2 months before sony annouced it.It still has Bluetooth [TRUE] It still has Gigabit Ethernet [TRUE] "OtherOS" support has been removed [TRUE] You still get 2 USB ports [TRUE] Hard drive sizes will be bigger, it will come in 120Gb and 250Gb flavours [TRUE] It's still replaceable [HDD] and will actually be slightly easier as it has been relocated to the front of the console [TRUE]it will NOT have any "new" features, such as backwards compatibility [PS2] or enhanced peripheral support [TRUE] It's just a PS3, but slightly smaller and cheaper [TRUE] 11. The power supply is still internal, but a different power cable will be used[TRUE] Rear ports are still the same: 1x HDMI, 1x Sony AV port, 1x Optical, 1x Ethernet, and of course a power port [TRUE] It's as cheap as can possibly be, so expect it to launch with a smaller price tag than what you're paying now in your respective territories [TRUE] Internally, several daughter boards have been removed, but all functionality is still there [UNCONFIRMED] A Cheaper Blu-ray drive is being used [TRUE] It wont be any slower, but expect to see similar issues that another competitor had a while ago [UNCONFIRMED] Touch-sensitive buttons on the front for power/eject are gone in favour of cheaper push buttons [TRUE]19. It's about 50% smaller than current PS3s.[TRUE] 20. It wont be called the "PS3 Slim". The PS1 "slim" and the PS2 "slim" were never officially called the "slim", either.[UNCONFIRMED] 21. In short: It's a smaller PS3, but that's it. No new features, no special hardware, just smaller and cheaper.[TRUE] 22. And it wont have sex with you.[SAD FACE]
Even though psn my be late to the game, but the fact that we may be getting this feature, and for free is really surprising!
it may also come later than 3.0, but heres the link to the whole thing
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