[QUOTE="station124"][QUOTE="carljohnson3456"][QUOTE="thetruespin"][QUOTE="blackace"] [QUOTE="ninjaxams"]honostly, what the hell have they got to say? "OMG wheres teh homz at roflz???" or "LOL, 5 mins installz LOLOLOL." LAME.........try fixing your faulty hardware before you open your mouths again.carljohnson3456
The thing is, RROD isn't a major problem anymore. The cool CPU and cooper rod that was added to the newer XBox 360 has reduced RROD. It's not as common as it was previous. When the Jasper comes out in Sept, RROD will be a thing of the past.
Tell Sony to try and stop making promises they can't keep. :lol: HOME will be out Spring 2008. :lol: "Most of the PS3 games will be 1080p resolution." :lol: At least M$ offers solutions to RROD and has made strides to correct the problem. What has Sony offered their fans besides broken promises and lies? Ohh.. more delays, that's right. :lol:
MS handled the RROD issue very well and was very good at replacing . repairing consoles... it should never have happened to begin with.. but when it did at least it was dealt with well. I'd rather replace 360's (which I have never done) than put up with substandard ports, average 1st party games, endless delays, overpriced hardware, the useless cell and ... god... i could go on forever.
Multiplats are not "substandard ports" anymore - first 9 months for PS3's first year - yeah. Starting with Assassin's Creed, most games are even now. Average 1st party games? Your opinion, not mine. Endless delays? Eh, it's annoying but I'm enjoying plenty of games now. Overpriced hardware? You must mean the 360, $100 WiFi, $50 for online play, $100 20GB HDD FTW!!! The useless cell? Hahahaha what? It's part of the power behind the PS3. That's like complaining about useless mother boards in the 360.
I'm sorry but the games are not even. When I see peoples' 360 versions, they're always better -- especually Assassin's Creed and COD4.Also GTA IV crashes more on the PS3.
If you cut throughthe biases and favoritism, you can see, the PS3 is the weaker system, but some people don't want to admit it.
Uh no, if I was biased I wouldnt own a 360 but still proclaime the PS3 is better. I base my opinion on my experinces, not what I read. I said multiplats were "pretty even", not completely equal. And if COD4 looks better on the 360, it is very, very mariginal and hardly worth mentioning. Alot of people said Burnout Paradise and GTA4 look better on the PS3 - is that even worth mentioning?
Talk about GTA4 crashes more on the PS3? How about the 360 crashes more than the PS3 - period.
Just get over it.I'm trying to help you. I'm telling you., The sooner you accept the truth, the happier you'll be .It';s over.
MS defeated Sony.
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