[QUOTE="The_Game21x"][QUOTE="Verge_6"] [QUOTE="darkIink"]The point is, why have a faulty 360 if you already have those other consoles. ninjaxams
I dunno, maybe to play the games that you can't play on the others? :|
Also, I don't see how that was 'the point'.
Shame on you. You should know by now that every game that's on the 360 is on the PC as well!
Besides that, well...RRoD. Yeah. I'm just going to go with that.
[QUOTE="ninjaxams"][QUOTE="degerminvanen"]Not true. They are fixing it, it's pretty much over with consoles made after 2007, and it will be completely over soon. HOWEVER. Could someone fill me in on all these "broken promises" Sony made?The_Game21x
lol really? their fixing it finallyafter almost 3 years huh? wasn't it supposed to be fixed with the falcon chipset? face it, its NEVER going to be fixed and I truely feel horrible for anyone who puts stock in such an idea...It took Sony 3 years to fix the DRE problem in the PS2 and to date, there are new systems (I'm talking about the slim models) that can't read dual layered discs. So I guess that just makes the PS2 a horrible console too right? :roll:
If you honestly think the RROD problem will never be fixed, then you obviously don't know as much about it as you think you do. You can't honestly think hardware designers at Microsoft isn't busting their asses to find a way to fix their problem. Last I checked, the Falcon chipset have a drastically reduced failure rate compared to older models.
no i dont think their busting their asses trying to fix the problem. face it, MS is a shrewd company. my guess is 1. they either planned this from the start knowing full well some ppl would buy multiple consoles or gladly shell out money for repairs like they did with ps2. the warrenty was so they could avoid a class action lawsuit. or 2. they will introduce something new soon so they can say the problem is fixed making those who are perfectly happy with their system jump to something new sooner than what they normally would. MS doesn't give a damn how many consoles were going through now just as long as they can milk the situation for all its worth.as for dre, that problem wasn't nearly as bad as what the 3rod situation is. not only was it less common, but it was an incredibly easy fix anyway. i should know as I've repaired about 9 myself. sry, but I don't have links or facts to back this claim up...
If you honestly believe any of those conspiracy theories then you've seriously gone off the deep end buddy. :|
Do you know how easily they could be sued for "allowing" a problem like this to persist? Do you know how quickly the government could step in and force them to recall each and every system until the problem is fixed? If you know this, do you know how many billions of dollars (on top of the billion dollars it's already cost them) something like that could cost?
Knowing all of that, do you honestly think the RRoD was created as some sort of diabolical scheme to milk consumers out of their money. Beyond that, how exactly would they milk consumers out of their money now when they fix the problem for free?
Seriously, where do people come up with this kind of nonsense? :?
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