76. The problems created by Epic's withholding of such enhancements and
optimizations on the dubious grounds of them being "game-specific" became especially
pronounced when such withholding impacted the specific benchmarks known as "Technical
Certification Requirements" (or "TCRs") that every videogame must meet before it can be
played on a particular game console. For example, Microsoft imposes certain TCR's for games
that are to be run on the Xbox 360. One very basic TCR is simply how long it takes the
videogame to start-up. For Silicon Knights, as of May, 2006, the Engine had been unable to
meet even that simple start-up requirement, still taking over twice as long as Microsoft requires
in its Xbox 360 TCRs.
77. Another of Microsoft's TCRs is that the system User Interface ("UI") can be
rendered at least every 66 milliseconds at all times. As of at least as late as May, 2006, it was
clear to Silicon Knights that the Engine and its renderer could not satisfy that TCR.
78. However, when Epic was asked what was being done to bring the Engine into
compliance with these fundamental TCR requirements from the Xbox 360 manufacturer (which
again, Epic warranted to Silicon Knights it would meet), Epic responded that, though it was at
that very time working toward meeting the TCRs in Gears of War, that level of functionality
would not "make it to the engine level, as it is custom to the game."
but wait, there's more
BIA: Hell's Highway - delayed
Bioshock - delayed
Elveon - delayed/cancelled
Fatal inertia - delayed
Huxley- delayed
Mass effect - delayed
MOH - delayed
Stranglehold - delayed
Too human - delayed
Turok - delayed
Frame City Killer - cancelled
Endless Saga - cancelled
im beginning to think because of all of epic's fanboy love, some people really aren't well versed in SK's roots
these are developers who know howto write an actual story
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