SK also wants Epic to give up all income earned from GeoW as SK charges that Epic used the licensee version of the UE to hinder development of other games in competition with them, Epic.
SK claims Epic did not give them and other licensees a working version of the UE.
SK claims Epic did not update and provide adequate support for the UE.
SK claims Epic themselves used a different version of the UE for GeoW than what they gave licensees.
SK claims Epic would not support the UE in any way if that support would hinder development of GeoW.
SK claims Epic used 3rd party "middleware" to create stability within the UE and would not provide licensees this same stabillity.
SK claims Epic lied when pitching the UE to them. Epic claimed any genre of game (i.e. racing, action, platformer, etc) could be created with the new UE. SK claims that it is only good for games such as Unreal Tournament and IPs created by Epic.
Very serious charges. I wonder if Ubisoft had any of this trouble.
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