To answer the first question, when you have to do sidequests or find the chests unlocked by the goddess cube. You may not have to travel to the 'end' of the map, but you have to do a fair bit of travelling that is BORING.
In the shop when you go to repair your stuff, the dude first asks you if you want to repair or upgrade, then in the repair screen he says "this is what I can repair/upgrade", then you select your item, then a cutscene plays out showing him repairing or upgrading your weapon.
When you go to that dude that sells bombs arrows etc, text always comes up asking if you want ot buy it for x rupees, then you have to buy it, and then go to another item and the text shows up again, and so on and so forth. Why can't you go to a vendor, look through the items, hit A to buy or B to back out. But no nintendo wants you to go through the entire conversation over and over.
The worst is that blonde idiotic girl who stores your stuff, everytime you go there you have to endure a conversation about how she thinks you came there to talk to her, and then you have to tell her that you really don't give a crap about her.
WHY? WHY make us endure that nonsense over and over. I swear that 1 out of every 10 hours of gameplay goes into this unnecessary nonsense.
I agree.
Nintendo seems insistent on burdening Zelda down with unnecessary clunky UIs and text that take too long to navigate through even for the most mundane of tasks. The way I see it, they have to do three things before I'll even think about looking at another Zelda:
1) stop treating me like I'm in kintergarden. This is where my hope for another decent Zelda dies, as I know Nintendo will never credit their audience with being able to think and figure things out on their own. But the strange thing is, parts of Zelda games do present a good challenge, but many others are patronizing to the extreme. It's almost like two different games.
2) cut out the fat exemplified by Glutenbob. They need to speed up the interface, eliminate repetitious tedious explanations, and overall come to understand what the word efficient means and how it pertains to gameplay. STREAMLINE IT. It's just not fun moving at the speed of molasses to do simple things such as go buy supplies or talk to someone. Some may think this is nitpicking, but it gets old very fast when it occurs throughout the whole game. The first time, a slow explanation is OK. From then on assume that it's known, and move an explanation into the start menu under a tutorial tab that updates as new mechanics and text are introduced that may need to be reviewed.
3) pacing. This is by far the biggest reason why I can't play Zelda removes any motivation to go on. And it is a direct consequence of the above problems that are caused from Nintendo's "let's include everybody" game design philosophy. It is way, way, way too slow to start. I now always dread the beginning of Zelda games, because they are boring, errand ridden, hold-me-by-the-hand tutorial missions masquerading under a "waking up in a village" level. Herd those sheep! Slash those straw dummies! Go fishing! Practice jumping and floating! Maybe in 5 hours after we've explained it over and over and over we'll take off the training wheels and let you explore a little. Just a little.
This is a massive problem and fans seem to really downplay it. ALttP's beginning was amazing. Within 5 minutes you have a sword, shield, are fighting enemies and rescuing the princess through the sewers, then all of a sudden you're out with the entire world to explore. Why can't they start Zelda off with a bang like that again? I know exactly why: because Nintendo views it as throwing a child off a pier instead of playing daddy, gently holding the kid's hand as they slowly wade in.
Alright, I'm done venting. Nintendo insists on treating me like an idiot and baby which ruins one of the most tantamount aspects of a game, its pacing, and as long as they continue to do this I won't even look at Zelda anymore. I'm sure a lot of Zelda supporters will jump down my throat for this, but whatever. I don't know how people stay loyal to a franchise that takes them for complete morons, which in turn becomes a detriment to having a fun game to play.
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