Xbox 360:
Resolution: 1200x720
AA Method: FXAA
Anisotropic Filtering: Unknown Level but Higher than PS3.
Load Times: Slower than PS3 [Without Install]. Faster than PS3 [With Install]
Frame Rate: 30fps locked. Some drops to 25 and some rare cases to low 20's.
Other: Textures appear to be higher in rez on the Xbox 360.
Resolution: 1152x640
AA Method: FXAA + Edge Detect
Anisotropic Filtering: Unknown Level but much lower than Xbox 360.
Mandatory Install: 4.2 GBs.
Load Times: Slower than Xbox 360 when 360 version is installed. Faster than Xbox 360 without 360 version installed.
Frame Rate: 30fps locked. Drops to low 20's happen. Frames are less stable than the Xbox 360.
Other: Textures seem to be lower rezed. Use of Depth of Field is used higher to mask this occurance.
Resolution: Whatever you want.
AA Method: Whatever you want.
Anisotropic Filtering: Whatever you want.
Load Times: FAST
Frame Rate: Whatever you want.
Other: Whatever you want.
Conclusion:PC >>>>>>>> Xbox 360 >> PS3
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