wait since when did it not win the games bracket,
-- its got everything snes and n64 had and more except fzero and starfox-
so ya im going to call bull on that call , its got double the games gc had and n64 had , most of the games being actually very good , dispite what some may refer to bargin bin titles, ive played a fair share of them
- my sims comes to mind this one is alot more fun to play then sims is lol ,its not even a close battle, cause my sims is a actual game where you have to do stuff unlike sims where u can just simulate life lol
and then you got alot of off beat racing games- like mini desktop racers which mimicks micromachines very good
and yes wii won this gen even without wii nintendo won this gen -ds any body
ds actually won this gen by a mile and 2nd is wii 3rd is psp 4th 360 5th is ps3 , pretty bad , for sony but i wont say it was good for ms as they could not hold onto the lead!!! now what company before it could not hold on to the lead ? i ll give you a hint - they are third party since 2001 , and their only succesful console is genesis--- ya thats right microsoft may be following in segas foot steps not sure when but man they are on their third platform pretty soon and we will see how that pans out but right now their record is in line with sega!!! coming out with a console first but finishing cant say yet ,, ps3 and 360 still going at it , but wii won by default -- not because of number of sales but profit , and wii u already being out that will be like 3ds is doing now - a third pillar until wii is dead period then theyll focus on it remember itl take time before people switch over,
people c all 3ds a flop but they forget ds was doing this with gba around to ,so add ds and 3ds together to get your sales number for nintendo handhelds ,, thats how itll work unt il its done, people will have to transfer then , and i doubt theyll leave nintendo for shooting games on a psp lol
have fun with that little theory , handhelds have to have different types of games then consoles to succeed -see how psp already failed--- hello ports more ports of ps3 360 wii etc titles
thats not how you make a portable sell ,
and thats not going to make one sell next gen 3ds will have exclusives
what will vita have in terms of them well probably just spin offs of ps3 titles from sony ,
while 3ds has steel diver nintendogs continuing , resident evil revelatiosn and mercinaries
etc so ya nintendo as a whole won this gen and if i added gc and gba sales they came 2nd last gen
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