[QUOTE="SHR3DD3D"]1. 1.5 million in one month in Europe is in all likelihood shipped numbers from Sony or the developers. It's not as if it sold bad, but if it did that good in Europe, I'm sure it would have done unusally well in its biggest market, the UK. Got any links to back up? :)
2. Once again... Shipped == Sold. GT5 sold 400k in November, and 560K in December.
400k + 560k = 960,000.
GT5 sold less than a million in the U.S. in 2010, if you think it sold 5.37 in the other regions, you are free to back the claim up with some links of companies that report sold-through sales. :)
Shipped is as good as sold, WHAt retailer orders more copies of items thats collecting dust on the shelf? GT games have long long legs. Deny it all you want
Is he trying to troll me or make me run around in circles...:? Cuz he completely skimmed through my post and that's not the first time either.:?
Here's the link that I already posted breh, I'm done arguing with someone who seems to know how sold-through approximations are MUCH more accurate than shipped number.:lol:
I was being nice man but now your just teasing me.:(
I like it how you are admitting defeat by pretending to play weak and as if you do not care.
You stated GT5 sold more than a million in the U.S., stupidly using shipped numbers.
You were proven wrong.
Then you gave an unlegit link, saying GT5 had shipped 1.5 million in Europe. In other words, providing us with completely irrelevant information. :?
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