January 2004 - 22 months before xbox release there wasn't a GPU setup that could even come close to the xbox performance.
November 2005 - xbox released. (still thee is no pc gpu can beat the xbox gpu)
January 2012 - released a single GPU (HD7970GHz) that performs 2 times better than ps4 GPU.
November 2013 - ps4 released. (22 months late and half the performance).Â
This gen is going to be very brutal for console gamers.
Especially if the gen lasts up to 10 years. Can you imagine even in 2 years what it's going to be like?
This new gen will only last 4-5 years. This gen lasted so long because of the major losses the first few years, and that they have to recover. also the poor stste of the economy didnt help CELL/ATi GPU, really crippled both companies.
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