Bus-A-Bus, you obviously havent played U2 as the levels are very large in scope, since the draw distance is fantastic, without actually displaying low res textures like RDR generally...Threre are also moments when there are 20+ A.I. at a given time...
You are trying to hard,i said it many many time,UC2 is to me the best looking game on consoles.But please big scope,20+a.i???NEVER SEEN IT.That big scope is like picture,it looks nice but you cant get there,while this is open world game,whole world had to be textured and taken care by artists so that it can look nice.Everything you see you can get,you can go ANYWERE you want,UC2 is not like that and everybody knows that.
This looks like impressive scope but you cant go ANYWERE,you go where developers want you to go,not where you want like in RDR.Though its still looks amazing...
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