@navyguy21 said:
@Shewgenja said:
The circumstances are everything, though. The XBone shares none of the advantages the PS3 had in its gen. Also, the format war had to be won before people trusted that PS3 was a worthwhile buy.
That just seems like an extremely simplified way of looking at it. Going by that logic, we could never compare gens unless all of the parameters were the same. Of course HOW the xbox catches up matters according to WHY it is behind and WHAT Sony does with the PS4. Also depends on economic conditions and the way the market goes in the next few years.
You cant really account for many of the variables. The bottom line that im arguing (because its really the only thing that matters) is that the Xbox is behind. It is possible to catch up, sure. Anything is possible. HOW it gets there is another argument altogether.
I really dont understand why you (and a few others) keep trying to argue that the variables arent the same. It really doesnt matter.
The PS3 was behind for a ton of reasons and caught up for a ton of reasons. At the end of the day, it was behind and took a specific patch to catch up.
The point is that the PS3 had advantages over the 360. The Xbone has none. That's not fanboy hyperbole. Everything that was cited as a drawback of the PS3 turned into a strength over the course of the hardware cycle except one thing being ease of development.
You can't say that XBone will be able to come back like the PS3 did without analyzing the things that allowed the PS3 to come back and be a contender.
BluRay was an albatross for the first year or two because of the format war with HD-DVD.
Cell was fairly unproven as an advantage until MGS4 came out and then Uncharted. Before better looking games came out on the PS3, it was just "Sony overhype". Are you actually willing to bet the Cloud is as solid a bet as Cell was? So be it if you are, I won't hate on that, but MS sure hasn't said anything about Cloud graphics in a long time now.
Free online is a wash now. PSN started out tragically bare-bones. Now both services are paid-for and up to par.
Price is also a non-factor this gen. In fact, PS4 started with the advantage.
First party support.. MS has so much catching up to do in this department and still does. While the 360 was off to a successful start, they let Bungie escape their grasp and closed Ensemble. Meanwhile, Sony continually leveraged pedigree developers right into 2013 for the PS3. The same can not be said of the Xbox.
To understand why the XBone is faltering world wide in grand fashion, you can't look at these things in a vacuum. The PS2 finished very strong and the PS3 was a blundered launch of a flawed product. The 360, comparatively, ended generation 7 on a weak note with its focus on Kinect and complete reliance on third party offerings to carry it to the finish line. When it came time for the Xbone to be architected and launched, it was a product of the same flawed thinking that allowed the PS3 to catch up in market position. The Xbone isn't going to fight tooth and nail to pull out a victory. It's only hope of that is for Sony to blunder and blunder BIG somehow. The XBones struggle is to remain relevant. It's the N64 all over again.
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