@MBirdy88: Looks much more fun than 2 forza games in the same year...
@Salt_The_Fries: Um The Last of Us Remastered, Infamous 2nd Son, MLB The Show, Final Fantasy 14, and many others aren't on your piece of shit X1 either. Continue to live in your bubble where only Xbox games matter.We're not even going to get into downloadables. PS4 has the better library. Stay mad lmaooooo.
Mad Cow disease is exclusive for Cows, therefore I ain't even mad.
@lostrib: I give you evidence then you say I have no evidence. Look up the list of games or do I have to list them out individually for you? Look at the fact that MS got doubled in US despite giving away games. Can you read?
@MBirdy88: Looks much more fun than 2 forza games in the same year...
even the previews say its not fun mate.... graphics are not everything.
@lostrib: and you wonder why you're perceived as a Lemming. You do nothing but damage control for Microsoft. I tried to show you proof, since it doesn't go with your agenda, you dismiss it.
It doesn't back up my claims? MS gave away games but got outsold 2 to 1 last month, not even including worldwide sales which is even more in Sony's favor. Explain how that doesn't show X1 is perceived as an inferior product when it's the same price as PS4?
In regards to my link , explain how those 3rd party games not being on X1 doesn't show devs are focusing more on PS4? Moto GP14 isn't on Xbox One, I wonder why? Same for Final Fantasy 14, and many other 3rd party games on the chart.
@navyguy21: @lostrib: Lol, explain how Fox news is bad...being politically correct helps no one.
Msnbc is the one that's shit lol.
@navyguy21: @lostrib: Lol, explain how Fox news is bad...being politically correct helps no one.
Well if you have to ask.........then chances are that you will just ignore everything i say anyway. Why waste my time?
Clearly you think they are "fair and balanced", so their job is done.
certainly not winning in the games department.
Ps4/Xbox is not even 1year old...but Ps4 will have best console version of multiplats so it is a win by default there. We also know playstation platform will deliver the best exclusives down later.
do we? what exactly? more naughty dog? ... what else? 1 more dark souls game....
Don't forget about LittleBigPlanet and Tearaway. I know people around here don't like this kind of game, but I do, and I think they're both going to be huge (LBP more so, obviously).
But they're both more ports of ps3 or vita games. It defeats the purpose. You didn't buy a ps4 for super ports of a last gen game. You buy a system for exclusives that show what the system can do.
@Shewgenja: Cell was fairly unproven as an advantage until MGS4 came out and then Uncharted. Before better looking games came out on the PS3, it was just "Sony overhype". Are you actually willing to bet the Cloud is as solid a bet as Cell was? So be it if you are, I won't hate on that, but MS sure hasn't said anything about Cloud graphics in a long time now.
Are you fuckin serious? The cell was a solid bet? Then where the **** is it? Why did Sony go with a different processor in the PS4? It was a colossal failure. You cows always acted like nothing on 360 was in the ballpark with Uncharted or MGS4 and GoW3 and it was complete fanboy, slurp on cock exaggeration. And what good was it if 3rd party devs couldn't maximize it? As for the cloud? I'll bet on it lasting a lot longer than the one gen cell. I am by no means a secret sauce believer. The X1 IS NOT AS POWERFUL AS THE PS4. But I have a PC for POWER that wipes its ass with the PS4.
Maximum Jimmy Rustle detected..
Yes, the Cell was a solid bet. On top of the fact that math did math stuff, Cell is still in use today in medical imaging that was pretty revolutionary at the time not to mention the Quicksilver servers for military use. Do you even science?
Sure is funny how everyone can name the games on the PS3 that shattered our perception of the machine not living up to its promises but putting a 360 game in the same sentence just doesn't happen. Proof's in the pudding. I too, have a PC that whoops the PS4s ass. Which is why I see the me-too console known as the Xbone as an utter waste. The WiiU has awesome software, the PS4 adequately plays current gen games on my 1080p TV and the XBone is for glue-eaters who will put a name-brand ahead of what's really important.
This is the real reason why PS4 is winning. If people want a knee-jerk purchase for good software, the WiiU is the way to go. If people want to spend a limited amount of gaming budget on a machine they will get the most enjoyment out of and most developer support through the years, PS4 is the clear choice. XBone.. well, at least you get to talk to your cable box.
So then Kinect is pretty awesome also by that logic. Its used in many other things than gaming. Way to move the goal posts guy, guess that's NOT jimmies rustled.
As far as gaming went the cell was balls. Sony abandoned it after one major in the red gen. Cloud computing is being used in so many places and I guess that holds weight since you want to bring the cell's non gaming uses up. You were asking about science, I believe?
Dude who are you spending your time talking to? Any grounded human being who loves games remembers being wowed by every Gears, and especially Halo 4 when released. There fella are 4 games put in that sentence by 360. You just hate MS so much you wouldn't give them any credit. You have admitted as much here in the past. Shall I post some it for you?
LOL I am a glue eater because I like playing Halo, Fable, Gears? I don't want to wait for Quantum Break to go to PC as I didn't with Alan Wake? And then there is Phantom Dust and Scalebolund. Preferring those games to what I've seen on the PS4 so far makes me a glue eater? Wow. Someone is a little conceited with their taste in gaming.
If you really look at what your reply is stating its that your opinion is right and anyone who likes what the X1 has delivered or has coming up is wrong. Get in touch with reality dude. The PS4 is winning because of brand loyalty. The PS3 outsold the 360 outside the US and UK last gen. Now with MS monumental retardation of a reveal and policies it took what little steam they built. PS has lead in 3/4 gens they have been in. They are the favorite every gen at this point.
@tormentos: I know English isn't your first language. But when someone says " I have a PC for power" what they are saying is, they don't own either console for power because they already own the most powerful. Incidentally, I own both a PS4 and X1 now. Do you? Or is all that Japanese jizz for you fanboy?
" The X1 IS NOT AS POWERFUL AS THE PS4." you bolded that dude, not me. How can I be hiding if I started the statement by stating where X1 is behind PS4? It isn't the English thing on this one fella. You really are not coming across very smart.
@navyguy21: I say that's a good thing. Fox News isn't politically correct and are honest.
Wait fox news is what? Wow.
" MS gave away games but got outsold 2 to 1 last month, not even including worldwide sales which is even more in Sony's favor. Explain how that doesn't show X1 is perceived as an inferior product when it's the same price as PS4?"
Is that what matters to you? How the console you buy is perceived? I play the games I want to play on my consoles. You prefer the PS4 library, I do not. The difference is I don't come on here telling everyone what I prefer is a fact. Its a preference. No amount of scores or sales will change that.
You didn't buy a ps4 for super ports of a last gen game. You buy a system for exclusives that show what the system can do.
That's what games like The Order, Bloodborne, Until Dawn and Uncharted are for, but a system needs more than that to feel complete.
It needs games like Tearaway, LittleBigPlanet and Ratchet & Clank that don't "show what a system can do" but are just plain fun to play. Fortunately, the PS4 will offer both, it just needs a bit more time -- much like the Wii U, which people seem to forget has been around for a lot longer and had terrible droughts.
PS: I think it's cool of Sony to continue supporting the PS3 alongside their new console. I had no idea LittleBigPlanet 3 was also coming to the PS3! That's a pretty awesome move, imho (obviously I'll be happy to pick the better version for the PS4).
@slim70: size biggot much? Who cares if he's fat or not. Replace fat with race , religion , Gender, would you still say it? I love how the mods has time to close my thread down asking a legitimate question but can't regulate people throwing out personal attacks.
they are losing.......
only winning in sales and so far every game made by ps4 is well flopping gg
Its only faster, better selling, with superior multiplats and dev support. Yup, totally losing.
The PlayStation 4 is the fastest selling console in history.
I know and I'll state again:
I don't know about you, but whenever you hear ps4 well yeah you don't hear ps4 other than trolo ps4 just sold another 500K units HA HA ps4 better lulz. What games you got ps4 fanboys?
So then Kinect is pretty awesome also by that logic. Its used in many other things than gaming. Way to move the goal posts guy, guess that's NOT jimmies rustled.
As far as gaming went the cell was balls. Sony abandoned it after one major in the red gen. Cloud computing is being used in so many places and I guess that holds weight since you want to bring the cell's non gaming uses up. You were asking about science, I believe?
Dude who are you spending your time talking to? Any grounded human being who loves games remembers being wowed by every Gears, and especially Halo 4 when released. There fella are 4 games put in that sentence by 360. You just hate MS so much you wouldn't give them any credit. You have admitted as much here in the past. Shall I post some it for you?
LOL I am a glue eater because I like playing Halo, Fable, Gears? I don't want to wait for Quantum Break to go to PC as I didn't with Alan Wake? And then there is Phantom Dust and Scalebolund. Preferring those games to what I've seen on the PS4 so far makes me a glue eater? Wow. Someone is a little conceited with their taste in gaming.
If you really look at what your reply is stating its that your opinion is right and anyone who likes what the X1 has delivered or has coming up is wrong. Get in touch with reality dude. The PS4 is winning because of brand loyalty. The PS3 outsold the 360 outside the US and UK last gen. Now with MS monumental retardation of a reveal and policies it took what little steam they built. PS has lead in 3/4 gens they have been in. They are the favorite every gen at this point.
Moving the goal posts? I thought making the PS3 an "Entertainment Super Computer" was more of Krazy Ken's nuttiness that held the PS3 back at first. I suppose I just imagined Xbox fans everywhere hitting forums like PS3Forums.com and various other sites at the time hailing the 360 as a "pure games machine" that made HD-DVD "about choice"? You really wanted to play that card..?? My jimmies are unrustled.
It's no mystery that raw FLOPS performance of the X86 architecture as well as the advent of GPUCompute as rendered the Cell architecture moot in its current form. There were many road maps that showed a mutliple PPE configuration in future iterations. However, parallelization on GPU has advanced for several generations throughout the DX10 and DX11 architectures.. Never mind PhysX being bought out by NVidia between the PS3 launch and now. I think you're grasping at straws here. Many things the Cell did as well as DX10/DX11 subsequently have paved the path for heavy compute in gaming. Areas the 360 flatly lacked in. It was a good system and all, but you're talking crazy shit to say that it was holding a candle to what the PS3 was doing in the arena of physics performance or heavy calculation in games. It's claim to fame was giving developers a lot of leeway balancing the rendering pipeline between shader and geometry performance. Cool story.
It is absolutely okay to like those games. You are free to like what you like. I was speaking about games in terms of technical achievement. The words "I like Halo" make this what it is. Roughly 30 million original XBox owners are right there with you. If you got the money for that, go right ahead and don't let me hold you back. Me? I can wait for the PC port. If Ryse and Dead Rising are anything to go by, I won't exactly be black and blue holding my breath.
I don't see how you can say this all boils down to brand loyalty when both the Wii and the 360 outsold the PS3 for the lion's share of a very long generation. You seem to have convinced yourself that it's merely people's unwillingness to compromise with MS after they fixed all their launch mistakes that there is push-back. Meanwhile, ignoring ResolutionGate as well as the fact MS closed studios or put them in the Kinect Purgatory when things actually were going good for them. My bad for insinuating you were a glue eater, though. I guess I refrain that title for the people that actually still think the XBone is going somewhere. You seem comfortable with the idea you are getting it for the hand full of games you are getting it for.
I don't think that Sony sees it quite the same as you.
There is a Kinnect-less sku making the price of the X1 comparable to the PS4. Better OS?!?!? NO! First of all we're taking about MS the "software giant" here, you know the creators of Windows!!! Hello?!?! Is this ringing any bells for you? Are you even aware that the X1 has 3x OS and uses 8 gig of flash ram aside from it's 8gig of DDR3? Yeah yeah, the PS4 has more powerful hardware but there are things that the X1 can do that the PS4 will never be able to do like for example, quick efficient updates and app snapping and that's because of the x3 operating systems and the additional 8gig of flash ram. "Bu bu.. the PS4 is a pure gaming machine!" Yeah so was the 360 when compared to the PS3 but that didn't stop people from boasting about it's media capabilities. Remember "it only does everything" ???
Damn, we have a true believer here. I just love it when a meltdown includes reminding everyone the weaker system is also running three operating systems on suck-ass budget laptop ram.
@Shewgenja: Ok, the moving of goal posts comment refers to the fact that gaming wise, the cell was abandoned by Sony after one gen. But you replied with all these non gaming uses. That was the move, and you did it. This is a gaming forum, that's what cell use I was referring to.
And I guess I and others like @SolidTy weren't here for cows crying sales mean nothing, power of the cell, just wait, online MP should be free. I don't own Jimmies, you brought that non sense in.
I'm talking crazy shit? The PS3 games didn't look "not holding a candle better". Blab your tech talk all you want, I always own both consoles. And nothing on PS3 was this massive leap forward that you are claiming the cell was capable of. If you're a fanboy? Sure, of course. In reality? No.
The Wii was, as we can easily see "the pet rock". WiiU sales are showing this. And as I said, aside from USA and UK how did the 360 fare vs ps3 sales wise? Have those other countries ever bought Xbox more? How can you not see the world wide ( USA and UK are not the world) brand loyalty?
You want to wait for the Halo 5 port? By all means. Wouldn't the rest of them have hit PC after Halo 2 by now though? Gears 2 and 3 also?
Why should I get a console other than the "handful of games" am getting for it? My PS3 collection isn't all that big. Do you buy everything that is exclusive to PlayStation, just because its exclusive? I only buy what I want to play for my systems.
This thread proves cows are the Fox News of the gaming industry....
Considering that you want to compare the xbox one to the PS3 i say it is you who is the fox news of the gaming industry.
The xbox one and PS3 are not even close to be on the same boat and is not just sales i mean many more things like been the successor to the most successful console ever made,costing more yet been accepted more in some markets than the cheaper 360.
Is not even close to be the same scenario so when you say the PS3 catch up and try to imply the xbox one could do the same based on that show you have no knowledge about what your talking.
@tormentos: I know English isn't your first language. But when someone says " I have a PC for power" what they are saying is, they don't own either console for power because they already own the most powerful. Incidentally, I own both a PS4 and X1 now. Do you? Or is all that Japanese jizz for you fanboy?
" The X1 IS NOT AS POWERFUL AS THE PS4." you bolded that dude, not me. How can I be hiding if I started the statement by stating where X1 is behind PS4? It isn't the English thing on this one fella. You really are not coming across very smart.
You were hiding on PC you blind biased lemming..Go make excuses elsewhere and i own a PS4 and a PC,i don't want an xbox one there is no reason to get one.
Contrary to how i felt on 2005 with the xbox 360 and the original xbox which both i owned since day 1.
This thread proves cows are the Fox News of the gaming industry....
Considering that you want to compare the xbox one to the PS3 i say it is you who is the fox news of the gaming industry.
The xbox one and PS3 are not even close to be on the same boat and is not just sales i mean many more things like been the successor to the most successful console ever made,costing more yet been accepted more in some markets than the cheaper 360.
Is not even close to be the same scenario so when you say the PS3 catch up and try to imply the xbox one could do the same based on that show you have no knowledge about what your talking.
Cool avatar, is that a selfie?
It is over. MS can't even win the US and they lose everywhere else. Is China gonna save it, exclusive DLC, their tons of high quality internal dev studios (HAHAAAA)? Nothing has changed since the end of gen 7 when MS lost it to Sony. Their loss of momentum has continued, and they don't even have the better multiplats and OS this time around. Even if every single one of Sony's in studio exclusives bombs, it won't matter as long as Sony has the superior version of multiplats and MS keeps announcing its customers are idiots.
Again, spoken like a dumb ass Cow turd. The very fact you admit IF sony's studio exclusives bombs, pretty much sums up how stupid you Cows really are and the lack of interest (or even faith) you bumbling idiots have on your Exclusives. LOL
Bu...bu...but the Sony has the exclusives and r soooo better!!
Please GTFO and go bury head inside a Cow's ass.
Go play sales salty Lem. Oh wait... Maybe meta scores? Nope. Oh, the Xbone hardware is supe... oh wait. No. Why don't you go play Halo again, maybe you'll have better luck next gen.
LOL, I'm not even a Lem, but yeah, please go sensitive and play your assumption games all you want. I don't play sales, I play games to have fun. Yeah, I'll play Halo and have fun....and how's your Killzone Shadow Flop? 5Club? Enjoying them exclusives? I doubt it.
You play sales, hype and stupidity, I don't blame you that most of your PS exclusives are garbage, lack longevity and severely lack the attach rate that Nintendo and Xbox owners have on their exclusives.
You do know slow sales and a growing attach rate are symptomatic of a dying system? PS2 had a low attach rate compared to GC and Xbox because users had choice. Of course the attach rates go up when Sheep and Lems have no selection to choose from.
Wrong, PS2 owners had an insurmountable amount of garbage in their selection and they SEALED a shit load of Exclusives in that era. At the time, PS2 owners played their shitty versions of mulitplats and their exclusives. Today, not so much. Where the **** are the new Sly Coopers? Ratchets or Jax? Socom US Navy Seal? Resistance? Oh wait...we all know what happened to those last two. Any new Twisted Metal game on the way? What the **** happened to Wipeout? Motorstorm games?
LOLOLOL, you're giving me a hernia from laughing too hard.
The attach rate goes up for Xbox and Nintendo gamers because they have THE MOST IMPORTANT exclusives that actually DO SELL, have stronger fanbase and stronger following with those exclusives, hence the longevity, quality and strong fun factor with those Nintendo and Xbox exclusives. That is why XBOX, for example, hasn't invested too much on more exclusives. Because they're relying on those key Xbox exclusives that actually sell and are more profitable. It doesn't make financial sense to create, invest on wholly new IPs (like Sony has) when at the end, there's no guarantee those new IPs will significantly turn a profit. It's better to invest on a handful of key current franchises, concentrate on those current franchises, with impeccable standards, that way they can garner more fans and turn a profit. Same can be said about why Nintendo hasn't fully invested too much in Newer IPs because those current key Nintendo franchises sell and makes them profits. And for the most part, those Xbox and Nintendo exclusives have high production values.
Can't say much about some Playstation exclusives. LOL. Just look what happened to Flopzone, Gran Tooshitmo. Which I find ironic in your post and most Cows' post when it comes to bragging/boasting about those Playstation Exclusives. Yet, the attach rate is so weak. LOL.
I thought you morons love your exclusives? BTW, how's Flopzone Shadow Blows and 5club? How's the MP in Flopzone Shadow Blows? How's Little Big Planet 2, Puppeteer, Knack???
Wrong, PS2 owners had an insurmountable amount of garbage in their selection and they SEALED a shit load of Exclusives in that era. At the time, PS2 owners played their shitty versions of mulitplats and their exclusives. Today, not so much. Where the **** are the new Sly Coopers? Ratchets or Jax? Socom US Navy Seal? Resistance? Oh wait...we all know what happened to those last two. Any new Twisted Metal game on the way? What the **** happened to Wipeout? Motorstorm games?
LOLOLOL, you're giving me a hernia from laughing too hard.
The attach rate goes up for Xbox and Nintendo gamers because they have THE MOST IMPORTANT exclusives that actually DO SELL, have stronger fanbase and stronger following with those exclusives, hence the longevity, quality and strong fun factor with those Nintendo and Xbox exclusives. That is why XBOX, for example, hasn't invested too much on more exclusives. Because they're relying on those key Xbox exclusives that actually sell and are more profitable. Same can be said about why Nintendo hasn't fully invested too much in Newer IPs because those current key Nintendo franchises sell and makes them profits. And for the most part, those Xbox and Nintendo exclusives have high production values.
Can't say much about some Playstation exclusives. LOL. Just look what happened to Flopzone, Gran Tooshitmo. Which I find ironic in your post and most Cows' post when it comes to bragging/boasting about those Playstation Exclusives. Yet, the attach rate is so weak. LOL.
I thought you morons love your exclusives? BTW, how's Flopzone Shadow Blows and 5club? How's the MP in Flopzone Shadow Blows? How's Little Big Planet 2, Puppeteer, Knack???
You post is a complete joke the wii had a shit ton of garbage games.
Nintendo games sold because they mostly appeal to kids as the wii was so successful well so did the sales of some games,Mario Kart wi sold what Halo 3,Reach and Halo 4 sold combined on xbox 360,despite the wii not having 3 times as many consoles sold.
The PS2 had a ton of garbage but it also had tons of great games,and tons of good games as well,games like Onimusha which weren't the greatest but where great filler for the time.
Attach rate has nothing to do with great games,and more with the user base you have hardcore gamers tend to buy more games,the PS2 had a truck load of casuals,so the hardcore gamers on PS2 didn't buy enough games to actually hike that game ratio when casuals bough less.
MS doesn't invest in exclusives because they prefer to pay for time exclusive games,which have been like that since they enter the market,and now more than ever,instead of investing 30 or 40 million on a game,they probably pay 7 million and get time exclusivity.
Most of the PS2 exclusives where not even pay by sony,the xbox arrived almost 2 years after the PS2,man the PS2 on 1999 had more than 250 games on the making it had more games on the making in 1999 than what the DC got in its life cycle.
That is funny because Ryse sucked ass,so did DR3,Forza dropped from the high 90's it use to have to 79 on meta even GT6 on PS3 scored higher than Forza 5.
funny thing Killzone sold 2.1 million copies in 2 months even that BF4 and COD were alone side it,so apparently people didn't care about its quality.
LBP 2 is a 90% series and the Pupetteer got 9 here what is your point.?
@tormentos: so you don't have an answer then, just accusations based on? Oh and I will always be a little biased towards Americans, I served my country. Are you Japanese? Its cool I know you're not, but hey you keep sucking up to them at Sony anyway gaijin.
Wrong, PS2 owners had an insurmountable amount of garbage in their selection and they SEALED a shit load of Exclusives in that era. At the time, PS2 owners played their shitty versions of mulitplats and their exclusives. Today, not so much. Where the **** are the new Sly Coopers? Ratchets or Jax? Socom US Navy Seal? Resistance? Oh wait...we all know what happened to those last two. Any new Twisted Metal game on the way? What the **** happened to Wipeout? Motorstorm games?
LOLOLOL, you're giving me a hernia from laughing too hard.
The attach rate goes up for Xbox and Nintendo gamers because they have THE MOST IMPORTANT exclusives that actually DO SELL, have stronger fanbase and stronger following with those exclusives, hence the longevity, quality and strong fun factor with those Nintendo and Xbox exclusives. That is why XBOX, for example, hasn't invested too much on more exclusives. Because they're relying on those key Xbox exclusives that actually sell and are more profitable. Same can be said about why Nintendo hasn't fully invested too much in Newer IPs because those current key Nintendo franchises sell and makes them profits. And for the most part, those Xbox and Nintendo exclusives have high production values.
Can't say much about some Playstation exclusives. LOL. Just look what happened to Flopzone, Gran Tooshitmo. Which I find ironic in your post and most Cows' post when it comes to bragging/boasting about those Playstation Exclusives. Yet, the attach rate is so weak. LOL.
I thought you morons love your exclusives? BTW, how's Flopzone Shadow Blows and 5club? How's the MP in Flopzone Shadow Blows? How's Little Big Planet 2, Puppeteer, Knack???
You post is a complete joke the wii had a shit ton of garbage games.
Nintendo games sold because they mostly appeal to kids as the wii was so successful well so did the sales of some games,Mario Kart wi sold what Halo 3,Reach and Halo 4 sold combined on xbox 360,despite the wii not having 3 times as many consoles sold.
The PS2 had a ton of garbage but it also had tons of great games,and tons of good games as well,games like Onimusha which weren't the greatest but where great filler for the time.
Attach rate has nothing to do with great games,and more with the user base you have hardcore gamers tend to buy more games,the PS2 had a truck load of casuals,so the hardcore gamers on PS2 didn't buy enough games to actually hike that game ratio when casuals bough less.
MS doesn't invest in exclusives because they prefer to pay for time exclusive games,which have been like that since they enter the market,and now more than ever,instead of investing 30 or 40 million on a game,they probably pay 7 million and get time exclusivity.
Most of the PS2 exclusives where not even pay by sony,the xbox arrived almost 2 years after the PS2,man the PS2 on 1999 had more than 250 games on the making it had more games on the making in 1999 than what the DC got in its life cycle.
That is funny because Ryse sucked ass,so did DR3,Forza dropped from the high 90's it use to have to 79 on meta even GT6 on PS3 scored higher than Forza 5.
funny thing Killzone sold 2.1 million copies in 2 months even that BF4 and COD were alone side it,so apparently people didn't care about its quality.
LBP 2 is a 90% series and the Pupetteer got 9 here what is your point.?
I don't think that Sony sees it quite the same as you.
There is a Kinnect-less sku making the price of the X1 comparable to the PS4. Better OS?!?!? NO! First of all we're taking about MS the "software giant" here, you know the creators of Windows!!! Hello?!?! Is this ringing any bells for you? Are you even aware that the X1 has 3x OS and uses 8 gig of flash ram aside from it's 8gig of DDR3? Yeah yeah, the PS4 has more powerful hardware but there are things that the X1 can do that the PS4 will never be able to do like for example, quick efficient updates and app snapping and that's because of the x3 operating systems and the additional 8gig of flash ram. "Bu bu.. the PS4 is a pure gaming machine!" Yeah so was the 360 when compared to the PS3 but that didn't stop people from boasting about it's media capabilities. Remember "it only does everything" ???
Damn, we have a true believer here. I just love it when a meltdown includes reminding everyone the weaker system is also running three operating systems on suck-ass budget laptop ram.
No meltdown here just telling it like it is backing it all up with facts and all your shit talk just shows how insecure you are.
@slim70: size biggot much? Who cares if he's fat or not. Replace fat with race , religion , Gender, would you still say it? I love how the mods has time to close my thread down asking a legitimate question but can't regulate people throwing out personal attacks.
If you don't like it don't come here! Capiche?
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