@Douevenlift_bro said:
I ask as a concerned naysayer, can the XBone continue to take this pounding from Quad? Isn't it pretty much over?
There was no possibility that the Xbox One was ever going to avoid being absolutely destroyed by the PS4.
Microsoft's first failure in the console market, the Xbox bombed in worldwide sales with only 24 million sold. Almost entirely from the US and UK with some minor territories making up the remaining userbase.
After the first Xbox fiasco, Microsoft dumped their first console marketplace failure and immediately came out with a second console that:
1. Was rushed out the door a year early(and a year and a half early in Europe) to try to pad out their installed base numbers.
2. Was 200 dollars cheaper than the PS3
3. Due to Microsoft's incompetence in console hardware design and engineering mixed with their frantic push to get anything out the door to inflate their installed base numbers had hardware problems on a scale never seen before in the console world that resulted in Xbox owners in the US and UK going out and buying 3,4,5+ duplicate consoles with the desperate hope that each new Xbox 360 model would finally fix the RRoD, jet engine loud noise, disc scratching/destroying last gen DVD drives, etc. 10s of millions of duplicate Xbox 360 consoles massively padded out Microsoft's installed base numbers from their true value
4. A 500 million dollar relaunch marketing campaign when Microsoft finally came out with their Sony Eye Toy ripoff - Kinect.
5. Sony completely dropping the ball and letting Microsoft enforce their sickening 'parity clauses' in third party development contracts that gimped multiplatform games down to Xbox 360 graphics levels and features.
All that and Microsoft still got dumped into last place by Sony and the PS3.
Only someone utterly detached from reality would ever believe the Xbox One was going to compete with the PS4.
Microsoft has been dead in 2 out of the 3 major console markets since the day it first made their disastrous entry into the console market. It is absolutely asinine for anyone to believe that after 13-14 years of failure in the Europe and Japan that the Xbox One was going to magically start selling Playstation numbers in those two regions.
And with no more RRoD leading US and UK Xbox owners to buy massive numbers of duplicate consoles, sales have crashed back to original Xbox levels in those two markets.
Microsoft's shiny green bunnyhopping power ranger, 'teh Cloud', magic SDK updates, review scores, pathetically fake Xbox fanboy fabricated vgchartz 'sales numbers', whoever is the latest clown running the Xbox program, delusional fanboy techno babble about console graphics hardware are going to make any difference than they did for the Dreamcast fifteen years ago.
With the sole exception of the three years of so the Wii fad was in full force Sony has been the top selling console maker worldwide each month/year non-stop since 1994 when they first entered the console market. Anyone still butthurt about how badly Sony is beating the crap out of Microsoft has no one to blame but themselves.
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