One of the biggest complaints of the game and Bungie won't even comment on it. I love Halo 3 but the melee system is completely broken and needs to be fixed.
(I am refering to how in a melee battle whoever has more health wins, instead of who strikes first)
Yay non-Ratchet and Clank thread.
its because melee does so much damage and when u have no shields or lil' to no shields, the damage done will kill you, so who ever hits first wins, try doing just a melee round about with no guns, it'll take 2 hits to kill eachother and it will be the ones who hit first wins. I love the melee system, u have to think before you get to close now. an dswords...well they are the best, super balanced, one who hots first with the most hp wins there too. so now if u fight 2 at once u'r dead, but u can still get one guy, and if they both suck, u can get both of them because they're reactions sucks.
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