They wont fail miserably because MS has a bottomless pit of money for advertising. They will reach millions of people who have no idea about any of the negative things about the XB1. Moms, dads, grandparents, new games, or gamers that dont travel in our circles. Sony just does not have the raw cash anymore to be able to do a scorch the earth campaign like MS can.
MS showed up at bestbuy stores during nintendos big unveiling of new games to ambush people coming http://www.ubergizmo.com/2013/06/microsoft-employees-ambush-wii-u-best-buy-events-to-promote-xbox-one/
And they are setting up xbox one stores inside a bunch of bestbuy stores http://www.vg247.com/2013/06/14/microsoft-opening-stores-inside-600-best-buy-outlets-to-promote-xbox-one/
Thats only the start.
Only way they will feel anything is if the real gamers reach more non gamers to let them know about the XB1 and why it is very anti customer base and to contact publishers/developers to let them know they will support the PS4.
I don´t know if there is any corporation that can afford to lose money indefinitely. I mean, in some moment, teh money will be cut off by shareholders.
In terms of money MS is a giant. Â They have revenue sources from Windows, Office, Servers, DB engines, services, .... So many that they are can afford to have one that is unprofitable just to retain some market share of that area.
Except nobody is going to do that. Eventually they would just change their business model or do something different. No company is just going to purposely keep losing money in a division just because "other divisions make money". That's rediculous. Eventually they would change their business plan. Look at how radical of change Sony has gone through since about 2009, that was directly in response to the early struggles of the PS3.Â
My guess is early on they will just throw money at it like crazy to advertise. So it is basically a battle of advertising $$$ having an effect on sheeples vs. knowledge customers that will more likely stay away until they change policy. I think definitely if they throw enough money at it, it won't be like Wii-U and just sit there on shelves. They proved with Kinect 1.0 that even total garbage can get some sales with a $500 Million ad budget. However I'm not sure that even a massive ad budget is going to overcome some glaring issues with this product, and they probably have to spend so much in adds that it will make the division a money loser... until they change their strategy that is...
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