@clr84651 said:
@Maddie_Larkin said:
@clr84651 said:
@lostrib said:
@clr84651: too bad, so sad
That criteria of games being the deciding factor to compare systems is BS!
Then why have sales been the deciding factor on here for many many years. And where the F*** is the PC representative at E3 and the other gaming shows?!
You mean the machines used to demo nearly every third party game in existence? Yeah I Wonder where they are at e3 *rolls eyes*
BTW: can you give us a reason to include X1 and PS4 as consoles? seeing as they are multimedia machines, I would think the category "blu ray players with added gaming functionality" fits just as well? Seeing as neither live up to the difinition of a "console" seeing as they are built to be multimedia machines.
Strawmen be strawmen, if you are too buthurt that your system of choice did not do well then too bad, too sad.
Oh good one! The only thing that PC does the same that consoles do is play disc games. It's different in every other way. Where's the sales of this PC company? A console is a closed loop gaming system built to play games first and foremost by one company. I guess the stand alone PC gaming system just needs to compete somewhere albeit with other gaming systems not in it's same category.
Where does it stand that a Company has to make the hardware in order to make it a console? Seeing as both systems are AMD made, and MS and Sony is the public face of both consoles have very Little impact on you know, the actual hardware.
Yeah lets see, PC can consume media (movies on disk or without, same with music), browse the net, act as storefronts. You know what that sounds like? yup the Things you misguidedly call a "console" while you cling to the outwards firms govering it, in that case would PC not be MS and Apple no?
As far as I remember when the X1 got revealed was it games that was the prime concern? no. Basicly what you consider a console in your head, does not equate to the real World. Hell there have been plenty of studies, that listed the PS3 as being used more for netflix then games, does that sound like a console?
See where you make the biggest mistake in your assumption is that a console is the product of one corperation (which it is not). And that it is a closed system (which it is also not, seeing as EA per example have its own service on the X1, as far as I know EA is another Company no?).
Basicly the 7 and 8th generation are simply budget Pc's with custom interface, whatever arguments you have made, are void seeing as consoles stopped being consoles in the PS2 era and became multimedia sonsumption machines (gaming no longer sole existence). Hell go into a Sony center and buy a TV and you will likely get a PS4 thrown after you as a "blu ray player" or more accurate multimedia entertainment centre.
Give me one area where what you call a console differs from a PC, would be better, certainly not in coding, not in hardware, not in interface, not in 3rd party (other Companies, delivering entertainment on your box).
Basicly the only thing we have that even resembles a console is the Wii U, Live with it, the rest of them might aswell be Pc's Thus pretty damn stupid to claim the PC is different, when they are pretty much the same (Heck the PS3 had a Linux OS on it in the beginning, does that sound like a console to you?.
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