This game has already failed. The game is called Sonic 4, yet if this was a game that got released just months after Sonic & Knuckles it would have been absolutely ripped apart by the fans. As a sequel to the original Megadrive series it's an absolute disgrace. Most of the levels are just rehashes. Splash Hill having a somewhat similar setting to Green Hill is nice, but when you've also got rehashes of Labrynth and Casino Night you've got a problem. That's especially bad considering there's only 4 zones in the game. Plus the bosses are all just rehashes of older bosses as well. Plus all the cool powerups introduced in Sonic 3 are gone. No new ones are there to replace them. Ah and of course Sonic is the only playable character. Why remove Tails and Knuckles? They were great fun to play as. If you're just going to rehash stuff from the original games then at least have the decency to include most of the features from Sonic 3 & Knuckles. With that said, the game does look fun. It will no doubt be a good fun game, but for a game with the title of Sonic 4 it's a complete disaster. There's always hope future episodes will be better but I'm not holding my breath.
Well now I guess it's time to anticipate the announcement of the next 3D Sonic. That should be good. I'm actually not joking. I usually like something about every 3D Sonic. Most of them just get let down by some awful gameplay elements. I wish they'd just make a sequel to Sonic Heroes, which I think is easily the best 3D Sonic and one of my favourite 3D platformers ever. An unleashed sequel works for me too though. Perfect the sonic gameplay, slow it down a tad, take out the hub, werehog and forced collectible crap and you've got a winner.
All I know is that "Old School Sonic" is what all the fanboys (more like fakeboys) asked for. Now they finally get it and they still complain. :(yep, and it makes me really not care about Sonic anymore anyways
i mean seriously... just gonna pick up Super Mario Galaxy and SMG2 and forget that blue thing even existed
The sad thing is that is most likely the mentally of most of people not just here but all over the net. If people at least admitted to hating Sonic, I wouldn't have a problem with it. It's all that "How to Save Sonic" BS that annoys me because the people who say this obviously aren't fans of the series nor do they even know what's wrong with the recent Sonic games. It's just a bunch of fanboys whining about something they hate. -__-
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