Gamers also said the Xbox 360 had issues with exclusives the last 4-5 years of its life span, and yet it hasn't been rectified. Xbox One, is officially Xbox dOne
Xbox 360 was pretty lucky that Sony messed up at the start, and the Xbox 360 got some great stuff like Oblivion, Bioshock, Mass Effect, Gears of War; which the PS3 either didn't get or got much later.
Unless Microsoft do a huge shift next gen, and invest billions in studios and exclusives, it will be a very short "system war", even more embarrassing than this one.
Xbox 360 in it's late year 2005 was a nice welcome console, it had everything going since both Sony & Nintendo came late to the party with there own consoles. But after 2010, MS all of a sudden got lazy with exclusive games while they focus too much media apps and so with that, PS3 just happen to kept releasing exclusive games. But either way, 360 was a great console to own. To bad it's bigger brother won't live up to little brother.
Im not sure why people have to defend a platform to the point of being delusional.
The Xbox has done two things well. The X1X really is a nice piece of hardware and the backwards compatability is awesome. Its nice to see they have created an ecosystem that seems it will be supported in the future.
However their first party lineup is absolutely pitiful. If you have one choice i dont see many picking a Xbox one over a PS4. Other then Sea of Thieves there is nothing im looking foward to. Crackdown was shown 4 years ago and still looks bad, Scalebound was my most anticipated game on the platform (and actually looked awesome) and they cancelled it. My point is not every exclusive game appeals to me but on average Sony produces about 5 or 6 great games i cant get anywhere else while MS struggles to make 1.
Only hardcore Xbox fanboys who are blind will defend Xbox One, even without exclusive games, they still back MS up. I won't denied I did enjoy MS offerings such as Rare Replay, Killer Instinct and mostly Quantum Break but that's about it. Xbox One X is a nice upgraded console for multiplats but that's about it.
@davillain-: Phil Spencer better use this time to recover and gain more first party studios so they can stand a chance against Playstation next gen.
They did with Platinum Games Scalebound and look how that turn out. If MS cannot keep studios, I don't know what will.
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