A Halo movie would fail miserably no matter who produced it, the only incentive to actually make a movie based on the game would be to con all those teen boys into paying to see it.
First of all you just contradicted your self.
Halo movie would fail, yet it would attract a lot of people to come watch it.?
yeah but sub zero said it would make money.
What is the incentive of making any movie?
Take one guess.
There is no business like show business.
What is your reasoning as to why you think it would fail?
because you personally think the story is bland?
Yet it delves in to religion, a time span over thousands of years and is good enough to span into other media
You think because the Halo universe can not stand with out Master Chief?
Yet Halo Wars (with a bad score here in Gamespot) yet it sold over a million as an console RTS, ODST expectations are high since E3, and Halo Reach is considered very pivotal to Halo fans.
You think Halo is generic?
yet has millions of fans and has been going strong for over close to 8 years
seriously I want to see some actual intelligent thought.
Apart from along the lines of "Oh, I won't watch it 'cause I personally hate Halo" you have nothing.
Resident Evil has spawn 3 movies, and who knows it may spawn another. not all game movies are complete bombs.
Do you actually believe that Microsoft will not put a big budget into this?
Seriously any haters out here can come up with proper facts and research apart from their own personal opinion.
Microsoft created 343 Industries dedicated to all things Halo now.
Steven Spielberg was impressed by the script for Halo Reach.
Peter Jackson's short live action Halo movie was given positive reception.
millions of Halo fans ARE excited for this and they are the initial group to watch it first opening week, that's the least.
It would fail because it was already done before, it's called Power Rangers and it sucked.Power Rangers?
First of all from what I recall Power Rangers series started to suffer with cast drop outs and by the time the movie came out the series was in decline.
The Halo franchise is growing not declining, even to this day Halo 3 is still selling.
New ventures are pending.
Power Rangers isn't the only big franchise you can parlel Halo to.
How about Pokemon?
It spawned a movie and subsequently more movies were made.
Big franchises can crash because of a movie, and sometimes they can get even bigger because of a movie.
How about other game based movies?
Resident Evil has made 3 films and Resident Evil is still big.
How about all the other game based movies coming out?
Are you going to say they will fail too? or this only applies to Halo?
Yeah it's been done before you have to look at both sides of the coin.
Naysayers have been going about the demise of Halo for 8 years since its inception, you would think haters would have learnt by now that millions of people like Halo for many reasons. What's the difference with any other Halo media?
Novels, books, Machinima, Movies?
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