@freezamite: We're getting some translation issues, I'm not arguing anything with reviews, I haven't argued the games score, I have never argued what the game should score, I do not give a flying **** about video game scores. My tastes and posting history on this forum will more than cover that end. So whatever reason you are arguing review criteria with me is lost to me, if that's an error on my end, I apologize, otherwise you're missing my actual complaint over some number bullshit. Likewise read my text I am not questioning the quality of the games or your ability to enjoy said game, more the apologizing done for a game that is objectively missing shit it should have. Not with arguments built around reason or logic, but excuses and apologies that shouldn't be made for a company that is widely regarded as one of the best, if not the best. Might want to stop putting words into my mouth that I didn't actually say.
But there are facts to accept. It is a fact that the game launched with less content, less modes, and missed features that should obviously be there in an online game in 2015. Not because "everyone will use them", but because having the option is better than no option. I never asked for team deathmatch, I didn't ask for Capture the Flag, I didn't ask for VIP, I didn't ask for a zombies mode. That would be asking for generic content that means nothing. I asked for the game to provide me my money's worth of content in terms of maps and mode at launch, because a multiplayer game with 5 maps and 1 game mode? Is wildly limited in comparison to other games.
It's one thing when Dota 2 only has one map, Dota 2 has depth for days that no shooter is actually competing with. A third person shooter? lets get real, it needs map variety, even if the matches go fairly quickly.
Asking for 4k resolution is an impractical thing that consoles aren't actually strong enough for, much less the Wiiu. Voice chat is shit that consoles from gen 6 could offer, and Nintendo simply doesn't. Major difference, not comparable.
And no I do not think video games should be scored by content by dollar, I do not think Gears deserves more praise than Vanquish, on my scale Vanquish would do fine. That said this isn't as simple as black and white, in a scenario where lets say I dug Splatoon's gameplay as much as you did, I would hold it against the game for launching with such light content. Vanquish chooses not to have multiplayer, that's one thing, Splatoon chooses to have multiplayer and then half asses it in areas that it shouldn't. My ability to speak to my friends should matter, because I prefer playing mp games with my friends. My inability to be on the same team with them should fucking matter, because I like playing a mp game with my friends. Did those lack of features have no impact on my enjoyment of the game in that scenario? They did didn't they? In key areas that effect this type of game. Now how much I would bitch about said short coming comes down to my appreciation for the gameplay, what is there, and yes the sp as well. Like I said I wasn't arguing score, just wild apologizing that were made against things that weren't "hate" or whatever, it was stating facts.
As for The Last of Us, if I was arguing its superiority or inferiority, I would definitely focus on the gameplay. And unlike you apparently, I actually dig a lot of the gameplay in the Last of us, even in the multiplayer.
Bottom line: Here are things it doesn't have and here are things it's holding out on me until August either for some arbitrary ass reason or because the game wasn't finished in time for the May 29th release.
'You're getting free dlc" is not a good defense, because it's not actual post game DLC like other mp shooters. It launched with less modes and maps than those shooters that have DLC. It couldn't get away with that bs. Hence why Titanfall could get away with map DLC, but couldn't do it with game modes (it had like 3 when it launched).
"I don't need voice chat" : Good for you, it should still be an option, it's a mainstay in shooters, and assuming you get 3 other people to play with you that will take it as seriously as you will, yeah communicating with your mouth and ears with your teammates is more effective than simply trusting on unspoken instinct or design logic. I don't care how busy the game can be, when you get good at a game you learn to manage that shit. People manage all the different meta systems in Dota, while communicating, and having their finger tips dance all over that keyboard when necessary. So the complexity argument doesn't fly
"you'll be able to play with your friends in August" : That should have been fucking there since day one. That is like multiplayer 101 shit at this point. That is the whole point of multiplayer is to play with your friends, together, especially in a team game. And it is ridiculous that the game doesn't have them.
I'm not saying you can't like the game, but you can't dismiss those short comings or lame moves by Nintendo with just "well the game is good". Plenty of good things have shitty things about them. It doesn't have to be one or the other.
Likewise when the person writing the review mentions said short comings as a short coming, yeah it had some impact on the score. To say it didn't is to ignore any sense of logic what so ever. So again can I get something based around facts and logic, and not opinions and emotions. Otherwise agree to disagree and move on. Even I'm tired of this thread.
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