@kingtito said:
Nobody forgot El Tormented, which is the point people are trying to make. You moronic cows vehemently denied the term but miraculously are ok with it now. That's just as bad as the same idiots claiming P2P online was stupid and they'd never do it only to pull a 180 and claim it's ok now since it's PSN and you get "free" games. Pull your head out of your ass dude, not one person here is forgot about last gen but can't say the same for cows.
Didn't bother reading the rest because you can never remove your head from Sony's ass to make any sense or to be sensible.
Don't bother responding, Sony fans are the clowns of SWs and this thread is just 1 of the many threads proving such.
Oh yeah he did... Is the reason i reminded him this gen he act like a Hermit,last gen he was a total leming.
No one is saying is OK,they are downplaying sony for somethig LEMMINGS invented how can any lemming slam sony for this when you people invented the whole console exclusive crap.? So yeah the big HYPOCRITES here are you lemms because it was you who invented that crap and pretended for a full generation that games on PC and xbox 360 were xbox exclusives.
WTF are you smocking the PS3 was also P2P in fact most games were P2P on PS3,sony exclusive used dedicated servers and not all of the which was better than P2P and still is,but wait now SERVER are great because of azure.? Because last gen you lemming didn't care about dedicated servers in fact you people justify not having them even that you pay a yearly fee when on PS3 more games ran on servers and was free,P2P is as ok now as it was last gen and yes Dedicated serves is better sadly not all games on xbox one run on dedicated servers or even MS own servers like EA games for example.
Most PS3 games are P2P not even that you know so stop inventing crap.
Again if i have my head up MS ass,you have your damn entire body up MS ass.
Sony fans are clow really.?
Last gen.
Paying for COD crap is great.
Graphics are great, graphics comparison are ok,720p vs 640p is a huge difference.
Sales threads are great (ONLY US Matter tho)
Exclusives are great.
Indies are great.
P2P is great.
Games on PC and xbox only are consider exclusives.
This gen.
Fu** COD and DLC.
Graphics who care that,there is no difference between 720p and 1080p.
Who cares about sales.
Who cares about exclusives.
Indies suck.
P2P sucks.
Games on Ps4 and PC only are consider mutliplatforms.
You are the clowns hell you are the jokes here.
@delta3074 said:
Oh the Irony, Sony fanboys last gen claiming there was no such thing as a console exclusive when xbox fans bought up games like left4dead and th witcher 2.
does this mean that DR3 and ryse are classed as console exclusives now
According to this site it was a term invented by lemmings here.
For me an exlusive game is 1 that is on 1 plaform.
By the way Kinglemming this is my stance on this matter,is on Page 6 of this same thread,for me an exclusive is a game on 1 platforms no hypocrite double standards there from me.
@HalcyonScarlet said:
@tormentos: Don't get desperate tormentos. Lems tried and got shot down... Cows only want to do it because there's hardly any exclusives otherwise. Complain to Sony then. Tell them you need the exclusives to play SWs. No need to start inventing exclusives.
I am not desperate at all just poitining to you what you defended last gen and it was the faction you were in who invented that crap,so for you console exclusive are VALID for me they are not because that was my stance last gen,you lemmings stance was that it was valid to account those games as console exclusives.
Go to page 6 or read my stand on this matter abode this quote.
By the way you are confusing the PS4 with the xbox one,which is the one with hardly any exclusives this year.
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