I think it's just common sense. There are people who just post things that are totally not related to the board at hand. People who spam nonsense and spam the board. People who spout nonsense without undertanding where the other person is coming from. Other times people have a reason to disagree adn if the moderaters let people speak they might realize what I'm saying is true.
I realize some people jsut aren't able to have a mature discussion without making accusations. That's reality. But it's pretty obvious to me. The people that have been getting banned aren't the jerks.
Some people have opinions that are actually pretty good and some people just can't take it because it's an opinion that isn't the norm.
It's difficult for me to say good job gamespot after what I've been through. It's bs. I know i've been right and it's caused stress. It makes me not like this board and I think gamespot should have realized this in the first place. The damage has been done. But I give credit where credit is due. Good job. I hope you really get it.
The thing is I'm more than willing to defend my case and let it play out. That's the thing. It's just more annoying when I get accused and banned when I never even got to finish what I was saying lol.
I'm more than willing to take responsibility for the post I made. That's the point.
The 1st amendment exists in this country for a reason. I'm not saying Gamespot has been anti-american. But it kind of has. I get that amendment doesn't apply to private institutions and you can do what you want, but half the time I don't think mods even realize what's going on isn't what they think is going on.
These are forums. That's what they are for. If you don't let people speak what do you have? That's what people are here for.
It would be nice if people could learn to respect each other and try to understand where people are coming from.
90 percent of the crap i've seen is stuff that never happens in reality.
Evolving is good. I realize the internet is new. But still. I post on other forums where they just let people speak and people are much more mature. I've always wondered what are forums like this really teaching people.
To report people and attack them just because you disagree?
I've been more than amazed for what i've been reported for and the mods actually ban me. Because it's just not true. In reality it would be obvious. Even through text it should be obvious.
Some of the mods here have been the worst. That's not me attacking people either. It's more just true. I can't prove that this way. But in reality it would be obvious.
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