[QUOTE="Celtic_34"]It was more the fact you assumed something that may or may not be true.
I would love to see him wiggle his way out of that comment. He's already shown to me that he's a prick so pulling the racist card is pretty easy when you call folks the n-bomb. meh, im black myself, and I personally get a kick out of how everyone on the internet who ISNT black is so oblivious to the fact that the N word really doesnt hurt us...(at least not over the internet anyways).Its like, did you think I was going to melt into a puddle of water just by calling me that word :? We dont really care lol, I just laugh it off, (and I promise you Blackb0nd does too)because we both know exactly what is on the other side of the computer screen of the guy who said that. A fat, jobless, socially awkward/foreveralone, degenerate/internet nerd, etc... Either that, or a 12 year old Call of Duty brat. Anybody who has that much animosity towards anyone on the internet to possibly believe that word offends me(over the internet) let alone go out of their way to call someone else that (over the internet), is a no life, loser, and a degenerate. END OF STORY. Hell, if someone in real life even called me it, I would laugh. And if they said it while getting violent with me, I would be more pissed at the fact that they disrespected me alone.....I could care less their personal "position" on the black persuasion.
Like Joe Rogan said......Michael Jordan (or anybody worth a sh*t in real life) doesnt go home, and hop on youtube/Ustream talking sh*t and sending the N-word to people (paraphrase). I dont bother giving posts like that the time of day, because what is on the other side of their computer screen is punishment enough for their actions.
This is also the same reaction I get whenever someone messages me after a Halo or COD match calling me a f***ot or N word, proceeding to tell me how much I suck at the game, how terrible I did at assult (because I didnt even have the controller in my hands lulz).....is that supposed to offend me :? etc.....My sig is the exact face I make.
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