People have this image in their head of what this faceless internet person they're having a conversation with is like. And this is often not consistent with reality. If they were talking face to face they would behave completely differently towards each other, showing a lot more respect. Why do these social standards have to stop existing just because the form of communication changes?
But unfortunately they in large parts do due to a lack of tangible consequences, which is why rules are necessary. See this stevo guy popping up starting to insult and bully celtic into leaving to satisfy his own selfish need to find entertainment through intentionally annoying other people. That behavior seems fueled at least partially by wanting to be part of this inner group of people and the resulting group mentality. And I guess it's spurred by the same psychological dohicky that makes you poke fun at your friends and laugh at pratfalls, but when that behavior seeps into your interactions with complete strangers it just gets weird, inappropriate, disrespectful and offensive. If it took place in the real world it would be straight up antisocial and would likely lead to violence.
But stevo has a point, System Wars has a history of being god damned stupid as all hell. People acting like immature jerks kind of comes with the territory. You can try to influence it in another direction but that's not going to be easy. If you're gonna remain, the best you can do is probably to just tolerate/ignore it and try not to take things too seriously. In general I believe it's more about being playful than intentionally meanspirited. But maybe that's just me being naive, I don't know. I'm sure some people aren't just acting like immature jerks.
Admittedly I sometimes don't mind a little immature stupidity. But trolling, flaming and the like is rarely stupid in a way I find stimulating. Primarily just childish, sad, disruptive and/or dull etc.
You know what'd be good? An ignore function. Maybe Gamespot engineers will get to it after they've fixed the link bug in 2014.
To continue my essay, this reminds me of an encounter I had with a guy in the Youtube comments. I wrote something that could be perceived as disrespecful towards his interests and so he came at me with some rash kneejerk attack. I clarified what I meant in a friendly manner and he responded to me in the same tone like a normal human being. It was coo. Gave me some faith in humanity. Also he definitely could have beaten my ass as he appeared to be a 40 year old body builder or something.
The internet can be cool, having conversations with people from all over the world of different cultures, backgrounds and ages as if you were peers.
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