[QUOTE="ActionRemix"]Am I trying too hard or not enough? :|StrongDeadlift
You have to make more topics to get that kind of negative attention. Simply posting in threads won't get you as much exposure since most people don't always read every post in each thread
Want to know the key? Dont get mad. EVER. Dont ever give them attention or validation of any sorts (I.E. replying to them). If someone on the internet puts that much effort into insulting you, DO NOT INSULT THEM BACK. This only proves that not only did you NOT enable their animosity, or bait them.......but they did it all by themselves. This negativity and animosity was built up inside of them BEFORE I came into the picture, and most likely permeates throughout their real life interactions (or lack thereof), and what is on the other side of the computer screen is reprocussion enough for their actions. I will, however, derrive entertainment value from it...
You see, they have the ability to send me all the rediculous insults they want, at their own will, such as racial slurs, homophobic slurs, extreme language ("r*tard", "b*tch"), slurs of sexual deviance (such as "dick sucking microsoft"), talking about me not having a life, etc... all they want. But no matter what they do.......they can NEVER get me mad or as worked up as they are, and they can NEVER elicit the same emotionally charged responses from me in return. This tends to especially frustrate them :lol: This is how a weak mind works.
Also, the "passive trolling" that I do to them (I.E. pointing out that they are weak minded, predictable, and mentally unstable, disturbed) frustrates them even more, because deep down they know everything im saying is 100% correct, and it makes them mad. When they send me these hate filled PMs with strong insults, it is out of frustration that I made them mad, yet they cant make me mad, and they know this. Which is why they CONTINUE to respond with so much animosity and strong emotionally charged language, when its not even being returned to them. They want me to get as mad as THEY are, and they know they will never get that. And at the end of the day......its all because I said something negative about their precious company, Sony, and they feel persecuted.
Any time someone projects hate or negativity like that towards someone else, it is because they want attention, validation, and want someone to acknowlege their existance (which they obviously arent getting IRL).
Also, I reccommend getting an obnoxious AVI like mine, and an obnoxious sig like the T.I. laughing gif I used to have. This also tends to get under their skin for some reason.
:lol: seems you have it down to a science
I usually get hate mail on video games more and I do do some of the stuff you mentioned. I usually just respond with either a smiley face, a winking face, or I correct their misusage of there, their, or they're. Like I'll get a message that says "Your a b****" so I'll just reply " You're*." That usually irritates them as well.
Also, its ridiculous, not rediculous :P
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