I did a combination of sorts of both Clyde's and Mine's Builds.
Turns out it's cheaper. :P
I'm not quite sure on Clyde's Method of Reusing my Windows 7 key considering it looks like, according to that site anyway, that I would be EXTRACTING the code from the computer I'm using now and transfer it to the new build. I'm getting not rid of the rig I'm using now, I'm just building a new computer. Unless I'm HORRIBLY mistaken.
Also I'm really trying to salvage that Case of mine. I want it to work, I really don't want to change it. So my questions now are
What is the Difference Between the MSI A88X-G45 GAMING FM2+ & GIGABYTE GA-Z97X-UD5H LGA ?
and What is the difference between the AMD A10-5800K Trinity Quad-Core 3.8GHz & Intel Core i5-4690K Haswell Quad-Core 3.5GHz ?
Those two comparisons look they would get the job done the same, but one's cheaper than the other. Is there something I should be looking out for?
Also Another reason why I left SSD is purely that one Clyde put up is no longer available at this time. Though I'm considering putting the OS on an SSD for faster loading. I'm also considering going CrossFire for this, As in putting down for another Sapphire. I was going to go with the Nvidia card so I can take advantage of the PhsyX stuff, but apparently you can configure this stuff using an AMD card too. I'll probably look more into it. Also I plan on putting another 8 GB Ram Stick in this build too to make a 16 gb build. Though the stuff I have up there is just to get me started. The Bluray Drive is purely just so I can watch my Blurays on my PC.
Even their cheap FX cpus are a better choice. You're getting a GPU so there's no reason to grab an APU. I'd recommend shooting for Intel though and 4790k would be ideal. Way better performance and it'll last a long time. Don't think there's much of a difference between those motherboards besides the CPUs they support and the audio chips. Unless there's something about that Gigabyte you need, ASrock and MSI should offer what you need at a lower price. Plus they have decent onboard sound these days.
For Windows 7, if you already have a key then you don't need to buy it again. There's programs out there that'll let you view your product key if you didn't save it from before. W7 keys can be activated 5 times so you're safe to reuse it, and even then you can resort to sailing the high seas for methods around that.
I thought Nvidia patched out the hack for enabling GPU PhysX on AMD? I still wouldn't go that route anyway. Get whatever card you want.
If you are mostly gaming there's no point in getting a 4790k
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