why isn't the stock thermal solution fine?
Depends on how hot those APUs run. I was a bit worried with my phenom at stock speeds/cooler, when it was a bit warm in here I would sometimes reach 55c. And the limit on those is 62c.
Bought a EVO, even OC'ed and never went passed 43c
with the stock cooler did you ever exceed 62°C? eg did you ever have problems caused by excess temperature? it sounds as though you made the change pre-emptively (which is fine)
and yes an aftermarket solution should be superior. and yes, climate can have an effect.
i'm surprised when people say the thermal solution provided by amd/intel is insufficient .in some cases you can overclock with the stock cooler. it's a multi factorial dynamic thing.
Nope it never did. I was just worried that some day it might. With how the weather has been changing here the past few years, it's possible it could have maybe reached the 60s.
Though with me being on the second floor, its a bit hotter up here compared to the lower floor during the summer.
The stock was fine imo, just me being worried was the problem. I didn't try the stock cooler with my 4670k, because I knew I was gonna OC it. So I moved my EVO over to this build.
Now my phenom is just sitting atm, but I might put the stock cooler back on it and start using it.
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