@mmmwksil said:
@charizard1605 welcome to the club, friend. Us diagnosed with that need to stick together!
Though to be honest I don't find the diagnosis to be anything to get worried about or change your life over. Just do what you do as usual and learn to accept the situations that make you feel weird.
Now, if you had been diagnosed with whatever it is you call that thing where you feel like actively hurting people...
Yeah, I was freaking out a little, and then I realized that a formal label for a behavior pattern I have always had anyway doesn't really matter. it changes nothing at all. So I hope it is fine, really.
And do you mean psychopathy? :p
@deadline-zero0 said:
Sorry to hear about that man. Not sure how severe it is, but hope you can find something to help you deal with it.
Have OCD myself and it can get annoying trying to keep it under control. Not a comparable situation, obviously.
Just don't let it get you down and try your best to do what you can to fight it. I'm sure it'll be fine in the long run.
Apparently pretty severe, I was near the top of the scale lol.
The funny thing is, I am pretty confident about myself, and I used to be pretty good about public speaking and stuff. Somewhere down the line, things changed. I don't know where or when or what, but I mean, I freak out at social interactions now.
But yeah, it should be okay in the long run, hopefully.
@Maroxad said:
It is just a part of your personality indeed. Be it oyur strengths or weaknesses, those are all a part of what makes you, you.
Indeed, no point trying to gnash your teeth over it.
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