Michigan Men root for Michigan Men.
Go Tom Brady. Go Patriots.
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Sorry to hear about that man. Not sure how severe it is, but hope you can find something to help you deal with it.
Have OCD myself and it can get annoying trying to keep it under control. Not a comparable situation, obviously.
Just don't let it get you down and try your best to do what you can to fight it. I'm sure it'll be fine in the long run.
Apparently pretty severe, I was near the top of the scale lol.
The funny thing is, I am pretty confident about myself, and I used to be pretty good about public speaking and stuff. Somewhere down the line, things changed. I don't know where or when or what, but I mean, I freak out at social interactions now.
But yeah, it should be okay in the long run, hopefully.
I'm not a doctor, so i might be over my head here, but i think that you should try and tackle it head on, bit by bit.
My OCD can be very rampant. In order to stop the habits (obsessions), i keep eliminating each, one by one. Eventually, my anxiety towards certain obsessions, like checking doorlocks or water or whatever, goes away. Obviously, new ones always show up, sooner or latter, but i eventually try and tackle them aswell.
On a side note, my dad recently started trying to quit smoking. Bit by bit, he tries to smake less and less, and is doing well so far. Atleast when i get around to check on him. He doesn't get has anxious when he doesn't smoke has often either.
I believe that some degree anxiety can be beaten with short bursts of practice. If you find yourself being anxious in social interactions with different situations, approaching them head on but with slow steps, might give you great benefits. In my case, my anxiety is due to my mind needing a state of peace and safety, and when i force the obsession to stop, i no longer get anxious.
Perhaps a similar situation might happen to you, where you start to interact with larger and larger groups of people in a progressive manner, and your mind might find tranqulity.
I'm sorry if i come off has being too intrusive in the issue, and a doctor will probably advice you better than i ever could, I wish you the best. Has i said, different disorders are different, so what worked ofr me might not work for you.
Anyway, that's point on that and won't dwell on it more. In the end, like i said, you'll be fine regardless. And this is SW anyway. I'm off to bed.
@TheGuardian03: Thank you, my friend, those were very nice and kind and uplifting words. It's really nice to know that there are so many great people on this board still, and I hope you can continue to face and resolve any problems you have as well :)
man, katy perry has a scary ass face
If you are looking at her face, you are doing it wrong.
It's now the end of February 1. How long must I wait before Club Nintendo trots out the new rewards? Clearly I'm obsessed over this but you would be too if you missed your one chance to get a 3DS XL charging cradle back in 2013.
That's why we all the rewards have been digital these days. :V There's no need to be obsessed.
So wanted that rookie to win MVP but no... Brady, even with two interceptions, got it. Even though the Patriots would have lost the game without that damn rookie. Jeez Louise!
Still. What the hell with that play? Just... what the hell?
That one play was huge, but MVP should be the guy who had the most impact through out the course of the game. Brady even with his 2 picks, was terrific in that game. Plus he was money when it counted in the 4th Quarter.
That one play was huge, but MVP should be the guy who had the most impact through out the course of the game. Brady even with his 2 picks, was terrific in that game. Plus he was money when it counted in the 4th Quarter.
Yeah I know that's how the stupid NFL does things... doesn't mean I'm happy about it! >_<
Indeed, no point trying to gnash your teeth over it.
Charizard faced his other self...
He has obtained the facade used to overcome life's hardships, the persona Shiva!
But it is good you accept who you are. Trust me, I know some adults, who are older and still refuse to acknowledge and some of their traits. Someone who used to post on this site before is one of them, he is incredibly delusional, and seems to be in huge denial about some of his traits to the point where he gets offended (like him being a fanboy of GW2). Perhaps it should come to no surprise that he is doing so badly in his academics, to the point where second year students in my school are superior programmers to him. He who is appearantly on his 5th year. And while he will probably blame it on his school, but Rankings would prove him otherwise (the school he goes to is the 40th best in South America). Definately one of the best in Brazil within its field.
So who's making Blood borne HYPE thread?
I just want to say that I think this is going to be the PS4's 10 score. If Bayonetta 2 can then surely Blood Borne which looks even more amazing can.
Also if Konami decides to make a new 3d castlevania they should get Plat to do it. With blood borne like visuals and a fast paced combat alucard h&s.
Still to early for a hype thread. Even the Order 1886 was a month before launch. It's better to wait for 4-3 weeks before launch, imo.
But i don't see it getting a 10. Bayonetta 2 was, well, random. Predicting a 10 on GS is impossible. Bloodborne will probably get 9s all around. The Souls elements, revamped combat and setting will garner great reveiwes, but the fact that it's another Souls game at it's core, will probably keep it from being a 10. Tha's my prediction atleast.
Still my most anticipated ps4 exclusive. So jelly :(
But it is good you accept who you are. Trust me, I know some adults, who are older and still refuse to acknowledge and some of their traits. Someone who used to post on this site before is one of them, he is incredibly delusional, and seems to be in huge denial about some of his traits to the point where he gets offended (like him being a fanboy of GW2). Perhaps it should come to no surprise that he is doing so badly in his academics, to the point where second year students in my school are superior programmers to him. He who is appearantly on his 5th year. And while he will probably blame it on his school, but Rankings would prove him otherwise (the school he goes to is the 40th best in South America). Definately one of the best in Brazil within its field.
But it is good you accept who you are. Trust me, I know some adults, who are older and still refuse to acknowledge and some of their traits. Someone who used to post on this site before is one of them, he is incredibly delusional, and seems to be in huge denial about some of his traits to the point where he gets offended (like him being a fanboy of GW2). Perhaps it should come to no surprise that he is doing so badly in his academics, to the point where second year students in my school are superior programmers to him. He who is appearantly on his 5th year. And while he will probably blame it on his school, but Rankings would prove him otherwise (the school he goes to is the 40th best in South America). Definately one of the best in Brazil within its field.
I am sure some will. But the lesson stays the same. Those who try to deny reality will find themselves flattened by reality. That guy I used as the example was the embodiment of this.
Charizard does the right thing by not trying to shove reality under a rug. By accepting and understanding his nature. He has the opportunity to grow from this knowledge. It might have taken a lot of courage. But now he has an even greater opportunity to grow. It may even be possible for him to mostly train his social anxiety disorder away. Or at least, mitigate it as much as possible. But the most difficult step has definately been done, and Charizard's courage to face it, is nothing but commendable.
Much like Charizard, I have been diagnosed with a psychological disorder as well. And much like Charizard, I chose to accept it (as well learn about it and adapt to it). Making me grow as a person by quite a bit.
Re-installing the Sims 2 Ultimate. When I wanted to play the game this morning, apparently I was either missing some important files to make the game run or (somehow), I was missing the vanilla game. Either way...
@getyeryayasout: /hug
I was at work so I didn't get to watch the game, hopefully next year my team will actually beat the Seahawks XD
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