Is Dying Light any good(besides the atrocious chromatic aberration it has which I hate so much)?
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Kanji was my main nuker in Persona 4: PS2 version. Hitting for a few thousand damage or so. Chie was the first to get booted from my party. As much as I like Galactic Punt, she just wasn't worth it.
I used Naoto/Kanji/Yukiko for my companions.
@Maroxad truth or no, it was a bit cold to use said person as an example. It's not nice to talk about someone behind their back so to speak.
Listen to me being the goody two-shoes.
Maybe you are more of a goody two shoes than you think :P
Regardless, he is pretty much a textbook example, and I am only returning the favor ;) He and his Guild Wars 2 cult have been talking and making fun of me, as well as a few other prominent critics of GW2 behind our backs. Of course, falling to his level aint ideal either. But there is a reason I dont wanna name him, at least that way he is somewhat anonymous. My goal was not to shame, my goal was to signify just how much strength Charizard has, by comparing him with what he could have pretty much have done otherwise. To be able to come to accept a condition like that so fast cannot be an easy thing to do. I went through these stages with my conditoin.
As for me, I could have remained in the denial stage even today, but I won't. That would stunt my social growth so much and had I still been in the denial stage, I would never have gone to college or get a better education. It is by accepting who I am, both flaws and strengths, that I learned to cope with my weaknesses properly, and mitigate them as much as I can. And even turn weaknesses into strengths. With Charizard accepting the knowledge of his condition. He has the potential to do the same. By learning the causes, the symptoms can be much better understood.
Which makes me wonder, can Charizard train away his condition?
I always thought the freedom to shamelessly bully others was integral to post 2013 Gamespot!
Love it how they think changing the rules will actually make SW a better place, which is filled with a SHIT load of trolling, frak the insulting cause the amount of window licking that goes on is even below 4chan posting.
What they need to do is actually have a proper ban system unlike the crappy one they have now, but oh wait they're hurting for site hits so they won't perma ban someone unless you do something extreme....
If they need a list of people to perma ban I have one that they can use.
@mitu123: its very good. Best zombie game actually. The parkour is great. The combat is fun. The more you play and upgrade the better the game gets. You can choose to play during day time or night time. Night time is very dark, you can't see anything unless you turn on your flash light. Night time gives double exp points. Night time is like the movie I Am Legend. You can look back while running and while looking everything is in slow motion matrix like and you see the infected animation which makes them look even scarier and intemedating.
The human AI is smart and tough. They dodge they block, they run away when you pull out a gun or just freeze because they're afraid of you. You can bring in some zombies to attack them and while they are fighting the zombies you can sneak in for an attack. There is a stealth neck break attack but on my friend save file i haven't acquired the ability yet. The more you upgrade the more fun the game is.
Should you buy it right now? No because the game has bugs, there is a bug that deletes your entire level progress and take away all your items and blue prints. Basically you restart from zero but it doesn't affect the story progress only your character status. Many have reported this issue. So i would recommend waiting for at least a month. Until they fix everything.
Overall based on the 12 hours that i played its way better than what metacritic scores say. And i can't wait to get my own copy later this month and by the time it releases they will probably fix the majority of the bugs and glitches. They are constantly patching the game btw and seeing what issues people Are reporting and added peformance boost and new animations among other things i forgot.
Basically i would say don't rush it. Give it a month, two tops.
I should try it in the summer then, thanks for the well detailed thoughts on the game.
Hearing senpai uttered so many times in a short setting is making me want to shoot myself. There should be an option to mute whoever is saying it during battle.
Am I the only one who misses written articles over these videos all these gaming sites tend to do nowadays?
Reading is much faster, you dont have to listen to the journalists, they are cheaper to produce, and instead of watching and having to download a whole video, you can just ctrl-F to the good stuff. It is stuff like this why I am moving more and more towards editorials on RPGcodex and gaming forums for gaming news nowadays. Not to mention the low quality of the video players.
Am I the only one who misses written articles over these videos all these gaming sites tend to do nowadays?
Reading is much faster, you dont have to listen to the journalists, they are cheaper to produce, and instead of watching and having to download a whole video, you can just ctrl-F to the good stuff. It is stuff like this why I am moving more and more towards editorials on RPGcodex and gaming forums for gaming news nowadays. Not to mention the low quality of the video players.
Personally I get my gaming news from Siliconera and NintendoLife. Check it every morning after waking up and evening before bed.
Rarely miss anything worth noting.
Edit: Though on occasion I do watch news videos here because I kinda like Jess McDonell.
Am I the only one who misses written articles over these videos all these gaming sites tend to do nowadays?
Reading is much faster, you dont have to listen to the journalists, they are cheaper to produce, and instead of watching and having to download a whole video, you can just ctrl-F to the good stuff. It is stuff like this why I am moving more and more towards editorials on RPGcodex and gaming forums for gaming news nowadays. Not to mention the low quality of the video players.
That's what I've always done.
Videos are tedious for me.
If the new rules are effective then ghostwarriors time in SW is coming to an end.
New rules?
If the new rules are effective then ghostwarriors time in SW is coming to an end.
New rules?
If the new rules are effective then ghostwarriors time in SW is coming to an end.
New rules?
Oh... when I read those, I always thought they rules ALREADY in place when the new site showed up, it's just been POORLY noted.
New rules?
Well these were already in effect but like nintendoboy said, they were not noted well. Seriously though, I do feel that a few to some users do deserve to be called out on their bullshit and be insulted in the process by being a blithering idiot who doesn't listen to valid evidence. Personally I don't agree with some of the rules but hey, it's not my own forum/website so I'm in no position to make any demands.
Guess I'm going to have to be slightly nicer but sometimes that's hard to do.
It took less than fifteen seconds to get from Lilycove to Mossdeep. What the hell GameFreak
I'm not one to say it's a perfect game, but is it really that much of a problem if the water routes aren't as much of a pain in the ass?
Now my hope for Club Nintendo has shifted to getting a quality selection for Platinum status. I'm actually praying for the chance to be able to get New Super Mario 2 or Paper Mario for free, since I ate most of my coins getting the Majora's Mask messenger bag.
It took less than fifteen seconds to get from Lilycove to Mossdeep. What the hell GameFreak
I'm not one to say it's a perfect game, but is it really that much of a problem if the water routes aren't as much of a pain in the ass?
It compacts the largest and most open feeling part of the original games. It overcompensates for the originals having "too many water sections" by lowering the encounter rate (which is good) and reducing the size of the supposedly large ocean (which is bad, especially for the yin yang nature of Hoenn's land and sea).
Ventured onto tumblr today. I literally felt my neurons commting suicide with each post I read. Damn...
Does that mean I'm technically braindead after spending more than a year on the site? Or am I somehow immune to the effect of the site?
@mmmwksil: It's likely you didn't encounter the same posts I encountered lol After all, regardless of opinion, it is a pretty huge site! Also I didn't actually use it as an user, just "browsed" per say. Maybe that was the error in my ways >.>
Still, the prevalent notion (there) that everyone is a special little flower and is somehow opressed by every other being on the planet just makes my brain go somewhat numb.
@mmmwksil: Oh, so you've seen it too XD
Granted, I'm sure there regular communities on tumblr just like anywhere else. I think I saw stuff mostly from the extreme ones. Apparently being a dragon/unicorn/elf/etc now count as "genders". Also, "fat" is apparently perfectly healthy and "proven" to fight diabetes. Yes, diabetes.
People are free to be what they are or want to be; if it makes their lives better or happier, I'm no one to take that away from them..... but holy crap..................what in the world?
@mmmwksil: It's likely you didn't encounter the same posts I encountered lol After all, regardless of opinion, it is a pretty huge site! Also I didn't actually use it as an user, just "browsed" per say. Maybe that was the error in my ways >.>
Still, the prevalent notion (there) that everyone is a special little flower and is somehow opressed by every other being on the planet just makes my brain go somewhat numb.
It's hard to not avoid those typical social justice warriors when you're browsing the site. Usually when I go there, I just post art and reblog anything that is interesting to me but that's it.
@Desmonic It's one giant pity party. Unfortunately for me it's also a central hub for fans of a certain series I was getting into at the time so I had to suffer it.
Finally there came a point where their melodramatic nonsense and belief that using the wrong pronoun is a grave insult became too much for me and I just up and left.
The impression I got, which is likely wrong, is that many of these people heard "NO" once about something/from someone they cared/valued and just turned to pity (self pity at that) instead of finding ways to either get it or get past it.
Kinda like the "1st heartbreak syndrome" (note: not actually a syndrome :P) you know? When people can't find a way to move past that person that made them feel love for the first time.
@Desmonic You're probably right about that believe it or not. It doesn't help that (at least in my experience), the userbase is dominantly teenage females. The site acts as one giant LiveJournal account where everyone pities everyone else and makes themselves feel better about anything.
I'm partly insane, and even I couldn't be quiet at times about this degree of madness. Got me hated by quite a few people during my time there.
Flash... you be so good.
Them feels with Barry's dad. And MOTHER OF GRODD!!!
I can't get into the Flash as much as I got into Arrow, it just feels very mediocre in every aspect to Arrow.
@Blabadon: To be fair, Chie's new voice is grating for the first few hours. Then it begins to grow on you. Tell her that.
I think I might let her just play and see if that happens. I like new Chie more as it is.
I do too, but for the first four hours or so, I hated her, and she made me want to cut my ears off. I was pretty mad about it too.
Then the voice actress settles into the role, and she stops sounding like an obnoxious anime character, and more like the more grounded, realistic person Chie's character is, which helps.
but does chie ever stop being a shitty character and worthless party member?
This is a legitimate question
something, something, beef bowl! something, something kung fu! thats the extent of chie's depth and character progression throughout the game.
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