@Desmonic: what did they do now?
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@lostrib: This from November 4th.
Sure. Well, first of all, I think by any measure, Destiny is off to a great start.And despite the large investment, which Dennis will talk about -- or maybe because of that large investment, we were able to be profitable from day one, and we think it's only a matter of time now before it becomes our next billion-dollar franchise.
This is from today yesterday (lol). They've since then corrected their bullshit, but it was a little bit too late :P
The big question is whether Activision lost money to get to that point, and I'll give you my professional opinion to that question: They might have, but even if they did? They don't give a shit.
It's very possible Activision is still losing money on this game, but being in the red to date with Destiny isn't anything that's keeping CEO Bobby Kotick up at night
Unless Activision gives up data we'll likely never know how well or poorly the game is doing for them in terms of profits, but the game is a hit, and it's a smart investment. Destiny isn't a game, it's a franchise
Have not enjoyed Rogue Legacy, Binding of Isaac, or Spelunky.
I guess roguelikes aren't my thing.
Faster Than Light. Go. You might like the slower pacing and the narrative elements help 'sell' the idea of a space voyage as opposed to a simulation of a thousand deaths.
Look at all the mistakes you made
>Berieved in a handheld
>Berieved in a Paper Mario post thousand year door
>Berieved in a mario rpg
>Berieved in a 3DS game
>Berieved in a game with a stickers mechanic
>Berieved in Nintendo
These are mistakes you must accept, a reality where you could have spent sticker star money on something actually good.
Point by point:
I daresay you're rather anti-Nintendo these days.
Leave it to the walking dead to bum me out. Looking forward to the rest of the season. It'll tie me over til game of thrones.
@jg4xchamp: Yo, don't lump all the Mario RPGs together with Sticker Star. 3/4 of the Mario and Luigi games have been good. 2 of them I would float just beneath TTYD.
@jg4xchamp: Yo, don't lump all the Mario RPGs together with Sticker Star. 3/4 of the Mario and Luigi games have been good. 2 of them I would float just beneath TTYD.
1 of them was legit (superstar saga), another one was aight (bowser's inside story) and entirely skippable, and a pair of them suck in dream team and partners in time. Super Mario RPG being pretty legit. That's 2/5ths
@TheGuardian03: I really like Many a True Nerd for it's crazy Fallout series (No Kill, Kill Everything, You Only Live Once) :) Can't say much about the rest of the videos in the channel though.
Edit: I also like FRANKIEonPCin1080p though he doesn't update as often as others and mostly focus on some specific series.
Anybody else having occasional problems posting?
I'm having some issues when I click post reply it sometimes doesn't work so I have to click again.
Anybody else having occasional problems posting?
Not only posting but posting pics, threads, links ect ect.
Finally caught up with Monogatari. Just finished watching Tsukimonogatari.
Will be starting new game of Persona 4 soon. Can't wait to see that other best girl route.
I don't think Sticker Star is nearly as bad as people think. I had fun with it but it did have glaring issues regarding what stickers to use or where to get them for certain events.
Saw Gamestop still had CEs of Dark Souls 2 for PC and for only 46ish bucks. Ordered it just because I wanted the figurine and I do still need to play DS2. Has that big 2015 update come out for it yet?
Beat Super Smash Bros for 3DS (9/10)
Phenomenal game. I'll give it a little more deliberation but for now I think I can say this is the best handheld game of the generation so far. The core gameplay is just fantastic and the translation to a handheld, especially one that's as ergonomically awful as the 3DS, is leaps and bounds better than I thought it'd be. I constantly have to pull myself away from one more match against three level nines the same way I had to for Wii U, but on a particularly pleasurable on the go sensibility only games like Hotline Miami and Spelunky achieve.
Above all, the gameplay is remarkably tight, even on 3DS. The stages are better than the Wii U's and its lack of modes compared to that version and Brawl and Melee are offput by just how fun it is to play as Captain Falcon similar to the way I've been using him all for over a decade. It's fun, it's frantic, it's unadulterated Smash.
On the go.
Oh my god.
Today I turn 27 years old guys...yes I'm getting up there in age!!!
Happy Birthday! :)
Sorry for late reply, but thanks.
Guys go watch Better Call Saul. Its pretty great. Also you'll get to see a character from a game.
Hint: Do you know the definition of insanity?
I will get to it later on!!!
@ChubbyGuy40: It came out a week ago I think. First run through DS2?
Yup. I was busy with school so I lost interest when it came out.
Guys I'm so starved for a fun RPG I'm willing to accept charity for the first time in my entire life like WOW I feel so burned by Paper Mario I just want to import a Japanese only game because I'll probably have more fun translating it symbol for symbol than Paper Mario.
That was long sentence I'm going mad you see I'm like a junkie I need a fix.
Can't go wrong with the classics
Wizardry 7 is better, but nowhere near as accessable.
Then again, Mother 3 and Nocturne arent bad choices either. Nocturne is the best SMT.
I love the visual design and music of Final Fantasy XIII, pity the levels are waaaaaay too drawn out and shamelessly linear. Also the story and dialogue stuff is all teenage angsty anime as ****, I guess that's to be expected.
But seriously, it's god damn beautiful even now (albeit at 1080p and with x16 msaa).
I love the visual design and music of Final Fantasy XIII, pity the levels are waaaaaay too drawn out and shamelessly linear. Also the story and dialogue stuff is all teenage angsty anime as ****, I guess that's to be expected.
But seriously, it's god damn beautiful even now (albeit at 1080p and with x16 msaa).
Except for the character designs.
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