@Zassimick: oooooh nice find, I totally forgot about that game.
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Bravely Second got a 7, so that means Fire Emblem Fates>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Bravely Second! HA, and it doesn't have much of a good story compared to it! @naughtyottsel has been owned!
NaughtyOttsel doesn't care, game is still better than Quantum Break and that's all I care about.
Keep trying lembot
Seeing Kazuma Kiryu and Goro Majima interact with Mega Man X, Phoenix Wright and Ulala is the weirdest shit ever.
God Project x Zone 2 is hilariously fanservicey.
Bravely Second got a 7, so that means Fire Emblem Fates>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Bravely Second! HA, and it doesn't have much of a good story compared to it! @naughtyottsel has been owned!
NaughtyOttsel doesn't care, game is still better than Quantum Break and that's all I care about.
Keep trying lembot
Why are you speaking in 3rd person? Also, when have I supported Quantum Break when I'm talking about Fire Emblem Fates? A game you refuse to play because of "poor" story telling.
Bravely Second got a 7, so that means Fire Emblem Fates>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Bravely Second! HA, and it doesn't have much of a good story compared to it! @naughtyottsel has been owned!
NaughtyOttsel doesn't care, game is still better than Quantum Break and that's all I care about.
Keep trying lembot
Why are you speaking in 3rd person? Also, when have I supported Quantum Break when I'm talking about Fire Emblem Fates? A game you refuse to play because of "poor" story telling.
Try atrocious dialogue with casualized gameplay actually mate.
@naughtyottsel has a point on that one. Fates was squandered potential.
Heard it's worse than Awakening and Awakening literally made me almost quit the franchise.
Who needs a half decent romance when you can have 4 bloody supports dedicated to pie making....just no and Fates has worse writing than that?!?!?
Good lord Nintendo
Bravely Default was garbage.
I disagree, I thought it was the most fun JRPG in a long time.
Story wasn't the best but it was interesting enough for me to continue playing.
Everything wrong with the series has stemmed from Awakening, and only because it sold well enough to keep the series afloat. It's sad to see it in this state, really. We can always hope the next game isn't as terrible but as time goes on I find myself unable to sustain that hope.
Everything wrong with the series has stemmed from Awakening, and only because it sold well enough to keep the series afloat. It's sad to see it in this state, really. We can always hope the next game isn't as terrible but as time goes on I find myself unable to sustain that hope.
Funnily enough I played Awakening before the others and even then I thought it was absolute garbage.
My friend recommended the GBA and GC games so I went and played those and the difference in quality was absolutely insane, went back to Awakening hoping I'd like it more but no it was absolute trash.
Easily the worst game in the series and I played the infamous Shadow Dragon (was way better than Awakening)
The three GBA games are my favorite, with Path of Radiance not far behind. But overall I'm not a huge fan of the series so it sucking now doesn't bother me all that much.
I love the older games, just not the garbage nowadays.
How can Resident Evil Revelations 2 be both thrilling and mind numbingly boring at the same time? Playing as Claire is good fun and feels like a good Resident Evil game, but Barry is fucking dull as shit.
How do you guys manage to find time for video games now that you're old?
How do you manage your backlog?
How do you guys manage to find time for video games now that you're old?
How do you manage your backlog?
you dont.
Just eat up the reviews/hype and keep buying new games that you dont have time to finish lol.
How do you guys manage to find time for video games now that you're old?
How do you manage your backlog?
you dont.
Just eat up the reviews/hype and keep buying new games that you dont have time to finish lol.
It's been bothering me for a while now. ;_;
How do you guys manage to find time for video games now that you're old? How do you manage your backlog?
I've been purchasing a lot fewer games for starters, and if I spend 2-5 hours with a game and I'm not having fun I shelve it or sell it. My gaming time is limited so I'm not going to spend time not having fun waiting for a game to get better.
I don't play much during the week, often relying on Fridays and Saturdays to game, sometimes Sunday mornings.
I have thought about going to bed earlier and then waking up early to get some gaming in during the week, but eh.
How do you guys manage to find time for video games now that you're old?
How do you manage your backlog?
you dont.
Just eat up the reviews/hype and keep buying new games that you dont have time to finish lol.
It's been bothering me for a while now. ;_;
Don't let it, just will yourself to play the best of what you have. Create Steam folders, don't buy shovelware, if you're buying an RPG, make sure it's an RPG you feel comfortable dumping hours in, make a Backloggery account. Like, sure, I bought $30 of Steam games I really wanted around my birthday in December only see that when I can buy current games, like SuperHot, Enter the Gungeon, Rise of the Tomb Raider, etc. I actually haven't touched any of those Steam sale ones.
And those titles look good as hell, The Long Dark, Pillars of Eternity, etc. It's all about setting rules for yourself, and like Zass said, be able to bail when you know it's not going your way. Personally finding time for games comes down to making the most out of the time I have and preparing for that time in advance, whether it be late night or a day off.
Also, don't buy multiplayer time sinks. Just when I thought I was seeing the light at the end of the backlog, SFV ruined my 2016.
^ Also, don't buy multiplayer time sinks. Just when I thought I was seeing the light at the end of the backlog, SFV ruined my 2016.
To this note, before 2015 I rarely played online multiplayer games. I played FFXIV for a little while and it was a blast but the monthly sub keeps me away because I don't have the time to make that worthwhile.
Then last year I got Halo 5, Splatoon, and Star Wars: Battlefront and I've had a blast with the online in them. It's terrific to be able to just pop a game in and play a couple rounds then call it, but because of my limited time gaming I find myself making excuses to not play those games and choose something else--primarily because I can actually make progress on the other games in my backlog.
So I would certainly agree. I mean, play what you want and what you have fun with, but if you're looking to clear away backlog or make progress in the little time that you have, those multiplayer games will get in the way of that.
Exactly. I continue to clock hours in SFV because I'm having fun, so why not? But if I actually devoted that time to some single player stuff, I could have chopped through 5 or 6 games on the old backlog by now.
So if you're feeling overwhelmed with the games you intend to play, then multiplayer games that demand your time and dedication are a no go.
"You do not need DKC2 on 3DS. You do not need DKC2 on 3DS..."
maybe if I keep repeating it, I won't be dumb with my money.
Anybody ever witnessed double standards in carding systems* in stores these days?
Carding systems - Verifying your age for alcohol and certain movies and video games.
How do you guys manage to find time for video games now that you're old?
How do you manage your backlog?
Phase 1 - You buy 300 games on Steam and barely play any of them
Phase 2 - You realize you have a problem
Phase 3 - You develop a system for only buying something you feel will truly be memorable for you, and only playing one game at a time
Undertale is a nice game. Also nice is my PC. It told me I don't need Dark Souls 3 in my life and that I should finally buy and play Undertale instead.
Refunding Dark Souls 3 was nice. Like shooting your dog and best friend in the face as they lay dying in your backyard and--Wait, that's not nice. That's not nice at all!
Why won't you run, Dark Souls 3? ;-;
So yeah, Undertale's a nice game I bought recently using a fraction of monies that wasn't supposed to go towards anything in particular. I beat it quickly to help keep my mind off something whose existence I'm denying. Without saying much, I like how it plays around with the rules and plays with them often to get a lot out of its combat system. Also like the overall quirky, feel-good nature of the game.
Also also, the soundtrack is pretty nice. Maybe not the greatest ever -- some of the beginning tracks in particular can feel...generic (I hated the beginning in general) --, but I won't deny that there's a lot to the soundtrack, a lot of it's good, and a lot of it plays at the right time. Many you'll hear just once for a minute or two then never again, but you'll generally remember that minute pretty well, for even the most insignificant of moments get a small track dedicated to it. It's an adventure, and adventures have all sorts of standout moments that aren't quite like eachother, so neither should the music that goes along with them.
To put it another way, I'd say the soundtrack's well-executed.
I think the title of this track says it all about how far the game'll go to make a moment memorable.
P.S.: GameSpot, plz don't eat my links.
"You do not need DKC2 on 3DS. You do not need DKC2 on 3DS..."
maybe if I keep repeating it, I won't be dumb with my money.
You don't need to play a fantastic game all over again just for David Wise. You've listened to his stuff a thousand times already; know every note by heart. You already heard him on the SNES, Wii, and WiiU. You don't need to buy DKC2 on N3DS to hear him on the go. That's what rips and YouTube are for. It's fine. Everything's fine.
You've listened to Stickerbush Symphony more than enough times anyway.
Playing through Super Mario 64 DS. Gonna grab EVERY single star as Wario. Unless I am convinced it is impossible otherwise. Too much of a Wario fanboy not to.
How do you guys manage to find time for video games now that you're old?
How do you manage your backlog?
Phase 1 - You buy 300 games on Steam and barely play any of them
Phase 2 - You realize you have a problem
Phase 3 - You develop a system for only buying something you feel will truly be memorable for you, and only playing one game at a time
This is what I do.
So far it has worked pretty well for me. I only buy 4-6 games in a year. But iall of those games I know I will like. Cheaper and I waste less time on crap games too.
I've stopped caving in for steam sales and I'll buy new games I truly want. Naturally because they're expensive I don't have the money to buy other games but I'll have the satisfaction of forcing myself to play a game I probably like.
Sounds dumb but I seem to be motivated to play games that put a hole in my wallet.
How do you guys manage to find time for video games now that you're old?
How do you manage your backlog?
You don't amass a backlog. You buy only as many games as you can feasibly play while factoring in replays of favorites since the current generation is pretty lackluster on the whole.
"You do not need DKC2 on 3DS. You do not need DKC2 on 3DS..."
maybe if I keep repeating it, I won't be dumb with my money.
I bought it. Even after owning it back on the Wii. Worth every penny; game is among the best platformers ever. And that OST...
@93BlackHawk93: I don't lol. It's been two months since I really sat down to finish a game. But in the summer I'll definitely have the time.
Impulse bought the first two Sakura Wars games on PSP, don't mind using a translation guide cause they seem cool.
See, Cuphead is one of those special games that honestly make me sad is exclusive to a particular console. Namely the Xbone.
And as much as I'd like to play it, I certainly wouldn't drop more than $50 for a Xbone to do so. And I don't have a gaming PC either. Bother...
Perhaps in the far future I'll get to try it.
See, Cuphead is one of those special games that honestly make me sad is exclusive to a particular console. Namely the Xbone.
And as much as I'd like to play it, I certainly wouldn't drop more than $50 for a Xbone to do so. And I don't have a gaming PC either. Bother...
Perhaps in the far future I'll get to try it.
Now, I don't know what's happening under the hood for Cuphead nor do I know how crappy your PC is, but a game like Muramasa could run on the Wii -- and I'm pretty sure any computer built in the past 10 years could out-perform the Wii.
Worse comes to worst, you could always trade your PS4 for an XB1 and settle for playing DQXI on the N3DS.
Side note: Wow, it's been nearly 10 years since the Wii.
See, Cuphead is one of those special games that honestly make me sad is exclusive to a particular console. Namely the Xbone.
And as much as I'd like to play it, I certainly wouldn't drop more than $50 for a Xbone to do so. And I don't have a gaming PC either. Bother...
Perhaps in the far future I'll get to try it.
Drop everything, and get a PC now. Don't look back.
(Not that Cuphead is going to require a gaming PC to run)
;_; I should've saved the money I spent on some prints for dark souls 3. Instead I wasted my money at comic con on Friday and Saturday .
I recently Review 2 games in row
See, Cuphead is one of those special games that honestly make me sad is exclusive to a particular console. Namely the Xbone.
And as much as I'd like to play it, I certainly wouldn't drop more than $50 for a Xbone to do so. And I don't have a gaming PC either. Bother...
Perhaps in the far future I'll get to try it.
Drop everything, and get a PC now. Don't look back.
(Not that Cuphead is going to require a gaming PC to run)
For just per gaming only and not interested in editing videos and stuff like that, $700-900 dollars PC gaming will get you there what the PS4/Xbox One lacks with no strings attach.
Finally, i'm playing Persona 4. I'm about an hour in, so my initial impressions don't count for much, but at least the game is keeping my interest to continue on. I'm gonna dive in a couple of hours today, i've managed to secure myself a nice slice of free time just for myself.
See, Cuphead is one of those special games that honestly make me sad is exclusive to a particular console. Namely the Xbone.
And as much as I'd like to play it, I certainly wouldn't drop more than $50 for a Xbone to do so. And I don't have a gaming PC either. Bother...
Perhaps in the far future I'll get to try it.
Lol it'll come to PS4 man, let them say otherwise but any dev who has a brain knows better.
Now, I don't know what's happening under the hood for Cuphead nor do I know how crappy your PC is, but a game like Muramasa could run on the Wii -- and I'm pretty sure any computer built in the past 10 years could out-perform the Wii.
Worse comes to worst, you could always trade your PS4 for an XB1 and settle for playing DQXI on the N3DS.
Side note: Wow, it's been nearly 10 years since the Wii.
I don't have a PC, I have a Mac Mini I was gifted several years ago. You don't turn away what's free if it serves a general purpose (in this case, basic computer uses). Sure it can't game, but it can run Civ5 well enough to enjoy that from time to time.
As for trading PS4 for a Xbone? eww. I'd be getting a console that will only ever have two games I want compared to a console that currently has 1 game and 3 upcoming in the near future. As for DQ11, I was planning on getting both versions of course!
Drop everything, and get a PC now. Don't look back.
(Not that Cuphead is going to require a gaming PC to run)
For just per gaming only and not interested in editing videos and stuff like that, $700-900 dollars PC gaming will get you there what the PS4/Xbox One lacks with no strings attach.
Don't have the funds to make such a purchase at this time. But I'd definitely pool info from everyone the day I can and decide to purchase a PC in the future. When is anyone's guess, of course.
(For the record I did not own an 8th Gen console until my dad gave me a PS4 he won at his job's Xmas dinner giveaway thing. He had no use for it, and apparently neither do I for the time being lol.)
Drop everything, and get a PC now. Don't look back.
(Not that Cuphead is going to require a gaming PC to run)
For just per gaming only and not interested in editing videos and stuff like that, $700-900 dollars PC gaming will get you there what the PS4/Xbox One lacks with no strings attach.
Don't have the funds to make such a purchase at this time. But I'd definitely pool info from everyone the day I can and decide to purchase a PC in the future. When is anyone's guess, of course.
(For the record I did not own an 8th Gen console until my dad gave me a PS4 he won at his job's Xmas dinner giveaway thing. He had no use for it, and apparently neither do I for the time being lol.)
From my experience, PC gaming is way cheaper overall. I agree with the idea that it might take $700-$900 to get started as @davillain- said, but that cost is more than made up by the huge game sales, dlc, "quality" free games from time to time, no online subscription, and all that. Plus, it helps that I actually need a computer anyways. If you ever upgrade to a new PC that you're planning to spend $500-$1000 on anyways, it's best to spend a tiny extra to make it gaming ready.
I know what it feels to be tight on funds, but that's why PC has been a savior for me. It allows me to keep on gaming. But a Mac Mini should be decent enough for all the indie games on PC depending on if they support Mac OS or not, though you could probably get Windows on your Mac as well. Cuphead should definitely work on that.
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