As an owner of both consoles, and a known cow on here, I have held this in for far too long. As much as cows do not want to own up to it, the Xbox360 is the superior core gaming experience this generation. The 360 is PS3's superior in the gaming industry, and the industry standard. Dont believe me?
-Vastly superior online service. Xbox Live is the industry standard for online gaming.
-Superior controller (the majority of the industry appears to agree with me btw. Numerous developers hate the Dualshock 3 and agree that it is a poorly made controller). The 360 controller is the industry standard. Now cows, I know you are going to say "oh but this is just your opinion"......hmm, I wonder why soo many industry figures share this opinion? Yet, you never hear anyone other than PS3 fanboys saying it the other way around ;)
-Just for system wars, the console sells more. Period. The industry has spoken with its wallet.
-sales dont matter? Well lets look at metacritic scores:
AAA (90+) = 36
AA (80-89) = 220
A (70-79) = 314
AAA (90+) = 30
AA (80-89) = 198
A (70-79) = 214
It looks like the 360 is superior to the PS3 in GAMES as well ;)
-Almost ALL multuplats favor the 360. Even the very few multiplats that favor the PS3 (usually through exclusive content) are still better on the 360 due to the better controller and Xbox live.
-better integration. Does this really need any explaining? It is common knowlege that the 360 has a superior operating system, and is better integrated than the XMB. Cross game chat, party chat, etc....
-it is not plagued with anywhere NEAR as much tiny insignificant bulls*** as the PS3 is.
- Mandatory Installs: Defend it all you want cows, but at the end of the day, while you talk about how "its only XXXX minutes out of your life" remember that it is ZERO minutes on the 360 ;)
- The most horrible game patching system I have ever encountered in my life. Game patches are a b**** to download on the PS3. Some taking upwards of 40+ minutes. I made a very long rant post about this problem, and this by itself is one of the most significant things about the PS3 that annoys me. Again cows, before you cry and complain and defend, remember that the 360 does not NEED any defending, because it is not plagued with ANY of this nonsense to begin with. When I got my 360, I was floored when I put a game in, and the system downloaded and installed the update within FIVE SECONDS, without even leaving the loading screen.
All in all, the PS3 has been an absolute clusterf***, and nothing but a headache for almost every party involved. The 360 is the FIRST priority for almost ALL publishers, developers, multiplats, investors, and gamers as a whole. Tell me PS3 fans, how many people have you seen on your facebook talking about the next Gears of War game? Now, in comparison, how many have you seen talking about Killzone or Resistance? Or hell, even Uncharted? (I love uncharted, im not hating on it).
Sony has done everything in its power to keep the PS3 relevant by a mere thread(and they did), and to undo all of the f*** ups they did this gen, but there is no denying that the PS3 is second to the 360 this gen. The Xbox 360 is the Playstation 3's SUPERIOR in the console market this generation by every single posible comparable metric.
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