Their most critically acclaimed exclusives are a third person shooter (Gears of War), a first person shooter (Halo), and a racing game (Forza).
FPS the most overused genre this generation. Third person shooters are everywhere. Racing games are pretty generic. It just seems like you can get a great first person shooting experience anywhere, and there are so many great third person shooters out there, and lots of good racing games.
With PC, you have RTS games, MMO's, and tons of other exclusives that you just can't get anywhere else, not even similar experiences. There's nothing else out there like Metal Gear Solid 4, or Uncharted with the platforming, puzzles and 3rd person shooting combination with the verticality. Games like LittleBigPlanet differentiate themselves from everything else, as do games like Heavy Rain. Games like Skyward Sword and Super Mario Galaxy are unlike anything else out there, multi-plat or exclusive.
It just seems like the critically acclaimed exclusives on PC, PS3 and Wii offer experiences you can't get anywhere else, while the critically acclaimed exclusives on 360 are very generic, and the experiences are very similar to tons of exclusives on competing platforms as well as many multi-platform games. They don't even have the dialog like a Metal Gear Solid 4 to differentiate themselves.
I know that Kinect is unique, but it sure isn't critically acclaimed.
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