Have you tried the yakuza series on PS3? You may like them :P[QUOTE="soulitane"][QUOTE="loosingENDS"]
Not really, Sony was amazing in PS1-2 days, PS3 is the problem that focuses on indifferent shooters than what made PS1-2 great
Their exclusive JRPGs besides Demons SOuls are pathetic, like the horrid White Knight or Neptunia, 360 has got all JRPG gaming this generation easilly
In trying to immitate 360 success in shooters, they totally destroyed their game lineup
PS brand has lost all its appeal to me, that is all and Sony is responsible, who wants 100 indifferent shooters ? Not me for sure
Everytime i think about getting those, i see videos of gameplay and i stop
I am not very fond of the style TBH, while some elements are indeed very attractive, i just hate the combat thing in it
I was never in beat em ups
But i agree that this is definatly one of the interesting games of PS3, together with Folklore, Heavy Rain, Demons SOuls, Journey, Nino Kuni etc
What i hate, is SOny focus on cinematic games like Uncharted, MGS4 etc that i dont like at all, when those could have been amazing RPGs instead
Sony has lost its way imo, totally
I agree to an extent on Sony, I'm not the biggest fan of their exclusives this gen. They're fun but fail to hold my attention past a single play through for the most part. If you can ever get either Yakuza 3 or 4 cheap, take the risk you might actually end up enjoying it :P
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