Okay, before we proceed, let me just set the record straight: in case you didn't know already, I'm one of the few 'true' sheep on this forum. I love Nintendo, and I got the 3DS within a month of its launch. Nintendo has never had a failed handheld yet, and I trust(ed) that that won't change anytime soon now.
Having said that, let's have a look at the gross mishandling the 3DS has received so far:
- The battery life sucks. I can eek out 4-5 hours on average, but considering that we were promised DSi levels of battery life (which would be about 8-9 hours), and that battery life has been a traditional strength of Nintendo handhelds, this is just plain inexcusable.
- The price: why price it at $250? Especially considering that the cost of manufacturing is roughly $110? The 3DS's price seems even more inexcusable considering the much more technologically endowed Vita costs exactly the same.
- The launch: seriously, barring maybe the PS3, this was probably the most botched launch of any game system in history. The 3DS launched with most of its functionality disabled, which was only added in later via firmware updates, and is in fact still being added in. This gave the entire system the impression of being rushed to launch. And let's not forget about the games. Which brings me to...
- The launch lineup. Nintendo promised us 'the best launch lineup' for the 3DS. We were promised top tier titles like Animal Crossing, Kid Icarus: Uprising, Star Fox 64 3D, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, Super Street Fighter IV, Resident Evil: Mercenaries and Nintendogs+Cats for the launch lineup. Of these, only two were actually released with the system, and while both of them sold in excess of a million units each, none of them were must haves.
- Games: Okay, so the 3DS is getting an incredible upcoming lineup. We know this. However, third parties increasingly seem to be losing confidence in the system. Games for the 3DS which have been cancelled so far include, but are not limited to, Crush 3D, Megaman Legends 3, Assassin's Creed: Lost Legacy, Saint's Row Drive By, My Garden and DJ Hero 3. This displays a worrying lack of confidence by third parties in the system- something that was never an issue with the original DS, even at the time of that system's similarly rocky launch.
- Marketing and perception: Seriously, this is perhaps the biggest blunder on Nintendo's part. The marketing for the 3DS fails on so many levels, it's not even funny. The adds fail to convey the simple message that the 3DS is an altogether new system, not an upgrade to the existing DS line. They focus too much on the 3D, as opposed to the other functionality the 3DS includes, including its persistent online, it's power boost, it's analog slider, it's 3D camera, it's multimedia capabilties, and more. The outcome of this is that the 3DS is seen by almost everybody as a DS 3D, or a 3D DS- just another new iteration, which definitely does not warrant a $250 dollar purchase.
Seriously, I love Nintendo, and I love their handhelds. I've owned every single one of their handhelds starting the Gamebiy Color, and so far, they have never disppointed me. So far, I have managed to convince myself that the problems with the DS echo some similar problems that the DS faced about the time of its launch, but there is simply too much that is going wrong, and I'm beginning to panic now, and wonder if I spent those $250 a bit too soon.
I still think the situation can be salvaged- the upcoming lineup for the system this year is nothing short of awesome, with Mario Kart, Super Mario, Shinobi, Rayman Origins, Sonic Generations, Kid Icarus: Uprising, Paper Mario, Star Fox 64 3D, Tales of the Abyss, Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor and Metal Gear Solid 3D. Along with new colors, a price drop and some bundles, as well as some increased marketing, the 3DS can be yet saved, and consolidated before the Vita's launch.
But it seriously makes me think, just WTF is Nintendo doing right now?
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