I think it's funny how there are some people who don't understand this lol.
There are actually some people in here thinking this is a good deal. I don't understand why? Do they have any consumer knowledge or are they just bad with money or what? Mabey they are MS employees and are trying to sell it to people lol.
i think shadow still lives in his mom basement and does not know how things work for people that have bills. when you are a working man u will know why this is a good deal, when i bought my car i did not pay upfront the total amount but paid it in 2 years, same as my house i paid it in 5 year (i still have 1 year left). even tho u end up paying more in the 2 or 5 years by a small margin, but it will not hit u and u will not feel it because are making more money in that period. if i ended up buying my car paying upfront it would have ruined me and if i paid for my house upfront i would have been broke (and i wont even have a house to live in). an initial payment for a next gen console of 100 dolars and then each month for 2 years of 15 dollars will be feel like nothing for some1 that works. it will actually feel like it free 15 dollars is nothing and is way better than paying 400 dollars initially.
Yes more wisdom from a mature adult who throws around insults at people, really shows how mature you are. Bahaha I'm a 22 year old who works and tries to pay my through college, guess throwing around insults is the best you can do. Oh well haters gonna hate....
And no, this is not a good idea, this is a terrible deal that is not in the consumers best interest. If it succeeds you will no doubt see MS implement this with the 720 and it will either be the only model, or will be the only affordable one for most people.
But in the long run it ends up hurting the consumer as they ended up spending far more than the regular amount. And lol at $15 a month, do the math bro, add that up at the end of the two years. It's not about what you can afford now, it's what the end total cost is.
The end total cost is what matters. And the argument if wether the end total cost is worth it or not, which in this case it is not.
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