Poll The Best Thing About PC Gaming (125 votes)
what part of PC gaming you love the most warriors ? ...
what part of PC gaming you love the most warriors ? ...
More specifically put, being able to emulate console games on PC. I'd take emulators over the surplus crud on Steam.
@bobrossperm: Yep, same here. I was suprised TC did not include emulation.
It's a touchy topic on here. Seeing as it normally associates with piracy.
The general flexibility of the platform (so I chose Open Platform).
I have my PC hooked up to two monitors and a TV all the time, I can switch from playing Company of Heroes or R6: Siege on my monitor with a kb/m and headset to sitting on my couch playing Just Cause 3 or Dirt Rally with a controller (or a wheel if I chose to buy one) using the soundbar/woofer that are hooked up to my TV in under a minute.
The improved performance is runner up, I have a hard time playing most games at less than 60fps after primarily being a PC gamer for so long. The rest is just icing on the cake.
I was stuck between Open Platform, Modding and Backwards Compatibility. I went with the later. The PC's backwards capability is its biggest selling point for me, personally. If I wanted to have a Nostalgia Rush, all I have to do is play some emulators or search through Steam and I'll find what I'm looking for, as opposed to buying multiple consoles because every game I want isn't compatible with them.
I can install any piece of hardware or software I want, choose the products I want to buy from the places I want to buy from. More control options to choose from, more games, more genres, more custom content, more free games, more everything.
Choice, I like that. And freedom
Platform agnostic
Dragon Age Origins, StarCraft, Warcraft, Total War, Pillars of Eternity, Witcher 1, XCOM, No one lives forever, Half Life 2, Max Payne 2 and Crysis 1-Warhead for example. So yeah, games or best version of them (like Dragon Age Origins, Max Payne 2, HL2, Crysis 1).
1. Games
2. Backwards Compatibility (Games)
3. Emulation (Games)
Everything else comes after the first three, as gaming, first and foremost, matters about the games.
4. Custom build/Cheaper in the long run/Open platform (Obvious, you have the freedom of doing whatever you want with the build, you save money in the long run by reusing old parts and game sales, not locked down by some console platform)
5. Steam and other sales (To get those games for cheap)
6. Freedom of input choice (To enjoy your preferred input method, or ability to switch between multiple inputs for different games)
7. Modding (Making the games even better)
8. Graphics/Framerate (Optional, personally I don't care beyond High settings/60fps, it could matter more or less for others)
It's having the ability to play video games and multi task with the PC
If I'm playing Seige while loading or searching for teammates, on my other monitor is a internet browser. Same goes if it's a turn based game.
My PC can multitask efficiently and that's something the consoles cannot do yet
1. Games
2. Backwards Compatibility (Games)
3. Emulation (Games)
Everything else comes after the first three, as gaming, first and foremost, matters about the games.
4. Custom build/Cheaper in the long run/Open platform (Obvious, you have the freedom of doing whatever you want with the build, you save money in the long run by reusing old parts and game sales, not locked down by some console platform)
5. Steam and other sales (To get those games for cheap)
6. Freedom of input choice (To enjoy your preferred input method, or ability to switch between multiple inputs for different games)
7. Modding (Making the games even better)
8. Graphics/Framerate (Optional, personally I don't care beyond High settings/60fps, it could matter more or less for others)
You pretty much summed it up.
For me, it's the overall freedom that i can't sacrifice for anything else
More specifically put, being able to emulate console games on PC. I'd take emulators over the surplus crud on Steam.
I wonder why the pc race would want to emulate poor old console games for? I mean..all I hear is how horrible consoles are. How lame and simple the games are. SO.....why emulate? Actually very serious questions..
Building your own rig is my answer. I love not having to wait for console gamers to give me an upgrade. And like this current console generation, I don't have to worry about being low-balled power wise by Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft. I choose the native resolution. I choose the frame rate. I choose the graphical fidelity.
I like having choices.
I chose the 'Open Platform' option, but I would have preferred to call it 'Choice'. On PC you get to choose your hardware, overclock, mod, choose between controllers of every kind, and pick when to upgrade. It's both cheaper and more powerful accounting for a gen of online fees and higher software prices. It has BC, even for consoles ;). More games, better games.
I'd agree with all of the above. One thing I haven't seen mentioned is quality. Ever opened up a console? The hardware inside is the cheapest, lowest quality stuff you will ever see. The smallest capacitors, cheapest flimsiest pcbs, etc.
In terms of hardware, not performance, the quality is just a different level when you buy your own parts. The stuff I buy seems to last forever. I've had MAYBE a handful of parts break across 12'ish builds since 2000. Xbox 360? I think I sent back 10 for replacements from Microsoft. No joke...I did feel like a joke was being played on me with as many of those as I went through (I owned up to 4 at one time though...I take care of the kids!)
My current psu has a 10 year warranty, and weighs as much as either current console (I have them both). I'm a sucker for more premium products, because they tend to last longer and not break due to cheap manufacturing processes.
When you weigh all the benefits, it really is more cost efficient to game on pc. Lot's more freedom, games, customization, options (kb/m controller, wheels, flight sticks, etc).
The only reason people don't pc game is A) They are a kid and have no money, so what mommy and daddy buy them is what they play on for now or 2) Plugging in a few parts is overwhelmingly scary and people lack the confidence to do it themselves or 3) They hear about Alienware, whom charges double what the parts actually cost, and think pc's are expensive.
They can be expensive though...no doubt, if you have top tier stuff, it's a lot. But then again, it's a LOT more machine than a console. I'd be afraid to tally up what my pc cost me, with the accessories to boot. I'm talking well over $5k.
More specifically put, being able to emulate console games on PC. I'd take emulators over the surplus crud on Steam.
I wonder why the pc race would want to emulate poor old console games for? I mean..all I hear is how horrible consoles are. How lame and simple the games are. SO.....why emulate? Actually very serious questions..
Because they dont' get any good games so gotta play old console games.
Performance (graphics, frame rates), mods, damn my PC is not uber anymore-that's okay I'll upgrade it, free online, best online performance, best multiplats, CRPG's making a comeback, best strategy games, best MMO's (though most of them are shit now, I'll count it anyway), choice of mouse and keyboard or controller, only platform for 1440p gaming, only platform for 4k gaming, only platform for 8k gaming (when that happens) only platform for whatever the next 'P' graphics resolution after 8K is, only realistic platform for high res VR gaming, it's a gaming platform that isn't JUST a gaming platform (you can play with spreadsheets and that kind of shit on it).
Yeah, all that.
But I still love my consoles too for the exclusives because I'm one of the weirdos on here who just loves games on all platforms.
The games, I play video games, and the PC gets the most diverse selection of video games. It gets games that are so bizarre in nature, so unique in idea, so deep in terms of mechanics. I like the other stuff about PC, naturally the framerates, as 30 frames, is fucking gross, but I can tolerate a lot of things for a good video game, and the PC simply gets so many of them. I would like more excellent games, but the sheer amount of good games and creativity to them more than makes up for it for me.
The consoles get less games, and then run a lot of big budget games shittier, so I only really keep them for exclusives these days. And those have been lackluster to say the least. Maybe not shit, but it's closer to shit than good.
I'm not a PC gamer, but I'd be foolish to ignore the massive advantages it has over consoles. The biggest one? Games. This is perfectly illustrated by something as simple as most- if not all- multiplats having their best versions on the PC, plus the PC having its own massive exclusive library. Plus, there's a hell of a lot of variety in the PC's library. There's something for everyone to enjoy.
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