It's absolutely not. It somehow borders on being the worst PlayStation controller, and considering just how bad PlayStation controllers have been in the past, that is saying something:
- The battery life is shit. This is inexcusable. It barely goes 7 hours. Where the **** is that battery going? Why is it so bad?
- On a related note, that night is the most annoying feature of any controller, ever. It has no business being as obsterusive as it is.
- The build quality is shockingly cheap, especially on the analog sticks, which feel like they were picked up from a warehouse stocking excess Chinese condoms and just thrown on the controller at the last minute
- Speaking of which, the controller ergonomics are trash. The analog sticks are laid out wrong (360 got this right, Gamecube got this right, why does Sony refuse to get with the times?), and it feels small and cramped. Bonus points if you try putting the controller down somewhere and the trigger gets pressed mistakenly.
- The touchpad represents the biggest missed opportunity of recent times, though at least it gives us two extra buttons via LTP and RTP
All of this said, I do give it mad props for just the sheer amount of things it does- the dedicated Share functions are great, the touchpad is amazing when it is actually used, the speaker output through headsets is a nice feature, and overall, it's just a well specced controller that just about does everything.
It's just a shame it is so shit, though
the battery life is shit because of the touchpad and light bar. both of them are unnecessary(in my opinion ), the only other thing i dont like is the symmetrical analog sticks, they feel cheaply made. i dont own a ps4, i only tried it, and there are so many replacement thumbsticks on the net which really speaks volumes about the build quality. that, said, the xbone controller is disappointing as well, where did all that so called investment go? i liked the x360 controller the best (this the only console i own, just so you know) and the rumble triggers on that controller were fantastic.
the investment went into microsofts pocket
the team designed so you would have to buy charger unit and headphone unit
the xb1 team is the least caring of gamers ive ever seen a team
they spent the millions on how they could make more money off mandatory accessory that comes with the ps4 controller standard thats where the money went an thats why 360/wii owners went ps4
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