The Dual Shock 4 is the greatest controller of all time

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#51 ProtossX
Member since 2005 • 2880 Posts

@tushar172787 said:
@charizard1605 said:

It's absolutely not. It somehow borders on being the worst PlayStation controller, and considering just how bad PlayStation controllers have been in the past, that is saying something:

  • The battery life is shit. This is inexcusable. It barely goes 7 hours. Where the **** is that battery going? Why is it so bad?
  • On a related note, that night is the most annoying feature of any controller, ever. It has no business being as obsterusive as it is.
  • The build quality is shockingly cheap, especially on the analog sticks, which feel like they were picked up from a warehouse stocking excess Chinese condoms and just thrown on the controller at the last minute
  • Speaking of which, the controller ergonomics are trash. The analog sticks are laid out wrong (360 got this right, Gamecube got this right, why does Sony refuse to get with the times?), and it feels small and cramped. Bonus points if you try putting the controller down somewhere and the trigger gets pressed mistakenly.
  • The touchpad represents the biggest missed opportunity of recent times, though at least it gives us two extra buttons via LTP and RTP

All of this said, I do give it mad props for just the sheer amount of things it does- the dedicated Share functions are great, the touchpad is amazing when it is actually used, the speaker output through headsets is a nice feature, and overall, it's just a well specced controller that just about does everything.

It's just a shame it is so shit, though

the battery life is shit because of the touchpad and light bar. both of them are unnecessary(in my opinion ), the only other thing i dont like is the symmetrical analog sticks, they feel cheaply made. i dont own a ps4, i only tried it, and there are so many replacement thumbsticks on the net which really speaks volumes about the build quality. that, said, the xbone controller is disappointing as well, where did all that so called investment go? i liked the x360 controller the best (this the only console i own, just so you know) and the rumble triggers on that controller were fantastic.

the investment went into microsofts pocket

the team designed so you would have to buy charger unit and headphone unit

the xb1 team is the least caring of gamers ive ever seen a team

they spent the millions on how they could make more money off mandatory accessory that comes with the ps4 controller standard thats where the money went an thats why 360/wii owners went ps4

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#52 deactivated-5a30e101a977c
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@Krelian-co said:
@StrongDeadlift said:
@FastRobby said:
@ProtossX said:
@FastRobby said:

Lol, keep trying

did you read any of the facts i posted notice how ps4 has no negatives xbones has like 10 negatives all over the place easy to spot?

Yeah that's ridiculous. Which is why I said keep trying.

@Krelian-co said:

because it is a useless feature (didn't even know the xbone controller had it) how about a useful feature, like you know rechargable batteries, you know those things electronic devices have been using for the past decade or more.

Xbox One has that, Microsoft gives you the CHOICE to buy them or not, some people prefer normal batteries

brb, batteries last for WEEKS (even months) before needing to be changed, and dont need to be recharged every 2 hours.

Brb, (cows) "buu buu end up spending like 1024078$ on batteries total by the end of the gen"........

brb, an $11 24 pack lasts you a year and a half

, batteries that last weeks ? rofl after a day or two of use you have to change them on the xbone controller, and then you say the ones on the ps4 need to be charged every 2 hours? hahahhaha, please make more bullshit, you don't look desperate at all.

Hahahaha, this shows how much you know about the Xbox One. It's an amazing controller that doesn't drain batteries like the PS4 does. I can go easily 1-2 weeks with the battery pack from Microsoft. The controller is very efficient. If you don't know anything about the controller, don't talk about it, because you look ridiculous

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#53 davem1992
Member since 2009 • 4068 Posts

I'm baffled at how anyone can say the Xbox One controller is anything other than atrocious, even while play AC Unity I wish I could switch it for a 360 controller.

Not saying the PS4 controller is the best but it's a damn sight better than the Xbox One controller.

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#54  Edited By RedentSC
Member since 2013 • 1243 Posts

@ProtossX: well can't argue with that. good post TC :)

Also for all those people trying to peddle that the Analogue sticks are in the wrong place and the 360/xb1 got it right.... listen, your hands are symmetrical... therefor the most ergonomic position for a symmetrical system to be in is ... guess what SYMMETRICAL... stupid f**kers

Your left thumb isnt two inches higher on your left hand is it? no ... so use common sense man ffs. your steering wheel in your car is symmetrical, handle bars on a bike are symmetrical. **** me . even a keyboard is broadly symmetrical (the main qwerty letters are in a rectangle, not an L shape) .. so why would something which you use in almost an identical manor (input into something else) would you want the controls all over the place?? makes no logical sense at all... why does it make no sense? becasue its f**king stupid thats why.

As you may have guessed, nothing annoys me more when people try to peddle this shit. Its so obviously people are displaying their willful ignorance and being happy about it. I mean its not even up for opinion.... you are wrong,

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#55 SecretPolice
Member since 2007 • 45753 Posts

@babyjoker1221 said:


Go home ProtossX.... You're drunk.

The DS4 is in no way, shape, or form the best controller. The XB1/360 controller are both better.

There's a reason why more people on pc choose the XB1 controller over the DS4.

There's a reason why so many people try to mod their DS4's with XB1 controller parts.

Pretty much this. :P

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#56 jake44
Member since 2003 • 2085 Posts

It's the best controller for me. My only real complaint is the shitty battery life.

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#57 Krelian-co
Member since 2006 • 13274 Posts

@FastRobby said:
@Krelian-co said:
@StrongDeadlift said:
@FastRobby said:
@ProtossX said:
@FastRobby said:

Lol, keep trying

did you read any of the facts i posted notice how ps4 has no negatives xbones has like 10 negatives all over the place easy to spot?

Yeah that's ridiculous. Which is why I said keep trying.

@Krelian-co said:

because it is a useless feature (didn't even know the xbone controller had it) how about a useful feature, like you know rechargable batteries, you know those things electronic devices have been using for the past decade or more.

Xbox One has that, Microsoft gives you the CHOICE to buy them or not, some people prefer normal batteries

brb, batteries last for WEEKS (even months) before needing to be changed, and dont need to be recharged every 2 hours.

Brb, (cows) "buu buu end up spending like 1024078$ on batteries total by the end of the gen"........

brb, an $11 24 pack lasts you a year and a half

, batteries that last weeks ? rofl after a day or two of use you have to change them on the xbone controller, and then you say the ones on the ps4 need to be charged every 2 hours? hahahhaha, please make more bullshit, you don't look desperate at all.

Hahahaha, this shows how much you know about the Xbox One. It's an amazing controller that doesn't drain batteries like the PS4 does. I can go easily 1-2 weeks with the battery pack from Microsoft. The controller is very efficient. If you don't know anything about the controller, don't talk about it, because you look ridiculous

Sure if you play 1h/day, ROFL, they last around 20h, no need to make bullshit to cover for your precious xbone.

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#58  Edited By deactivated-5a30e101a977c
Member since 2006 • 5970 Posts

@Krelian-co said:
@FastRobby said:

Hahahaha, this shows how much you know about the Xbox One. It's an amazing controller that doesn't drain batteries like the PS4 does. I can go easily 1-2 weeks with the battery pack from Microsoft. The controller is very efficient. If you don't know anything about the controller, don't talk about it, because you look ridiculous

Sure if you play 1h/day, ROFL, they last around 20h, no need to make bullshit to cover for your precious xbone.

Lies lies lies. Microsoft testing showed it is around 40h per battery

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#59 davem1992
Member since 2009 • 4068 Posts

Wow, Xbox fanboys REEEEEEEEEEALLY don't like that not everyone likes the slanted crap that is the Xbox One controller.

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#60 FoxbatAlpha
Member since 2009 • 10669 Posts

Just because the DS4 is a great improvement over that dreadful hunk of shit DS3, doesn't make it the best.

Sony will need a few more gens of improvements and tinkering to get it right.

Oh and I love the fanboy illustrations.

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#61 davem1992
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@FoxbatAlpha: DS3 was fine, only issue was the triggers.

Xbox One has an awful design, terrible bumpers and garbage triggers.

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#62 Slimmin360
Member since 2010 • 1933 Posts

Umm,,, NO ...Look I am a Sony fan, but the PS4 controller has terrible battery life, and the analog stick rubber coating wears off down to the plastic in the first month of use.

So until those two MAJOR issues are addressed by Sony, I will NOT agree with this post.

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#63 blue_hazy_basic  Moderator
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The actual design is fine, hated previous incarnations of the DS but bought an extra at launch, which is just as well as the first crapped out when it gave me a static shock and now some of the buttons don't work and the other one the tops of the sticks are slowly disintegrating. Thanks Sony.

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#64 davem1992
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@Slimmin360: I have NEVER had that analog issue and I've had my PS4 with the same controller since launch.

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#65 WilliamRLBaker
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lololololololol that's just way to laughable.

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#66 deactivated-5a30e101a977c
Member since 2006 • 5970 Posts

@davem1992 said:

@FoxbatAlpha: DS3 was fine, only issue was the triggers.

Xbox One has an awful design, terrible bumpers and garbage triggers.

Only thing bad about Xbox One controller is the bumpers, everything else is an improvement over the xbox 360 controller. And lol the design is 10 times as good as the PS4 controller, although that is just taste...

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#67  Edited By funkmaster1233
Member since 2014 • 706 Posts

I expected the DS4 to blow me away when i first used it because I read the feedback on this forum but it quickly occurred to me that the only reason people praise the DS4 so much is because of how bad the DS3 is. The only gripe I have with the X1 controller is that the bumpers are noisy and you have to position your fingers in a certain way for them to work properly but it doesn't take long to adapt to that.

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#68 Heil68
Member since 2004 • 60836 Posts

Superior in every way possible.

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#69 Krelian-co
Member since 2006 • 13274 Posts

@FastRobby said:
@Krelian-co said:
@FastRobby said:

Hahahaha, this shows how much you know about the Xbox One. It's an amazing controller that doesn't drain batteries like the PS4 does. I can go easily 1-2 weeks with the battery pack from Microsoft. The controller is very efficient. If you don't know anything about the controller, don't talk about it, because you look ridiculous

Sure if you play 1h/day, ROFL, they last around 20h, no need to make bullshit to cover for your precious xbone.

Lies lies lies. Microsoft testing showed it is around 40h per battery

and microsoft would never lie about their products, amirite?

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#70 xxyetixx
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@Salt_The_Fries: truth!!! I tell my friend all the time that whine n complains about the controller. You barley have to move your finger off the trigger is more and up and in movement for the bumpers and it is as smooth as butter. All you need to do on the Xbox One controller is literally "bump" the bumpers with a slight movement, I don't even think my finger leaves the trigger it just comes so naturally now

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#71 deactivated-5a30e101a977c
Member since 2006 • 5970 Posts

@Krelian-co said:
@FastRobby said:
@Krelian-co said:
@FastRobby said:

Hahahaha, this shows how much you know about the Xbox One. It's an amazing controller that doesn't drain batteries like the PS4 does. I can go easily 1-2 weeks with the battery pack from Microsoft. The controller is very efficient. If you don't know anything about the controller, don't talk about it, because you look ridiculous

Sure if you play 1h/day, ROFL, they last around 20h, no need to make bullshit to cover for your precious xbone.

Lies lies lies. Microsoft testing showed it is around 40h per battery

and microsoft would never lie about their products, amirite?

Everything is a lie!!!!! Cows, never satisfied, always insecure.

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#72 Blabadon
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@charizard1605: the argument for stick placement doesn't work about getting with the times, because it's completely subjective and numbers completely back up Sony's history of stick placement.

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#73 deactivated-58abb194ab6fb
Member since 2010 • 3984 Posts

Well that's based on your opinion so it doesn't make it fact. The 360 was a far better controller for gaming in most people's opinion including myself and what's good are all the features if it's killing the battery life of the controller. You're lucky to get through 3 hours of gameplay with the DS4 without it dying. I actually put the X1 controller and PS4 dualshock neck and neck. The X1 doesn't have more features but it's a better quaility controller with better battery life once you get the rechargeable batteries. I can go a couple of days of gaming before I have to recharge it again. The triggers are better and that analog stick is great. I had to buy another PS4 dualshock cause the rubber on the analog sticks started to rip off.

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#74  Edited By starwolf474
Member since 2013 • 989 Posts

Just because Sony made the DS4 a huge improvement over the piece of crap DS3; that doesn't make it the best. It's definitely the best PlayStation controller ever by far and overall I consider it good enough that I'm not cursing anytime I have to use it like I was with the previous dualshock controllers, but it is still inferior to Xbox controllers and even some Nintendo controllers.

The DS4 still has many flaws like terrible battery life, cheap rubber on the analog sticks, bad left analog stick placement for modern games, while the triggers are improved over the DS4 they still are inferior to the Xbox triggers, and while the overall build and ergonomics of the controller are a huge improvement over previous dualshock controllers, it is still not as comfortable to hold as a Xbox controller.

The only advantage the DS4 has over Xbox controllers is a far better d-pad; in fact, I think the DS4 has the greatest d-pad of all time, so I definitely prefer to use it over any other controller for retro-style games, but for modern-style games, the DS4 is decent and a big improvement over Sony's previous controllers, but there are better controllers out there.

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#75 musicalmac  Moderator
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I don't like the sticks side by side. I like them staggered like the MS controllers have been.

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#76  Edited By Krelian-co
Member since 2006 • 13274 Posts

@FastRobby said:
@Krelian-co said:
@FastRobby said:
@Krelian-co said:
@FastRobby said:

Hahahaha, this shows how much you know about the Xbox One. It's an amazing controller that doesn't drain batteries like the PS4 does. I can go easily 1-2 weeks with the battery pack from Microsoft. The controller is very efficient. If you don't know anything about the controller, don't talk about it, because you look ridiculous

Sure if you play 1h/day, ROFL, they last around 20h, no need to make bullshit to cover for your precious xbone.

Lies lies lies. Microsoft testing showed it is around 40h per battery

and microsoft would never lie about their products, amirite?

Everything is a lie!!!!! Cows, never satisfied, always insecure.

hey i am not the one in here making bullshit saying the batteries last "for weeks" xD when they usually have 20h or so of use.

I personally think controller is a matter of personal preference and there is no objective way of saying one is better than the other (like for example saying ps4 is objectively and factually the better console) but hearing you lems say the battery last for weeks made me laugh a bit, is not like 20h is a bad time either.

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#77 phoenix5352
Member since 2011 • 387 Posts

am a big fan of playstation. i own all de 4 consoles. but honestly speaking ps4 is better than xbox 1 as an over all package. but coming to joystick, xbox one's is better than ps4's . sony could have done a lot better but they did not.

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#78 davem1992
Member since 2009 • 4068 Posts

@FastRobby said:
@davem1992 said:

@FoxbatAlpha: DS3 was fine, only issue was the triggers.

Xbox One has an awful design, terrible bumpers and garbage triggers.

Only thing bad about Xbox One controller is the bumpers, everything else is an improvement over the xbox 360 controller. And lol the design is 10 times as good as the PS4 controller, although that is just taste...

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#79 deactivated-5a30e101a977c
Member since 2006 • 5970 Posts

@Krelian-co said:
@FastRobby said:
@Krelian-co said:
@FastRobby said:
@Krelian-co said:
@FastRobby said:

Hahahaha, this shows how much you know about the Xbox One. It's an amazing controller that doesn't drain batteries like the PS4 does. I can go easily 1-2 weeks with the battery pack from Microsoft. The controller is very efficient. If you don't know anything about the controller, don't talk about it, because you look ridiculous

Sure if you play 1h/day, ROFL, they last around 20h, no need to make bullshit to cover for your precious xbone.

Lies lies lies. Microsoft testing showed it is around 40h per battery

and microsoft would never lie about their products, amirite?

Everything is a lie!!!!! Cows, never satisfied, always insecure.

hey i am not the one in here making bullshit saying the batteries last "for weeks" xD when they usually have 20h or so of use.

Already showed a link that clearly states 40h, but keep trying cow. Everyone sees right through you

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#80  Edited By Krelian-co
Member since 2006 • 13274 Posts

@FastRobby said:
@Krelian-co said:
@FastRobby said:
@Krelian-co said:
@FastRobby said:
@Krelian-co said:
@FastRobby said:

Hahahaha, this shows how much you know about the Xbox One. It's an amazing controller that doesn't drain batteries like the PS4 does. I can go easily 1-2 weeks with the battery pack from Microsoft. The controller is very efficient. If you don't know anything about the controller, don't talk about it, because you look ridiculous

Sure if you play 1h/day, ROFL, they last around 20h, no need to make bullshit to cover for your precious xbone.

Lies lies lies. Microsoft testing showed it is around 40h per battery

and microsoft would never lie about their products, amirite?

Everything is a lie!!!!! Cows, never satisfied, always insecure.

hey i am not the one in here making bullshit saying the batteries last "for weeks" xD when they usually have 20h or so of use.

Already showed a link that clearly states 40h, but keep trying cow. Everyone sees right through you

again we know microsoft never lies about their products, only delusional lems keep believing their bullshit, sad really, hey btw how is that amazing cloud of infinite power? since we are taking microsoft pr bullshit as fact now.

bu bu muh microsoft said so, it must be true!

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#81 Blabadon
Member since 2008 • 33030 Posts

@starwolf474: You should try the Vita's D Pad. Greatest of all time.

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#82 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

Best controller with most options ever.

I can't stand the Xbox asymmetrical design. Your hands are not asymmetrical so neither should ur controller.

My only beef with the dual shock 4 is the 5 hour battery life, but owning more than 1 controller fixes that, and that there is no native pc drivers... plus games don't support all its functions on pc.... but that is more due to ms running windows and devs being lazy and not implementing other control options like they did ore x360.

Hell I would play some console ports on pc if dual shock 4 had full functionality... but for now only kb mouse games get played on pc as I hate that x360 controller I have.

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#83 Mr_Huggles_dog
Member since 2014 • 7805 Posts

I recently got my hands on an X1 controller and it felt cheap. I felt like I was going to break the thing.

DS4 is better, for sure.

The only thing is the battery life is not long....7 hours is ok, though.

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#84 deactivated-5d6bb9cb2ee20
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@Blabadon: The numbers back nothing. Don't be disingenuous. Your argument makes it sound as though the controller is either the reason, or a primary one, as to PlayStation console's sales. It is not, at the very least, it cannot be proven to be one. I have never actually heard anyone name controller comfort or layout be the reason to go for PlayStation over the competition. Meanwhile, my argument about the layout being outdated was objective fact- the analog stick is the primary input for 3D games, meaning it should be given the primary place on the controller too. Xbox controller gives it that place, which makes sense. DualShock just has it there, cramped in a nonsensical place, a relic of the time that Sony just cramped two analog sticks on to the controller because two is more than one, and one is how many Nintendo had and that's who they wanted to one up, without any actual long term thought about ergonomics.

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#85 Blabadon
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@charizard1605: that's possibly the dumbest thing you have ever said. Learn what an objective fact is - there is no "primary place" on the controller and there is no objectively better area. If that was true then both analog sticks would be at the top and we'd be stuck with the Wii U Pro Controller's shitty stick placement for every controller.

Seriously, wtf was that argument, are you for real? Can I see your degree in design or any sort of background in ergonomics that would allow you to make such dumbass claims as to making a stick placement an objectively better position?

And yeah, no one is gonna pick a controller for a system anymore since the ergonomic design is really good on all controllers except Nintendo's. At least the Pro Controller is great outside of the **** up with the sticks. I don't mind the lack of analog triggers.

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#86 deactivated-5d6bb9cb2ee20
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@Blabadon: Pedantic nitpicking of word usage aside, your argument was equally ridiculous, creating a correlation between PlayStation console sales and acceptance of Sony's controller layout. It was actually not just ridiculous, it was flat out lazy.

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#87 deactivated-5a30e101a977c
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@Krelian-co said:
@FastRobby said:

Already showed a link that clearly states 40h, but keep trying cow. Everyone sees right through you

again we know microsoft never lies about their products, only delusional lems keep believing their bullshit, sad really, hey btw how is that amazing cloud of infinite power? since we are taking microsoft pr bullshit as fact now.

Sure whatever makes you sleep at night. Don't believe anything that has been said ever by anyone. 40 hours it is on normal AA batteries, sorry if that makes you upset when you compare it to the 6-7 hours of the DS4.

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#88 Blabadon
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@charizard1605: That's not pedantic, that was addressing the conceit of your argument. Don't b.s. me English major.

And yeah, for something as subjective as stick placement, why would Sony change what is the best selling design in the world when it's proven that their stick placement is enormously popular? Their controllers ergonomics sucked otherwise so they changed that. They heard about their analog sticks so they changed that. The DS3 had horrible triggers so they changed that. The most logical reason they didn't change the stick placement is because it's one of the most popular parts of their immensely popular controller.

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#89 darkangel115
Member since 2013 • 4562 Posts

@ProtossX said:
@Gamerno6666 said:


@freedomfreak said:

No. Close though.

uh what was better ? i can't realistic think of one on the same level as the ps4 controller just way too many features in the ps4 controller that no other one has come with up before

the left thumbstick is in the wrong place, that alone is why it can't be the best controller. any controller in 2015 should have the LS as the primary spot, not the D pad. how many games use the dpad for movement anymore?

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#90  Edited By deactivated-5d6bb9cb2ee20
Member since 2006 • 82724 Posts

@Blabadon: I'm gonna continue to take issue with the assertion that PlayStation sales are in any way a validation of Sony's controllers. I think people put up with the controllers because they don't have a choice, and because the controllers aren't actively bad- they just aren't good either. They're just there.

Anyway, we're not gonna agree on this one, so whatever.

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#91 Frank_Castle
Member since 2015 • 1982 Posts

@charizard1605: What's so next gen about the WiiU controller?

It looks like a fucking Sega Game Gear.

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#92 jsmoke03
Member since 2004 • 13719 Posts

nah...analog stick material prevents that. Just as xb1 bumpers prevent it from being #1 as well.

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#93 Blabadon
Member since 2008 • 33030 Posts

@charizard1605: You free for Bloodborne today or tomorrow?

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#94 deactivated-58abb194ab6fb
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@mr_huggles_dog said:

I recently got my hands on an X1 controller and it felt cheap. I felt like I was going to break the thing.

DS4 is better, for sure.

The only thing is the battery life is not long....7 hours is ok, though.

You think the X1 controller feels cheap? lol that's laughable cause it's a way more solid feeling controller than the dual shock.

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#95  Edited By deactivated-5d6bb9cb2ee20
Member since 2006 • 82724 Posts

@frank_castle: It was a direct response to his comment. 'Only the PS4 controller had enough features to be a next gen controller.'


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#96 deactivated-5d6bb9cb2ee20
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@Blabadon: Should be up for this later this evening, yeah. That's assuming the stupid Rockets game doesn't take over the TV again :p

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#97  Edited By Blabadon
Member since 2008 • 33030 Posts

@charizard1605: fuuuuu

I would watch that game man, shitty ass Houston doesn't get good sports things very often.

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#98 deactivated-5d6bb9cb2ee20
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@Blabadon: Yeah, I'm honestly still not quite sure how they got this far lol

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#99 kingtito
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@davem1992 said:

I'm baffled at how anyone can say the Xbox One controller is anything other than atrocious, even while play AC Unity I wish I could switch it for a 360 controller.

Not saying the PS4 controller is the best but it's a damn sight better than the Xbox One controller.

Well of course you are. You're a big stinking cow that's as biased as any of the other super cows on this site. It's not like you're going to be objective on anything MS. I've had both and I preferred the XOne controller over the PS4. It feels much better and the analog placement is much better IMO. Using AA batteries doesn't bother me 1 bit. I at least have the option and don't have to worry about battery failure unlike the DS4 controller.

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#100 BobRossPerm
Member since 2015 • 2886 Posts

I like the feel of it. I just hate how the rubber sticks melt in no time and the horrible start (options) button. The touch screen could be higher resolution too. Hopefully Tearaway Unfolded shows us that the controller gimmicks really can be used properly for a better gameplay experience. They exploited the seemingly useless Vita gimmicks well enough.