@RedentSC: Going by your logic, this would be the best layout for your thumbs.

I have to say it's my least favorite PlayStation controller besides the non rumble ps3 one too date. It just doesn't form or fit into my massive man hands in any way conducive to feeling snug or comfortable. It's too damn small and the way I need to play it cramps my hands and makes it extremely uncomfortable.
@charizard1605: On the flip side, you'll get to watch the Splash Brothers make it rain on James Harden's defense.
@frank_castle: You can leave the pro controller aside for a few weeks and it will still work. 80 hour battery life is nothing to scoff at; it can last for days and days. (its triggers are utter crap, however, for racing games)
@BigShotSmoov007: @nyadc: don't get your panties in a bunch for fucks sake and stop whining.
We bought the charger kit thing so there aren't 2 batteries in the xbox controller contributing to the weight. The fact that you don't take that into account is just like the dumbass you show to be Nyadc.
That's like a skinny guy putting on a 100lb jacket and saying "I WIEGH 250lbs!!!....IM BEEFY"
If anything...EVEN IF THE XBOX CONTROLLER IS STILL HEAVIER.....it STILL felt less solid.
Maybe that's what I was thinking but didn't expect to get the 3rd degree over a simple post.
The recharge kit is still two batteries in a plastic casing you incredible moron, and if anything it weighs more because of the casing...
The Xbox One controller has considerably higher build quality and has more plastic to remain rigid and solid. If you try to torque the XB1 controller it barely makes a sound, if you do the same with the DS4 you can hear the thin plastic which makes up its body crackle as it's flexing under the stress and borderline breaking under it.
It's a cheap and poorly constructed piece of shit.
the xb1 controller will break apart into 500 chinese plastic pieces if it falls from your lap onto a wood floor etc
this controller is not built on the same level as the 360 it feels cheap it feels plastic
the DS4 feels next gen japanese imo i dunno it just doesn't feel like that cheap plasticy toy feel that the xbone controller is rocking its disgusting honestly
Well i think the PS4 controller is better than the 360's and i'll take that over the Xbox One controller so i'd say it is. MS screwed up with the X1 controller, slackened off the sticks, the bumpers are awkward so i still catch them when i don't intend and the D-pad's still a bit naff compared to even the PS3's.
Love the DS4 though, they got the tension on the sticks spot on and the 3.5mm headphone jack is super useful. The touchpad's quite a nice addition too, i actually quite enjoy it's use in games. It'd be nice if they'd patch in the ability to turn off the LED and the battery life is a tad short but i can live with that given how you can nearly get a full charge in 5 minutes. Since they've fixed the rubber on the sticks the build quality is above the Xbox's imo.
@frank_castle: Would you buy a Wii U sans Gamepad even if the power was similar and the third party is just as non existent?
@nyadc: @BigShotSmoov007: way to complain about what I specifically addressed.....bigshot literally bitched about what I addressed and Nydac didn't reply until I said something about it.
Kudos. You 2 are fucking worthless.
Edit: I want to apologize for this post. It reads sorta like "what?" Bc it's a reply to one of those instances in an argument where the ppl you're arguing with say or do something so ridiculous you're not quite sure how to convey a response....you just sorta feel shaking your head and walking away is the only and proper response.
@frank_castle: Would you buy a Wii U sans Gamepad even if the power was similar and the third party is just as non existent?
Probably not, but it certainly wouldn't hurt.
That's been one of the biggest problems with Nintendo over the last 15-20 years.
Trying to be TOO innovative with shit like peripherals.
I still scratch my head when people list the N64 or Gamecube controllers as some of the greatest controllers ever made.
I'm baffled at how anyone can say the Xbox One controller is anything other than atrocious, even while play AC Unity I wish I could switch it for a 360 controller.
Not saying the PS4 controller is the best but it's a damn sight better than the Xbox One controller.
Not many people drink Kaz Hirai semen shakes for breakfast, like most Cows do.
Should I say that same thing about Spencer and you lot?
@TheEroica: That doesn't work for me. I literally feel no real difference between two. The level of comfort is equally the same.
Another opinion someone believes is a fact . If maybe 90 % or more had the same people it would be one thing but its more like 50% between x1 and ps4 controller
Either or really. doesn't make much difference where they are so long as its symmetrical. The lack of trackpad and the poor ergonomics of the Wii I controller lets it down though
@BigShotSmoov007: @nyadc: don't get your panties in a bunch for fucks sake and stop whining.
We bought the charger kit thing so there aren't 2 batteries in the xbox controller contributing to the weight. The fact that you don't take that into account is just like the dumbass you show to be Nyadc.
That's like a skinny guy putting on a 100lb jacket and saying "I WIEGH 250lbs!!!....IM BEEFY"
If anything...EVEN IF THE XBOX CONTROLLER IS STILL HEAVIER.....it STILL felt less solid.
Maybe that's what I was thinking but didn't expect to get the 3rd degree over a simple post.
The recharge kit is still two batteries in a plastic casing you incredible moron, and if anything it weighs more because of the casing...
The Xbox One controller has considerably higher build quality and has more plastic to remain rigid and solid. If you try to torque the XB1 controller it barely makes a sound, if you do the same with the DS4 you can hear the thin plastic which makes up its body crackle as it's flexing under the stress and borderline breaking under it.
It's a cheap and poorly constructed piece of shit.
the xb1 controller will break apart into 500 chinese plastic pieces if it falls from your lap onto a wood floor etc
this controller is not built on the same level as the 360 it feels cheap it feels plastic
the DS4 feels next gen japanese imo i dunno it just doesn't feel like that cheap plasticy toy feel that the xbone controller is rocking its disgusting honestly
LMAO...You've trule become a clown and the laughing stock of this forum. Nothing you say is believable and you just reinforce that with you corny claim about the X1 controller.
@nyadc: @BigShotSmoov007: way to complain about what I specifically addressed.....bigshot literally bitched about what I addressed and Nydac didn't reply until I said something about it.
Kudos. You 2 are fucking worthless.
Edit: I want to apologize for this post. It reads sorta like "what?" Bc it's a reply to one of those instances in an argument where the ppl you're arguing with say or do something so ridiculous you're not quite sure how to convey a response....you just sorta feel shaking your head and walking away is the only and proper response.
Dude you said the DualShock is heavier than the X1 controller and its not, we all know that and you come out of no where about batteries being in the controller oppose to not. Obviously you don't know the difference about having a conversation about something and bitching about something cause no one was doing any of that but if you consider what I was doing was bitching then what was you doing responding to me dummy? You was engaging me in the conversation as well but I guess you didn't realize that huh doofus.
@BigShotSmoov007: @nyadc: don't get your panties in a bunch for fucks sake and stop whining.
We bought the charger kit thing so there aren't 2 batteries in the xbox controller contributing to the weight. The fact that you don't take that into account is just like the dumbass you show to be Nyadc.
That's like a skinny guy putting on a 100lb jacket and saying "I WIEGH 250lbs!!!....IM BEEFY"
If anything...EVEN IF THE XBOX CONTROLLER IS STILL HEAVIER.....it STILL felt less solid.
Maybe that's what I was thinking but didn't expect to get the 3rd degree over a simple post.
The recharge kit is still two batteries in a plastic casing you incredible moron, and if anything it weighs more because of the casing...
The Xbox One controller has considerably higher build quality and has more plastic to remain rigid and solid. If you try to torque the XB1 controller it barely makes a sound, if you do the same with the DS4 you can hear the thin plastic which makes up its body crackle as it's flexing under the stress and borderline breaking under it.
It's a cheap and poorly constructed piece of shit.
the xb1 controller will break apart into 500 chinese plastic pieces if it falls from your lap onto a wood floor etc
this controller is not built on the same level as the 360 it feels cheap it feels plastic
the DS4 feels next gen japanese imo i dunno it just doesn't feel like that cheap plasticy toy feel that the xbone controller is rocking its disgusting honestly
LMAO...You've trule become a clown and the laughing stock of this forum. Nothing you say is believable and you just reinforce that with you corny claim about the X1 controller.
Here's FACT'S about the weight of each controller, and how does the DualShock feel heavier than the X1 controller?
Favourite PS Controller = PSX Analog Controller.
Favourite Nintendo = CC Wii
Favourite MS = Does the 1 have a decent Dpad now?!
Overall = 1st CC Wii, 2nd PSX AC, 3RD lawlz Xbox 360 depad auto win for X1.
@BigShotSmoov007: that's why you're worthless.
I said it feels lighter....not that is actually is. Which says something in and of itself.
Then...I said maybe it would be better to say it's more solid feeling.
But you're still in fanboy defense dumbass mode...so none of that mattered.
360 controller felt best in my hands, but the dpad was awful. PS4 controller hurts my hands after long plays, but I am more used to it now.
@BigShotSmoov007: that's why you're worthless.
I said it feels lighter....not that is actually is. Which says something in and of itself.
Then...I said maybe it would be better to say it's more solid feeling.
But you're still in fanboy defense dumbass mode...so none of that mattered.
Fanboy of controllers? LMAO you sound dumb.
@FastRobby: I use the Dpad for fighting games. Not on the xbox controller though bc it's in an odd place.
Also navigating around the system....xbox or PS.
@ProtossX: I have rechargeable batteries I use. I never use a headset for console gaming either. It's perfect for me and my hands.
@ProtossX: I have rechargeable batteries I use. I never use a headset for console gaming either. It's perfect for me and my hands.
ok what about the people who didn't have rechargable batteries (sometimes those die out and some ppl just don't have them on hand i don't even like to keep batteries in my home period) and what about the ppl who use headsets to chat with friends or to not make a ton of noise at night for neighbors what about those ppl intothemix tell me what do they do?
@TheEroica: That doesn't work for me. I literally feel no real difference between two. The level of comfort is equally the same.
Same here. I would say the only thing I prefer about the XBox one is the offset sticks, but its really minimal for me.
I'm baffled at how anyone can say the Xbox One controller is anything other than atrocious, even while play AC Unity I wish I could switch it for a 360 controller.
Not saying the PS4 controller is the best but it's a damn sight better than the Xbox One controller.
Not many people drink Kaz Hirai semen shakes for breakfast, like most Cows do.
Should I say that same thing about Spencer and you lot?
Not a Lem, but go ahead and make you're idiotic paranoid assumptions like most butthurt Cows do.
So you can make assumptions about me based on preference but I can't do the same?
You seem more butthurt to me.
I'm baffled at how anyone can say the Xbox One controller is anything other than atrocious, even while play AC Unity I wish I could switch it for a 360 controller.
Not saying the PS4 controller is the best but it's a damn sight better than the Xbox One controller.
Not many people drink Kaz Hirai semen shakes for breakfast, like most Cows do.
Should I say that same thing about Spencer and you lot?
Not a Lem, but go ahead and make you're idiotic paranoid assumptions like most butthurt Cows do.
So you can make assumptions about me based on preference but I can't do the same?
You seem more butthurt to me.
I never even called you a cow.
To quote YOU: "I'm baffled at howanyone can say the Xbox One controller is anything other than atrocious, even while play AC Unity I wish I could switch it for a 360 controller."
My Kaz Hirai Semen Shake statement was referencing to the bolded underlined part....meaning those people are not blinded by Sony fanboyism. I added the Kaz shakes to make it more brutally comedic.
And then I said: "....like most Cows do"
YOU got defensive and responded with Spencer and me. This would only imply you're a Cow.
Then I apologize, I thought you were being a butthurt fanboy.
Also nope, PC fanboy.
@ProtossX: Why wouldn't you have batteries in your house? Do you not have a television or other battery operated devices? Also, nothing is wrong with the XB1 headset. At least it's bundled with the console. As I've stated, the controller is perfect for me due to the architecture.
@ProtossX: Why wouldn't you have batteries in your house? Do you not have a television or other battery operated devices? Also, nothing is wrong with the XB1 headset. At least it's bundled with the console. As I've stated, the controller is perfect for me due to the architecture.
I just don't have batteries in my house I have tv, it doesn't run on batteries, the controller i have for tv uses batteries for years and i never replace them
the xb1 headset is horrible thats why the ps4 one lets you plug in good head sets u see the difference into the mix? and i just said i dont keep batteries in my jhouse if u dot htats ur business im not buying 2 batteries that die after 20 hours thats too expensive for my gaming needs and im not buying rechargeable another expensive device for it either
thats ur business and also the architecture like i said cramps my hands the grip isn't the same the xbox 360 grip its smaller its more narrow thats a fact minx its a fact look it up in a book
also the bumpers dont slide in they click in like im clicking a pen or something its not like a bumper on 360 or ps4 controller its NOThing like them its a click snap in kinda click thing thats not architecture i wanna be a part of me im sorry if thats ur thing thats ur thing i guess u like that snap in or whatever
@ProtossX: Why wouldn't you have batteries in your house? Do you not have a television or other battery operated devices? Also, nothing is wrong with the XB1 headset. At least it's bundled with the console. As I've stated, the controller is perfect for me due to the architecture.
I just don't have batteries in my house I have tv, it doesn't run on batteries, the controller i have for tv uses batteries for years and i never replace them
the xb1 headset is horrible thats why the ps4 one lets you plug in good head sets u see the difference into the mix? and i just said i dont keep batteries in my jhouse if u dot htats ur business im not buying 2 batteries that die after 20 hours thats too expensive for my gaming needs and im not buying rechargeable another expensive device for it either
thats ur business and also the architecture like i said cramps my hands the grip isn't the same the xbox 360 grip its smaller its more narrow thats a fact minx its a fact look it up in a book
also the bumpers dont slide in they click in like im clicking a pen or something its not like a bumper on 360 or ps4 controller its NOThing like them its a click snap in kinda click thing thats not architecture i wanna be a part of me im sorry if thats ur thing thats ur thing i guess u like that snap in or whatever
An Energizer charge base for two controllers which comes with the battery packs is only $29.99, that's expensive if you call a cardboard box home. On top of this most Xbox One headsets you buy come with the headset adapter, not to mention if they don't it's an extremely cheap part that you only have to buy once in the entire consoles life...
You're being a dramatic cow ProtossX.
Nah I disagree. But, It's an improvement over the older PS controllers....., minus the insanely terribad battery life.
It's funny, cows clowned the Xbone controller for having removable batteries, but that is actually a plus imo. At least you can get high capacity rechargeable batteries for it if you wanted.
I hate rechargeable batteries on the DS4. It only last about 3 hours before going dead while the eneloop juice my Xbox One pad for weeks on a single charge. While I do agree that the DS4 is the GOAT, the batteries can't be listed as a positive feature.
How does your DS4 only last 3 hours? I get 7 easily!
Nah I disagree. But, It's an improvement over the older PS controllers....., minus the insanely terribad battery life.
It's funny, cows clowned the Xbone controller for having removable batteries, but that is actually a plus imo. At least you can get high capacity rechargeable batteries for it if you wanted.
Apparently options are a bad thing....
I hate rechargeable batteries on the DS4. It only last about 3 hours before going dead while the eneloop juice my Xbox One pad for weeks on a single charge. While I do agree that the DS4 is the GOAT, the batteries can't be listed as a positive feature.
How does your DS4 only last 3 hours? I get 7 easily!
my xb1 drains 2 very expensive batteries every 18-22 hours
my ps4 lasts 5-7 hours at fullish but doesn't cost me a cent and i can play while its charging so im golden
the only issue would be if ur couch is like 100 feet away from ur console and u cant play close then yes uve got a problem but the xb1 doesn't solve it its gonna cost u crapload of cash just buy another ps4 controller an leave one two charging on the side its much better
I hate rechargeable batteries on the DS4. It only last about 3 hours before going dead while the eneloop juice my Xbox One pad for weeks on a single charge. While I do agree that the DS4 is the GOAT, the batteries can't be listed as a positive feature.
How does your DS4 only last 3 hours? I get 7 easily!
my xb1 drains 2 very expensive batteries every 18-22 hours
my ps4 lasts 5-7 hours at fullish but doesn't cost me a cent and i can play while its charging so im golden
the only issue would be if ur couch is like 100 feet away from ur console and u cant play close then yes uve got a problem but the xb1 doesn't solve it its gonna cost u crapload of cash just buy another ps4 controller an leave one two charging on the side its much better
The batteries in this also last up to 40 hours on a single charge which is also the rated life for normal AA batteries in the Xbox One controller.
Also logic bombs, that 5-7 hours on your PS4 controller 2 years from now will be 3-5 hours or worse depending on usage and recharges, every time you plug that thing in to charge you damage the battery more and more.
We thought long and hard about integrating batteries,” Alam divulges. “Rechargeable batteries have X number of cycles. After those cycles, the controller has to be replaced… after one year of daily recharging, it seems to be losing its charge in a significantly faster timeframe than when it first did coming out of the box.”
He goes on to explain that Microsoft give gamers the option to make the Xbox One peripheral a rechargeable controller if they desire, by using a play-and-charge kit, though this costs an additional $24.99. The inherent advantage of this though, is that if you do become fed up with the low amount of charge your controller is getting, you don’t have to buy an entirely new controller, just a new battery pack. Alam also estimated that AA batteries would give a player roughly 40 hours of playtime but “with rechargeable you have effectively less.”
The battery life is terrible and the build quality is incredibly cheap, which I guess is par the course for all Sony products but it still sucks. Gamecube controller and 360 controller are still my favorite controllers.
the features alone outnumber the hell out of 360 controller ps4 is the only true next gen controller for this generation
Shut up. The DS4 is a cheap piece of shit with a gimmicky touch pad. The DS3 shits all over it! Also, the XBO controller is better quality, lasts longer and has rumble triggers. The DS4 isn't an improvement over the DS3 while the XBO controller is an improvement over the 360 controller. The XBO controller is better because there is no more bulky battery pack underneath with the wireless, they finally got the D-pad right and it's more accurate. It's only downfall is the shoulder buttons in my opinion.
The battery life is terrible and the build quality is incredibly cheap, which I guess is par the course for all Sony products but it still sucks. Gamecube controller and 360 controller are still my favorite controllers.
the features alone outnumber the hell out of 360 controller ps4 is the only true next gen controller for this generation
Shut up. The DS4 is a cheap piece of shit with a gimmicky touch pad. The DS3 shits all over it! Also, the XBO controller is better quality, lasts longer and has rumble triggers. The DS4 isn't an improvement over the DS3 while the XBO controller is an improvement over the 360 controller. The XBO controller is better because there is no more bulky battery pack underneath, they finally got the D-pad right and it's more accurate. It's only downfall is the shoulder buttons in my opinion.
I have to call alt on this, no one in their right mind would actually leverage that the Dual Shock 3 is a better controller than the Dual Shock 4, they're both pretty shitty but the DS3 is an entire other level of shit.
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