Maybe blog material, but I see the difference between PC's and current gen consoles widening fast . High Definition was a nice distraction to make current gen consoles competitive against expensive high end PC's with minimal difference (that was before Crysis came out) . There's a rumor that the next gen won't start before 2015 (I know Microsoft is hiring people to design hardware) and Sony is still strugling to make PS3 profitable .
This makes me wonder, are consoles going to stay competitive compared to PC's until at least 2015 . I see the PS3 having a good line up this year and Microsoft has the Kinect to make money . But what about the next years . I honestly cannot play the same graphics until 2015 anymore ! Time to change to PC gaming again ? the previous time I wanted to change, the xbox360 came out a few months later, but this time, things aren't about to change in console land for quite some time...and Battlefield 3 and Crysis 2 look so much better on PC !!!
nope because developers dont make big budget PC exlcusives anymore, with the user installed base (now almost 100 million) of consoles increasing and actually gaining in momentum (now getting casual gamers also from the Wii) developers and publishers will only make games first and foremost for the consoles as this kind of revenue just cant be ignored
and then the PC will get the ports. wihich of course will look better but not even close to the generation in hardware difference (the PC has) would suggest
as the hardware race rages on developers will just not put the required invesment into creating these advanced graphics when the profit wont even be anough for a meal for everyone at Pizza hut
the question is why do people continue to even buy the latest hardware? I havent upgraded for 2 years and dont need to...well until the next gen of consoles comes out, it just isnt needed unless you like counting frames per second and seeing what ridiculous resolutions you can attain on a little 24 inch monitor
720p looks great on my 50 inch TV, so why do you need 2560 by 1900 on a 24 inch!? it boggles the mind
Uncharted 2 and Killzone 3 are perfect examples, give developers familiar hardware and its amazing what they can pump out of 5 year old hardware, even Halo Reach character models looked fantastic... some of the best out there
while I still play PC games, the people that keeps upgrading are..well...being bent over and shafted by AMD and nvidia, I just wont buy into it anymore
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