[QUOTE="CassiusGaius"][QUOTE="Zeliard9"][QUOTE="I_pWnzz_YoU"] Gahh!! Stop this senseless bickering, can't we all just get along? ( :lol: Yeah right)
Just setting the facts straight. Guy came after me, so I had to give him a Niko-style drop-kick to the back while wearing Tims.
Uh, no I didn't. I said its quite evident that SR had one edge over GTA4 being the physics. THATS IT. Its pretty observable viewing the videos. Then you replied laughing at Havok physics, which is a multi million dollar invested engine used by high profile game companies.
That doesn't mean that Euphoria sucks. I didn't say GTA sucks, its a simple observation.
You attacked me first sir, good day.
#1 - I was referring to the guy who called me a troll, not you.
#2 - You're wrong, factually. There's nothing Havok does that Euphoria can't also do, and there are many things Euphoria does that Havok doesn't do.
How does Saints Row have better physics? It uses basic ragdoll on its character models and the vehicle physics are almost non-existant. GTA4 uses procedural animation, and that's on top of mo-cap. And the vehicles each have their own individual physics and suspension system. They even bend and dent depending on where they get hit and what they hit.
That's why the only real option when someone brings up Havok as superior tech is to laugh. The reason it's used by so many is because it's been around for a decade and is effective enough. Euphoria is new and does a lot more, even impacting A.I., and GTA4 is the first game out with it.
But whatever floats your boat, man. Some people still prefer black-and-white over color TV.
i wasn't calling you a troll. i was asking if the other guy was trolling because you gave a very irritated response to him. my intention wasn't really to talk about physics. just that you had a bad attitude towards the discussion.
now looking back- i don't know why i bothered.
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