[QUOTE="Zeliard9"] I do regret watching these vids, and not because they spoiled anything (they didn't). But because they're gonna make the next few days even tougher. They got my anticipation even higher, which I didn't think was possible previously.
Btw, seriously, just wait until the U.S. media gets a proper look at this. Some of the violence is so brutal and realistic in the game now, with the upgraded graphics and animations, that they're gonna have a field day with it. All it'll take is one vid of a cop staggering away injured while Niko walks up to him and coldly shoots him in the head, and they'll replay that clip over and over.
You can see it from a mile away.
Honestly I could care less about how the U.S media reacts to Grand Theft Auto, god knows every media potraying violent game creates double standards and that the videogame industry is the one getting held at the back end of the bus while your movies, books and even life itself.
Im in the same position as you are, im shaking my knees, my hands and replaying the GTA4 intro over and over again. Its coming and right now its at the stage where my usually calm self is cursing at the people that got GTA4 early simply because of pure jealousy.
Oh, I agree completely that it's hypocritical. I'm just saying, I hope that Rockstar is prepared, since there's gonna be a media onslaught because of the series' newfound viscerality. I mean look at what happened to Mass Effect. That's like child's play compared to this. Although Rockstar will probably also benefit from the publicity, if GTA4 becomes notorious.
Yeah, it's funny about these leaked vids. I was only gonna watch one at first real quick mainly just to see if the framerate is stable, and then close it before I even got to the end. Instead I've ended up watching way, way too many of them.
Although on the plus side, the game's pretty much exceeded my expectations, which shouldn't have been possible. And to think that these videos are just scratching the surface - they're just of people running around doing random stuff in the borough you start the game in. There are 5 boroughs, the main story alone includes
[spoiler] 90+ missions [/spoiler]
And that's not including all the side missions, mini-games and other activities. Then a full-fledged, highly customizable multiplayer with 15+ modes. And then DLC for the 360 version??
Craziest game ever?
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