I'll be getting it for the 360, one example why, is because if this little thing called achievements. I mean say you're online and you tell the other players you killed 10,000 pedestrians, how would people know if you're telling the truth? Simple, they would just look at your achievements. Also with the multiplayer you could showcase your true skill by the superior ranking system Xbox Live has. So you can weed out the noobs from the people who's really has a competitive spirit, most of them are 360 owners.
The 360 version just have so many features available now, it has custom sound tracks, achievements, everyone is guaranteed to have headsets, every controller has rumble (you will need to buy a DS3 for your PS3 if you want rumble, $55).
Also if people can enjoy games like Mass Effect and Lost Oyssey which are critically acclaim games, I'm pretty sure people can enjoy the 360 version of GTA IV, because these technical differences aren't noticable to the naked eye by the average gamer.
Also think of it like this, say GTA IV is ice cream and so far everyone thinks it's delicious. While both 360 and PS3 will get a scoop, only the 360 owners will have extra exclusive episodic scoops. Now that's something to whet your appetite, mMm GTA IV is hella yummy, me want more!
B..bb...ut rrod!!!!!!!!! Seriously i dont even care about rrod anymore, my 360 has held up fine. What i do give a crap about is that it likes scratching disks. Several levels of cod4 are now unplayable because of the damage done by my 360, and this completely nullifies every single advantage you gave there.
Also achievements is the worst "plus" you listed. Most people don't give a ****, especially cows, since they haven't even experienced them . From my understanding GTA has always had a comprehensive list of stats anyway (well liberty city stories did anyway).
I doubt the difference between the two will be very noticeable, unless you happen to have both versions. GENUINE 360 advantages are: DLC, custom soundtracks, everyone has a headset, and a significantly larger online community. However, im sure ps3 will also have custom soundtracks also down the line. Larger online community is irrelevant for this game, as it will sell millions on ps3 as well. Headset isn't that big a deal for this game either, since gta has always been about the single player, and many ps3 players have headset also.
Bottom line, if you are not concerned about rrod or scratchy disks (this game will receive an incredible amount of play time) and would like dlc, you would be stupid not to get the 360 version. (BUT playstation and gta belong wit each other!!!!!!!!!!!!)
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