After knowing that the PS4 Neo is real,and a confirmation of spec a 36CU Polaris GPU( is the only one fitting the description) how do you think PC gamers will react to it,i have read here many times and in other forums post from hermits which were not very happy with the specs of the PS4 and xbox one,and were more happy when MS and sony were trying harder like with the 360 which was pretty powerful back on 2005.
A Polaris 36CU 911 mhz GPU will deliver considerable performance and true 4k gaming,sure it may not be 60FPS but then again we are on console 30FPS is the norm,and that is achievable on that GPU.
For example on SWBF3 the 390X does 36 FPS,sure is not 60,but is ultra 4k,dropping to high should deliver a considerable boost to performance.
So 4k is doable contrary to what even i my self believe.
So i have a couple of question.
1-Can the PS4 Neo eat some sales from PC.?
2-Will PC gamers with mid rage or low start looking the PS4 neo in a favorable way.
3-If the price is $400 like it is being rumor will any of the Hermits here jump,specially those with GPU under the R390X or equivalent on Nvidia side.
I think that if $400 holds as the price the Neo PS4 can be quite popular and will introduce some real competition for PC,sure like always you will get more power on PC,but a Polaris 10 like GPU inside the PS4 for $400 when most PC gamers don't have that king of power will surely draw some PC gamers in.
Even at $500 still is a pretty good deal for gamers on PC and outside as well,considering that is the price of a Rage Fury stand alone,it was even more a few months ago like $600 for some models.
I also think MS will not play alone with this,i think MS will deliver a slim this year probably or summer 2017 the most,i don't think the will fallow,and i think MS recent move to migrate exclusives to PC is probably a way to counter the PS4 Neo,they most have found sony was doing this and started to move its exclusive to PC so you want to run Forza better do it on widnows 10 PC,sure it put it at a disadvantage at price but the option is there.
By the way i am jumping in on the PS4 neo it will be a great deal if the price is $400 or $500.
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