you mean the story right ???
every game is scripted when it come to story
but the way you plays has nothing to do with the story scripting
and as i said the game is not linear
it allow you to explore
you can even avoid them
but if you are talking about what you saw is just scenarios and scripted
then i think you got the wrong idea about what i'm talking about
non of what you saw is scripted
only the elevator part
nothing more
and yes i'm excited for it and as of now i'm going media blackout for this one
lol I'm sure the next piece of info shown or released you will be right back hyping it :P
And let's just say it seems to be as dynamic as they say but without playing it none of us know how non scripted or scripted it really is. Looks on the right track though.
i will try not too though :Pand it's real simple any one can see the how different the gameplay and ai in both demos
and it's in the SAME place
what more prove any one need other than that
why every other site already see the dynamic ai
even neogaf is praising this game ai now
every preview is loving the game ai
only some people here are having a hard time admit the game have awesome ai:cool:
Stop writing your sentences like that lol. Also we still haven't played it so we don't know, I'd rather assume the worst and be surprised than praise it to high heavens and be let down by something. but yes, it does look as though those sources are right.
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