A flop that got more GOTY votes than any PC game. Damn, how great is that when even a playstation flop is more highly praised than all the games on the system you fanboy.
Either PS flops are that good or games on other systems are just piss poor when compared to those "flops". Nintendo exclusives are the only games that tend to compete with playstation flops in quality but maybe that "flop" tag you desperately cling on to helps you sleep better at night.
Sweet Dreams
It's nice to see you finally accepting it as a flop. For a while there, you seemed to be in massive damage control mode.
Also, why are we talking about a last gen game? We might as well include Ocarina of Time in this poll, since it has a Metascore of 99.
1. What do you mean, "you finally accepting it as a fllop."?
Don't act like another one of the morons who pulls quotes out his ass to say something dumb. I have never not accepted it as a flop here, might want to check who you are addressing cause you are shooting blanks with that recollection.
2. Why are we talking about a last gen game?
Isn't that a question you should be addressing to the topic creator? Shouldn't have waited til quoting my post before trying to bring that up.
TLOU is nice, but Bayonetta 2 is one of those games I'll be able to come back to over and over again. Gameplay trumps all.
Also AAAAE > you OP.
this. The Last of us is great but Boyonetta 2 slaughters it in the area that keeps you coming back: gameplay.
Or perhaps you don't understand English or have reading comprehension issues. Yes that makes sense.
I responded to your "got a flop" comment appropriately but since you can't deal with how I addressed it, you deflect and start talking about "the concept of a flop" as if I somehow challenged it in my post. No, but nice way to fail again lostrib.
"the concept of flop on SW" is reserved for hype of a game that GS has yet to score and is determined by offical hype threads here in SW.
When discussing post-released game quality and opinion on those games the conversation goes beyond simple SW hype game using GS scores. Perhaps you don't understand that concept, this isn't a hype thread. SMH at you trying to tell someone what they might not understand. Sit down.
Actually a flop is only determined after the game is scored. I mean we can only discuss it as a flop after the game has released...
Y'all are so sensitive about TLOU flopping. Just because it flopped doesn't make it a bad game, but you guys always seem to get so upset.
As I said, I played the game, and I greatly enjoyed it. So what do I care if it flopped or if it got a billion awards, doesn't change my enjoyment of the game
1. "Actually a flop is only determined after the game is scored."
For SW hype, again this isn't a hype thread. SMH are you still not grasping that fact or is this just your usual thick-headedness kicking in?
2. "Y'all are so sensitive about TLOU flopping."
*shrug* and "Y'all are so sensitive when people put that flop in perspective with rating average and countless GOTY awards. keh.
It seems to go both ways so there is no point in you complaining since you were the first one to jump in with the "flop" tag to throw on TLOU as if System Wars GS hype status was sufficient to determine everything TLOU is. All I did was add some bits of information you left out.
3. "So what do I care if it flopped or if it got a billion awards, doesn't change my enjoyment of the game"
If you are operating by your own opinion of the game why do you cling to the "flop" status as if that somehow helps you speak on the game as opposed to someone using those "awards"? Seems contradictory at the very least. I couldn't criticize your comments so easily if they weren't so inconsistent lostrib.
Or perhaps you don't understand English or have reading comprehension issues. Yes that makes sense.
I responded to your "got a flop" comment appropriately but since you can't deal with how I addressed it, you deflect and start talking about "the concept of a flop" as if I somehow challenged it in my post. No, but nice way to fail again lostrib.
"the concept of flop on SW" is reserved for hype of a game that GS has yet to score and is determined by offical hype threads here in SW.
When discussing post-released game quality and opinion on those games the conversation goes beyond simple SW hype game using GS scores. Perhaps you don't understand that concept, this isn't a hype thread. SMH at you trying to tell someone what they might not understand. Sit down.
Actually a flop is only determined after the game is scored. I mean we can only discuss it as a flop after the game has released...
Y'all are so sensitive about TLOU flopping. Just because it flopped doesn't make it a bad game, but you guys always seem to get so upset.
As I said, I played the game, and I greatly enjoyed it. So what do I care if it flopped or if it got a billion awards, doesn't change my enjoyment of the game
1. "Actually a flop is only determined after the game is scored."
For SW hype, again this isn't a hype thread. SMH are you still not grasping that fact or is this just your usual thick headedness kicking in?
2. "Y'all are so sensitive about TLOU flopping."
*shrug* and "Y'all are so sensitive when people put that flop in perspective.
It seems to go both ways so there is no point in you complaining since you were the first one to jump in the "flop" tag to throw on TLOU as if System Wars GS hype status was sufficient to establish everything it got after it released. All I did was add some bits of information you left out.
3. "So what do I care if it flopped or if it got a billion awards, doesn't change my enjoyment of the game"
If you are operating by your own opinion of the game why do you cling to the "flop" status as if that somehow helps you speak on the game as opposed to someone using those "awards"? Seems contradictory at the very least. I couldn't criticize your comments so easily if they weren't so inconsistent.
because you guys get so worked up about it flopping
1. "Actually a flop is only determined after the game is scored."
For SW hype, again this isn't a hype thread. SMH are you still not grasping that fact or is this just your usual thick headedness kicking in?
2. "Y'all are so sensitive about TLOU flopping."
*shrug* and "Y'all are so sensitive when people put that flop in perspective.
It seems to go both ways so there is no point in you complaining since you were the first one to jump in the "flop" tag to throw on TLOU as if System Wars GS hype status was sufficient to establish everything it got after it released. All I did was add some bits of information you left out.
3. "So what do I care if it flopped or if it got a billion awards, doesn't change my enjoyment of the game"
If you are operating by your own opinion of the game why do you cling to the "flop" status as if that somehow helps you speak on the game as opposed to someone using those "awards"? Seems contradictory at the very least. I couldn't criticize your comments so easily if they weren't so inconsistent.
because you guys get so worked up about it flopping
lol, not really. But if that is the way you see it, then it works both ways for you guys who get worked up over it's GOTY awards.
as I said, a wash. Better to just operate under your own opinion if want to criticize the game. Trying to use outside opinion when discussing quality applying the "flop" tag to TLOU outside of talking about SW's hype for GS scores is always a double edged sword.
I am fine with TLOU being a flop for SW, doesn't change or eliminate the other distinctions that represent what the game accomplished.
Actually a flop is only determined after the game is scored. I mean we can only discuss it as a flop after the game has released...
Y'all are so sensitive about TLOU flopping. Just because it flopped doesn't make it a bad game, but you guys always seem to get so upset.
As I said, I played the game, and I greatly enjoyed it. So what do I care if it flopped or if it got a billion awards, doesn't change my enjoyment of the game
Ahh, give it up. You should know by now that every time a major Playstation game flops people try to change the rules.
Awww, poor FreedomFreeLife's ploy failed.
I don't know, this makes him seem pretty stupid...or was that not his ploy this time
Appearing stupid is just something he does by the side.
This was more of him trying, as always, to downplay Bayonetta 2's 10/10. It was pretty sad too.
Awww, poor FreedomFreeLife's ploy failed.
I don't know, this makes him seem pretty stupid...or was that not his ploy this time
Appearing stupid is just something he does by the side.
This was more of him trying, as always, to downplay Bayonetta 2's 10/10. It was pretty sad too.
ah so his usual incessant WiiU bashing. That always blows up in his face, good stuff
The last of us. No contest really. Though the games are so different. Let's just say both are at the top of their respected genres
@Lulu_Lulu: lower standards? There are tons of amazing action/adventure games. That was kind of stupid to say.
Let's just say both are at the top of their respected genres
If The Last of Us is the best the TPS/action-adventure genre has to offer, then gaming has become a sad shell of it's former greatness.
Why are we even comparing these two games other than their arbitrary scores being close to eachother?
Bayonetta 2 excels in its gameplay to the point that sacrifices the story. The Last of Us is so compelling as a story that the gameplay takes a seat at the back of the bus.
They are different games in every way especially their ideology.
Well for a different reason to me then. I just don't get how hack and slash games are hailed as the height of gameplay. A one with a shit, cheesy plot with bad voice acting at that. But that's just me. Reviewers are lovin it and so are gamers.
Because Hack and Slash is all about the gameplay. And not everyone considers them the height of gameplay. People have just said that Bayonetta 2 is the height of the HnS genre.
But yeah, the whole shit, cheesy stuff. That's totally up to the individual. I dig all that campy shit. If you're not into it, you're not into it.
Story in LOU is probably better but these are video games we're talking about. Bayonetta arguably has a better video game plot because it's not trying to be a movie.
Let's just say both are at the top of their respected genres
If The Last of Us is the best the TPS/action-adventure genre has to offer, then gaming has become a sad shell of it's former greatness.
Just gonna throw this out there. I enjoyed Gears 3 way, way more than TLOU as a TPS. I think it's a far better game in everything but it's story, and I have no idea why people think TLOU is GOTY material or top in it's genre. Not to say it isn't really good and well produced, I just don't think it comes anywhere close to the best games of the last generation.
TLOU is nice, but Bayonetta 2 is one of those games I'll be able to come back to over and over again. Gameplay trumps all.
Also AAAAE > you OP.
this. The Last of us is great but Boyonetta 2 slaughters it in the area that keeps you coming back: gameplay.
Both are very different gameplay wise. Boyonetta have very fantastic gameplay, but so does TLoU. I wouldn't say that one "slaughters" the other one.
Let's just say both are at the top of their respected genres
If The Last of Us is the best the TPS/action-adventure genre has to offer, then gaming has become a sad shell of it's former greatness.
No. TLOU is a fantastic game.
No, it's a good game. There are immersion breaking problems and some really wonky AI. If someone forgives these issues, I can see why they think it's GOAT-level, but it really isn't. Most people with some sense and some experience playing games in the genre know it isn't the greatest thing since sliced bread.
It's quite enjoyable, but it isn't perfect nor "fantastic".
Well for a different reason to me then. I just don't get how hack and slash games are hailed as the height of gameplay. A one with a shit, cheesy plot with bad voice acting at that. But that's just me. Reviewers are lovin it and so are gamers.
Because Hack and Slash is all about the gameplay. And not everyone considers them the height of gameplay. People have just said that Bayonetta 2 is the height of the HnS genre.
But yeah, the whole shit, cheesy stuff. That's totally up to the individual. I dig all that campy shit. If you're not into it, you're not into it.
You see to me, when I play Devil May Cry and Bayonetta, I just press buttons and don't think about it. And what do you know? The enemy is dead. When I play Dark Souls, I have to block, dodge, plan a swing attack, and actually battle the enemy by controlling what I do. How is the former better gameplay than the latter? Sure, they are different games, but I feel there is simply more to other games than hack and slash games. I kind of liked DMC. But that's because it was more compelling as an over all experience than Bayonetta to me. Even though Bayonetta is considered to have better gameplay according to die hard hack/slash fans.
I guess it all comes down to what you like better. I don't even like DMC that much tho because it's for emos and goths, but I get others love that shit. It can be fun to bash enemies left and right. But I prefer beat em ups like Batman Arkham games. But to me, it has to be a whole package for me to like a game. The atmosphere, the plot, the dialouge, gameplay has to be good, the sense of achievement also. That is the thing as a whole. And I find TLOU a much better experience than hack and slash games. Who is to say I'm wrong? But then who is to say you are wrong too?
TL;DR, I get that Bayonetta and hack/slash games are loved, but I find them repetative and boring, and normally have shit plots and levels (Imo). Good enemies in them though. I must admit.
I only think hack n slash games fail when they try to other level types. The vehicle level in Bayonetta is downright broken.
But I have seen experienced gamers do GODLY things in Bayonetta and DMC. Pushing any button MAY do the trick (on easy and very easy) but you def have to do more thinking if you want to beat a platinum game on normal.
(Also with witch time requiring so much precision I would argue hack n slash games are not as dumb as you say. At least not the good ones.)
You see to me, when I play Devil May Cry and Bayonetta, I just press buttons and don't think about it. And what do you know? The enemy is dead. When I play Dark Souls, I have to block, dodge, plan a swing attack, and actually battle the enemy by controlling what I do. How is the former better gameplay than the latter? Sure, they are different games, but I feel there is simply more to other games than hack and slash games. I kind of liked DMC. But that's because it was more compelling as an over all experience than Bayonetta to me. Even though Bayonetta is considered to have better gameplay according to die hard hack/slash fans.
I guess it all comes down to what you like better. I don't even like DMC that much tho because it's for emos and goths, but I get others love that shit. It can be fun to bash enemies left and right. But I prefer beat em ups like Batman Arkham games. But to me, it has to be a whole package for me to like a game. The atmosphere, the plot, the dialouge, gameplay has to be good, the sense of achievement also. That is the thing as a whole. And I find TLOU a much better experience than hack and slash games. Who is to say I'm wrong? But then who is to say you are wrong too?
TL;DR, I get that Bayonetta and hack/slash games are loved, but I find them repetative and boring, and normally have shit plots and levels (Imo). Good enemies in them though. I must admit.
That is amazing, cause even when I take my mind off of the action for a second and start randomly pressing button, I get the shit kicked out of me in Bayonetta 1 AND 2. Then when I think I beat the hell out of the monster, turns out I didn't and I am rewarded with a stone award. Great. lol. You are either playing on easy or are just supremely good at the game without trying.
You see to me, when I play Devil May Cry and Bayonetta, I just press buttons and don't think about it. And what do you know? The enemy is dead. When I play Dark Souls, I have to block, dodge, plan a swing attack, and actually battle the enemy by controlling what I do. How is the former better gameplay than the latter? Sure, they are different games, but I feel there is simply more to other games than hack and slash games. I kind of liked DMC. But that's because it was more compelling as an over all experience than Bayonetta to me. Even though Bayonetta is considered to have better gameplay according to die hard hack/slash fans.
Try doing that on a harder difficulty. Souls games are tough from the get-go. Silly argument, scott.
I guess it all comes down to what you like better. I don't even like DMC that much tho because it's for emos and goths, but I get others love that shit. It can be fun to bash enemies left and right. But I prefer beat em ups like Batman Arkham games. But to me, it has to be a whole package for me to like a game. The atmosphere, the plot, the dialouge, gameplay has to be good, the sense of achievement also. That is the thing as a whole. And I find TLOU a much better experience than hack and slash games. Who is to say I'm wrong? But then who is to say you are wrong too?
You're not wrong. It's simple preference.
TL;DR, I get that Bayonetta and hack/slash games are loved, but I find them repetative and boring, and normally have shit plots and levels (Imo). Good enemies in them though. I must admit.
And that's completely fine.
BTW I'm extremelly butthurt by this poll :(
Well The Last of Us is a great title because of strong characterization and story supported be gameplay that fits both of those aspects better than any other story driven game I've played before.
Bayonetta 2 is a feat of gameplay excellence. It's mechanical intricacies and breadth of possible combo combinations is outstanding and realized to its fullest potential within a superbly polished package. It's action gaming at its finest.
Both of these games are the best at what they set out to do, it's just that I'm more of a sucker for amazing gameplay.
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