I've noticed a lot of people saying that they won't by a game if it has an online pass attached to it.
First thing's first, if you are going to get the game new then it doesn't really matter to you so why not buy it anyway?
Secondly, you're hurting yourselves and the development team. You're hurting yourself by missing out on the actual enjoyment of the game. You're hurting the dev team because they have this awesome game that you refuse to play because of a decision that was made by the publisher.
You guys should realize that dev teams can get shut down for low sales, the publisher is always going to be there. So now you've hurt yourself twice, you missed out on an awesome game and then missed out on the potential games that dev team could have made.
So I ask you, is it worth it to lose great games because of an online pass? State your opinion on the matter.
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